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nopara73 nopara73

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AdamISZ /
Last active April 3, 2023 20:17
Notes on backout / recovery of coins in coinswap proposal
jnewbery /
Last active October 20, 2020 09:12
Bitcoin Core PR Review Club
eriknylund /
Last active September 25, 2024 22:22
Wasabi Wallet v1.1.12 deterministic build for

This video and guide should give everyone a fairly easy to follow and repeat the reproducible build for the Windows MSI package of Wasabi Wallet.

Since there is currently (2021-09-12) a problem with the automated deterministic build and I was unable to build the last three releases (v1.1.12.7 - v.1.1.12-9) this can act as a baseline to start and bisect the build issues and figure out where it stopped working.

Video (6m 58s)


Author: Kukks

New protocol design: Discrete Payments through Wabisabi coinjoins and Nostr ecnrypted communication

  1. Merchant creates invoice of 0.1BTC
  2. Merchant generates a unique key for invoice
  3. Merchant shows the pubkey of (2), a recommended nostr relay uri
  4. Customer generates a unique key for this invoice payment
  5. Customer posts an encrypted event addressed to pubkey of (3) with a message stating intent to pay invoice of 0.1BTC using a specific wabisabi coordinator
DanGould / Serverless_Payjoin.mediawiki
Last active November 1, 2023 20:07
Serverless Payjoin - Receive surveillance-busting bitcoin transfers without hosting a secure endpoint

  BIP: ???
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Payjoin Version 2: Serverless Payjoin
  Author&#58; Dan Gould <>
  Status&#58; Draft
  Replaces&#58; 78
  Type&#58; Standards Track
  Created&#58; 2023&#45;08&#45;08
  License&#58; BSD&#45;2&#45;Clause

Ecash mints funded with Spillman channels: The ultimate nodeless Lightning wallet


This proposal introduces a self-custodial credit system that sits in front of an existing ecash mint. The users balance is held in a trustless credit contract that can be instantly swapped for ecash tokens offchain at the time of payment. Custodial risk only exists while payments are in flight, which is usually seconds, and only for the amount currently being transacted. The balance is always self-custodial and if the mint disappears or is uncooperative the user can unilaterally exit and reclaim their credits onchain.

The protocol works on Bitcoin today and does not require a soft fork or any new opcodes. Infact it doesn't require any opcodes at all. The protocol is almost entirely off chain, every possible way to execute the trustless credit contract results in a MuSig2 taproot key path spend onchain, no Bitcoin Script required.

The problem