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Natalie Lien nataliefl

  • Iterate AS
  • Oslo
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Summary: .global (/g) and .sticky (/y)

/g /y /yg
.exec() at .lI or later at .lI same as /y
.test() at .lI or later at .lI same as /y
.replace() ignores & resets .lI at .lI /g w/o gaps
.replaceAll() ignores .lI TypeError /g w/o gaps
.search() no effect no effect no effect
.match() Array of group 0 captures like .exec() /g w/o gaps
alryaz /
Last active August 18, 2019 16:07
First attempt at developing homeassistant-discoverable MiScale integration
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import binascii
import time
import os
import csv
import sys
import json
mohanpedala /
Last active December 26, 2024 00:04
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
squidpickles /
Last active September 14, 2024 14:29
Multi-platform (amd64 and arm) Kubernetes cluster

Multiplatform (amd64 and arm) Kubernetes cluster setup

The official guide for setting up Kubernetes using kubeadm works well for clusters of one architecture. But, the main problem that crops up is the kube-proxy image defaults to the architecture of the master node (where kubeadm was run in the first place).

This causes issues when arm nodes join the cluster, as they will try to execute the amd64 version of kube-proxy, and will fail.

It turns out that the pod running kube-proxy is configured using a DaemonSet. With a small edit to the configuration, it's possible to create multiple DaemonSets—one for each architecture.


Follow the instructions at for setting up the master node. I've been using Weave Net as the network plugin; it see

paulirish / server-timing-demo.js
Last active August 7, 2024 16:56
Demo of server timing values. visualized in chrome devtools
// see for screenshot:
const http = require('http');
function requestHandler(request, response) {
const headers = {
'Server-Timing': `
sql-1;desc="MySQL lookup Server";dur=100,
sql-2;dur=900;desc="MySQL shard Server #1",
PhilKershaw / gist:2171814
Created March 23, 2012 15:31
Simple example of using 2-legged OAuth in Node.js (requires node-oauth)
var express = require('express');
var oauth = require('oauth');
var app = express.createServer();
var key = "[api-key]";
var secret = "[api-secret]";
var request = new oauth.OAuth(null, null, key, secret, '1.0', null, 'HMAC-SHA1');
app.get('/api-request', function(req, res){
kogakure / .gitignore
Last active November 19, 2024 13:22
Git: .gitignore file for LaTeX projects