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Nate Venn natevenn

  • Prague, Czechia
View GitHub Profile
(Who am I)
I consider myself a builder in every sense of the word.
Whether it’s building physical spaces, a sense of community, relationships, or software,
I find great joy in working with my hands, my mind, and people.
As my past experiences demonstrate, I have gained knowledge and skills in working
successfully within and across diverse environments and populations.
I bring a strong background in working collaboratively with teams and leading teams
in a open minded, creative and solution-oriented way.
Be timely with response
To find out about a companies culture - ask specific question:
- what are the extremes such as what works really well at the company and what needs impovement
- actively listen so you can ask follow-up questions ( really dig in )
Find and seek people.
- when trying to schedule a meeting - be specific on location, date, time.
How to deal with salary
- what are you offering for this position

Name: Nate Venn

Which Assignments and Why?

  • Which assignments did you choose to complete this week?
    • The Plan
    • Community Involvment
  • Why did you choose these assignments?
    • I chose the the community involvment because I feel that being part of a community is what will help me get a job and also keep me engaged.
What is Flux?
- action, dispatch(controller), store(data layer), view(view can pass an action back to the dispatcher)
- action creators are like the methods and helpers for the dispatcher
- dispatcher makes sure there are no cascading effects or i.e. one action in the store at a time
- store is where the logic is done and manipulates state then passes down to child in the view
- show a image of a flux diagram
- Its a pattern not a framework
- maybe examples of common implementations of the pattern (redux)
Why Flux?
- compare and contrast the MVC model
- Wed - Brennan and Heidi have off weds night
- Fri - Heidi goes home early
- Mon - Heidi gone from 5-7pm
Work style
- Brennan
- prefers not to work early in the mornings
- conforms
- prefers pairing, but can work solo
**Step One**: Watch [Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
**Step Two**: Fork this gist.
**Step Three**: Respond to this question in your fork: "What are some of the balances and trade offs between different sorting algoritms?"
- Insertion
- pros are that it is a stable sort and good for small data sets (use if you are sorting on the browser)
- cons are that its slow with big data (O(n2)
- pros are that it is easy to implement and good for small data

List 5 companies you might want to apply for:

2 companies you think you'd like to work for

  • NREL - National Renewable Energy Labortory
  • eGauge 2 companies you don't really want to work for but that have a job posting somewhere you'd like to live
  • All State

1 dream company (BaseCamp, Funny or Die, Github... somewhere it's hard to get hired but wouldn't that be cool, eh?) *


my code

responder 1 this person created variables for each calculation and then calls on that variable in the conditional. This is probably good practice for more complicated nested functions but for this problem I dont think its necessary

responder 2 this person kept it simple and evaluated the parameter using && and or operands, similar to me. They kept it very simple by just returning the evaluated statement and saved a couple of lines

Other than the first time I wrote some JS code that chained several callback functions that each required parameters and
I ended up passing in 6 parameters to the initial function, I havent had to pass more then five parameters in ruby. Therefore
I dont see the four method argument that challenging yet. So I then must say that the one instance variable per controller action
is probably the hardest to follow. I can think of numerous views that need access to different objects and classes. But the one
solution mentions (facade pattern) seemed like a easy solution to the one instance variable.
Ajax is a way to load data on the browser without reloading the page
It uses a browser's built-in XMLHttpRequest
jQuery has $.ajax() method
A is for asynchronous
jax is for JS and XML
Today most servers return JSON which is a subset representation of a JS object in string format
jQuery handles the parsing of JSON into JS for us.
jquery also has convenient methods if you dont care about error handling.
.get() and .post()