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Created March 8, 2014 03:12
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Delete all git remote tags
#Delete local tags.
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d
#Fetch remote tags.
git fetch
#Delete remote tags.
git tag -l | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin
#Delete local tasg.
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d
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rruprai commented Mar 4, 2019

When I run git push origin --delete $(git tag -l) # Pushing once should be faster than multiple times, I get the following error. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


fatal: --delete doesn't make sense without any refs

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heykarimoff commented Mar 29, 2019


When I run git push origin --delete $(git tag -l) # Pushing once should be faster than multiple times, I get the following error. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


fatal: --delete doesn't make sense without any refs

You don't have local tags to reference.
Run following:

#Fetch remote tags.
git fetch
#Delete remote tags.
git push origin --delete $(git tag -l)
#Delete local tags.
git tag -d $(git tag -l)

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liuliangsir commented Sep 25, 2019

nice, The "git tag -l | xargs git tag -d" in the example above might work better with "grep "

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if any of the remote tags do not exist, the delete all approach bails out!

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glevand commented Aug 27, 2020

This will get the tags that are on the remote 'origin', then delete those tags:
git ls-remote --tags origin | cut -f 2 | xargs git push --delete origin

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to delete refs as well:

git ls-remote origin | cut -f 2 | grep -iv head | xargs git push --delete origin

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I didn't find a solution anywhere that didn't requre a single git push call per tag, so I came up with this variant, which - in my case - reduced the runtime from several hours to several seconds:

git push --delete origin $( git ls-remote --tags origin | awk '{print $2}' | grep -Ev "\^" | tr '\n' ' ')


  • git push --delete origin $(...): Deletes a tag (or multiple) on origin
  • $( git ls-remote --tags origin | awk '{print $2}' | grep -Ev "\^" | tr '\n' ' '): Creates a space delimited string of all tags
    • git ls-remote --tags origin: Prints all tags on the remote origin
    • ... | awk '{print $2}' | ...: Only prints the second column of the previous command output
    • ... | grep -Ev "\^" | ...: Filters out unwanted refs/tags/mytag^{} variants (not sure where they come from)
    • ... | tr '\n' ' ': Converts the list into a space delimited string

It takes advantage of the fact that you can provide multiple tag names in a space delimited string, so it only invokes git delete once.

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mike-clark-8192 commented May 7, 2024

YMMV (use carefully):

deletes all (locally known) tags on remote named 'origin'

git push origin $(git tag -l --format=':%(refname)')

you may want to delete the tags locally also, or you might push them again:

git tag -d $(git tag -l)

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Somfic commented Jun 20, 2024

Worked wonders thanks!

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