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Nestor G Pestelos Jr ngpestelos

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erikh /
Created March 31, 2012 07:02 — forked from DAddYE/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
fdmanana / gist:832610
Created February 17, 2011 20:27
The CouchDB replicator database

1. Introduction to the replicator database

A database where you PUT/POST documents to trigger replications and you DELETE to cancel ongoing replications. These documents have exactly the same content as the JSON objects we used to POST to /_replicate/ (fields "source", "target", "create_target", "continuous", "doc_ids", "filter", "query_params".

Replication documents can have a user defined "_id". Design documents (and _local documents) added to the replicator database are ignored.

The default name of this database is _replicator. The name can be changed in the .ini configuration, section [replicator], parameter db.

2. Basics

defunkt / startupriot.markdown
Last active September 15, 2023 18:11
Startup Riot 2009 Keynote

(This is the text of the keynote I gave at Startup Riot 2009. Will update when video becomes available.)

Hi everyone, I'm Chris Wanstrath, and I'm one of the co-founders of GitHub.

GitHub, if you haven't heard of it, has been described as "Facebook for developers." Which is great when talking about GitHub as a website, but not so great when describing GitHub as a business. In fact, I think we're the polar opposite of Facebook as a business: we're small, never took investment, and actually make money. Some have even called us successful.

Which I've always wondered about. Success is very vague, right? Probably even relative. How do you define it?

After thinking for a while I came up with two criteria. The first is profitability. We employ four people full time, one person part time, have thousands of paying customers, and are still growing. In fact, our rate of growth is increasing - which means January was our best month so far, and February is looking pretty damn good.

Things that programmers don't know but should

(A book that I might eventually write!)

Gary Bernhardt

I imagine each of these chapters being about 2,000 words, making the whole book about the size of a small novel. For comparison, articles in large papers like the New York Times average about 1,200 words. Each topic gets whatever level of detail I can fit into that space. For simple topics, that's a lot of space: I can probably walk through a very basic, but working, implementation of the IP protocol.

tsaniel / LICENSE.txt
Created September 2, 2011 12:17 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
Konami Code easter egg
Version 2, December 2004
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
tansengming / configure.rb
Created July 9, 2012 07:37
Ruby configure blocks
# How Clearance / Hoptoad does it
module Clearance
class << self
attr_accessor :configuration
def self.configure
self.configuration ||=

Security is Hard

Massive Assignment

  • watch for ActiveRecord Relation, like has_many, has_many :through
  • watch for user_roles, `group_users
  • UPDATE action


class CucumberExternalResqueWorker
COUNTER_KEY = "cucumber:counter"
class << self
attr_accessor :pid, :startup_timeout
def start
# Call from a Cucumber support file so it is run on startup
return unless Rails.env.cucumber?

On Failure and Flow

It was so simple. All you wanted was a local copy of your browser history so you could read offline. So you hacked up a script and it worked pretty well. But there were gaps. Sometimes pages didn't work by the time you tried to download them. Sometimes the server errored out. Once, the jerk next door dug up a cable line and your net connection went down entirely.

Errors are going to happen, so how do you handle them in code?

cmarguel /
Last active May 25, 2016 21:01
Filipinos overreacting to foreigners and fellow Filipinos but mainly foreigners

philippine-defense-squad.txt v 0.1

This text file seeks to become a comprehensive listing of all instances of times when Filipinos overreact to criticism (both deserved and undeserved) by descending upon the subject like a swarm of angry bees and inflicting their wrath through letters, blogs, Photoshop contests, and other zany means of reaction. Anyone who figures out how to contact me is welcome to contribute.

  • the spoon incident in Canada, which really turned out to be the fault of the boy;
  • Art Bell's racist comments against Pinoys, actually a hoax
  • Filipinos getting angry over the Faye Nicole San Juan incident, which later turned out to be a hoax
  • Claire Danes goes to the Philippines; gets declared persona non grata after making a few remarks that some people didn't like hearing
  • Americans go to Jollibee and get flamed by a thousand angry Pinoys who can't bear the thought that other cultures might be weirded out by other cultures
  • Malu Fernandez receives flames and death threats after putting her