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What you don't know is what you haven't learned

Khoa onmyway133

What you don't know is what you haven't learned
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onmyway133 / .gitignore
Last active October 27, 2021 16:25
AutoLayoutConverter - 🐜 Convert Cartography to NSLayoutAnchor
JohnSundell / WrappingSingletons.swift
Last active October 26, 2017 18:23
This is a great technique if you need to interact with singleton-based APIs but still have great testability
import UIKit
// Create a protocol that defines what APIs that you need from the singleton
protocol Application {
func open(url: URL)
// Make the singleton-based class conform to your protocol
extension UIApplication: Application {
func open(url: URL) {
mackuba /
Last active March 5, 2023 21:28
New stuff from WWDC 2016

Following the tradition from last year, here's my complete list of all interesting features and updates I could find in Apple's OSes, SDKs and developer tools that were announced at this year's WWDC. This is based on the keynotes, the "What's New In ..." presentations and some others, Apple's release notes, and blog posts and tweets that I came across in the last few weeks.

If for some reason you haven't watched the talks yet, I really recommend watching at least the "State of the Union" and the "What's New In" intros for the platforms you're interested in. The unofficial WWDC Mac app is great way to download the videos and keep track of what you've already watched.

If you're interested, here are my WWDC 2015 notes (might be useful if you're planning to drop support for iOS 8 now and start using some iOS 9 APIs).

OSX → macOS 10.12 Sierra

steipete /
Last active October 14, 2024 16:35
Using iOS 15 devices with Xcode 12.5 (instead of Xcode 13)
# The trick is to link the DeviceSupport folder from the beta to the stable version.
# sudo needed if you run the Mac App Store version. Always download the dmg instead... you'll thank me later :)
# Support iOS 15 devices (Xcode 13.0) with Xcode 12.5:
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
# Then restart Xcode and reconnect your devices. You will need to do that for every beta of future iOS versions
# (A similar approach works for older versions too, just change the version number after DeviceSupport)
bomberstudios /
Last active February 16, 2022 03:13
Loading a Cocoa Framework in a Sketch Plugin

This is what Craft does:

function loadFramework(pluginRoot) {
  if (NSClassFromString('PanelsManager') == null) {
    var mocha = [Mocha sharedRuntime];
    return [mocha loadFrameworkWithName:'Panels' inDirectory:pluginRoot];
  } else {
    return true;
IanKeen / Example.swift
Last active July 10, 2019 22:02
Small utility methods to simplify dealing with Reusable items i.e. table/collection view cells
//`UITableViewCell` and `UICollectionViewCell` are `Reusable` by defaut
//Use the extension method to dequeue an instance of the appropriate `Reusable`
class MyVC: UITableViewDataSource {
override func viewDidLoad() {
import UIKit
class FloatingButtonController: UIViewController {
private(set) var button: UIButton!
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
aryaxt / Multiple Storyboard Usage.txt
Last active December 17, 2015 02:05
Multiple Storyboard Usage
@interface UIStoryboard (Additions)
- (id __nullable)tryInstantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:(NSString * __nonnull)identifier;
@implementation UIStoryboard (Additions)
- (id)tryInstantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
@try {
return [self instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:identifier];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
onmyway133 / ThrottleHandler.swift
Created October 19, 2015 09:16
import Foundation
class ThrottleHandler {
let interval: NSTimeInterval
let block: dispatch_block_t
private var source: dispatch_source_t?
init(interval: NSTimeInterval, block: dispatch_block_t) {
self.interval = interval
vinhnx / iOS 9 App Transport
Last active January 8, 2016 11:33
iOS 9 App Transport Security

iOS 9 App Transport Security

Starting from iOS 9, App Transport Security enforces to use secure HTTPS requests by default.

App Transport Security

App Transport Security (ATS) enforces best practices in the secure connections between an app and its back end. ATS prevents accidental disclosure, provides secure default behavior, and is easy to adopt; it is also on by default in iOS 9 and OS X v10.11. You should adopt ATS as soon as possible, regardless of whether you’re creating a new app or updating an existing one.

If you’re developing a new app, you should use HTTPS exclusively. If you have an existing app, you