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Nick Knudson nickaknudson

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* Half Duplex Software UART on the LaunchPad
* Description: This code provides a simple Bi-Directional Half Duplex
* Software UART. The timing is dependant on SMCLK, which
* is set to 1MHz. The transmit function is based off of
* the example code provided by TI with the LaunchPad.
* This code was originally created for "NJC's MSP430
* LaunchPad Blog".
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Proof-of-Concept exploit for Rails Remote Code Execution (CVE-2013-0156)
# ## Advisory
# ## Caveats
# you can make a text file of request times (in ms, one number per line) and import it here, or you can use a probability distribution to simulate request times (see below where setting req_durations_in_ms)
# rq = read.table("~/Downloads/request_times.txt", header=FALSE)$V1
# argument notes:
# parallel_router_count is only relevant if router_mode is set to "intelligent"
# choice_of_two, power_of_two, and unicorn_workers_per_dyno are only relevant if router_mode is set to "naive"
# you can only select one of choice_of_two, power_of_two, and unicorn_workers_per_dyno
run_simulation = function(router_mode = "naive",
reqs_per_minute = 9000,
nickaknudson / deploy.rb
Last active December 21, 2015 08:09 — forked from markoa/deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do
desc "Hot-reload God configuration for the Resque worker"
task :reload_god_config do
sudo "god stop resque"
sudo "god load #{File.join(deploy_to, 'current', 'config', 'resque-' + rails_env + '.god')}"
sudo "god start resque"
# append to the bottom: