June 21, 2012 22:16
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the window object of Chrome stable, from spotlight.js
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[ | |
"window.Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ArrayBuffer -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Attr -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Audio -> (constructor)", | |
"window.AudioProcessingEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.BeforeLoadEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Blob -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CDATASection -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSCharsetRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSFontFaceRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSImportRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSMediaRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSPageRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSPageRuleNew -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSPrimitiveValue -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSRuleList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSStyleDeclaration -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSStyleRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSStyleSheet -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSValue -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CSSValueList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CanvasGradient -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CanvasPattern -> (function)", | |
"window.CanvasRenderingContext2D -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CharacterData -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ClientRect -> (function)", | |
"window.ClientRectList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Clipboard -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CloseEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Comment -> (constructor)", | |
"window.CompositionEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Counter -> (function)", | |
"window.CustomEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMImplementation -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMParser -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMSettableTokenList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMStringList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DOMStringMap -> (function)", | |
"window.DOMTokenList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DataView -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Date -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DeviceOrientationEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Document -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DocumentFragment -> (constructor)", | |
"window.DocumentType -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Element -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Entity -> (constructor)", | |
"window.EntityReference -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Error -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ErrorEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.EvalError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Event -> (constructor)", | |
"window.EventException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.EventSource -> (constructor)", | |
"window.File -> (constructor)", | |
"window.FileError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.FileList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.FileReader -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Float32Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Float64Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.FormData -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Function -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLAllCollection -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLAnchorElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLAppletElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLAreaElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLAudioElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLBRElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLBaseElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLBaseFontElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLBodyElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLButtonElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLCanvasElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLCollection -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLDListElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLDirectoryElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLDivElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLDocument -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLEmbedElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLFieldSetElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLFontElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLFormElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLFrameElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLFrameSetElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLHRElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLHeadElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLHeadingElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLHtmlElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLIFrameElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLImageElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLInputElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLKeygenElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLLIElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLLabelElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLLegendElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLLinkElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMapElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMarqueeElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMediaElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMenuElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMetaElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLMeterElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLModElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLOListElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLObjectElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLOptGroupElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLOptionElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLOutputElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLParagraphElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLParamElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLPreElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLProgressElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLQuoteElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLScriptElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLSelectElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLSourceElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLSpanElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLStyleElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableCaptionElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableCellElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableColElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableRowElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTableSectionElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTextAreaElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLTitleElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLUListElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLUnknownElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HTMLVideoElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.HashChangeEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.IceCandidate -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Image -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ImageData -> (function)", | |
"window.Infinity -> (number)", | |
"window.Int16Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Int32Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Int8Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.JSON -> (json)", | |
"window.KeyboardEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Math -> (math)", | |
"window.MediaController -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MediaError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MediaList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MediaStreamEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MessageChannel -> (function)", | |
"window.MessageEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MessagePort -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MimeType -> (function)", | |
"window.MimeTypeArray -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MouseEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.MutationEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.NaN -> (number)", | |
"window.NamedNodeMap -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Node -> (constructor)", | |
"window.NodeFilter -> (constructor)", | |
"window.NodeList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Notation -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Number -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Object -> (function)", | |
"window.OfflineAudioCompletionEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Option -> (constructor)", | |
"window.OverflowEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.PageTransitionEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Plugin -> (constructor)", | |
"window.PluginArray -> (constructor)", | |
"window.PopStateEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ProcessingInstruction -> (constructor)", | |
"window.ProgressEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.RGBColor -> (function)", | |
"window.Range -> (constructor)", | |
"window.RangeError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.RangeException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Rect -> (function)", | |
"window.ReferenceError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.RegExp -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SQLException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAltGlyphDefElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAltGlyphElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAltGlyphItemElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAngle -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAnimateColorElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAnimateElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAnimateMotionElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAnimateTransformElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedAngle -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedBoolean -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedEnumeration -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedInteger -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedLength -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedLengthList -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedNumber -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedNumberList -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedRect -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedString -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGAnimatedTransformList -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGCircleElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGClipPathElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGColor -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGCursorElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGDefsElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGDescElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGDocument -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGElementInstance -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGElementInstanceList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGEllipseElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEBlendElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEColorMatrixElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEComponentTransferElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFECompositeElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEDistantLightElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEDropShadowElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEFloodElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEFuncAElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEFuncBElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEFuncGElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEFuncRElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEImageElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEMergeElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEMergeNodeElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEMorphologyElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEOffsetElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFEPointLightElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFESpecularLightingElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFESpotLightElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFETileElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFETurbulenceElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFilterElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontFaceElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontFaceFormatElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontFaceNameElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontFaceSrcElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGFontFaceUriElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGForeignObjectElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGGElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGGlyphElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGGlyphRefElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGGradientElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGHKernElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGImageElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGLength -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGLengthList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGLineElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGLinearGradientElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMPathElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMarkerElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMaskElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMatrix -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMetadataElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGMissingGlyphElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGNumber -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGNumberList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPaint -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSeg -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegArcAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegArcRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegClosePath -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPatternElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPoint -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPointList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPolygonElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPolylineElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGPreserveAspectRatio -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGRadialGradientElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGRect -> (function)", | |
"window.SVGRectElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGRenderingIntent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGSVGElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGScriptElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGSetElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGStopElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGStringList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGStyleElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGSwitchElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGSymbolElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTRefElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTSpanElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTextContentElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTextElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTextPathElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTextPositioningElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTitleElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTransform -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGTransformList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGUnitTypes -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGUseElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGVKernElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGViewElement -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SVGZoomEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Selection -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SessionDescription -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SharedWorker -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SpeechInputEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Storage -> (function)", | |
"window.StorageEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.String -> (constructor)", | |
"window.StyleSheet -> (function)", | |
"window.StyleSheetList -> (constructor)", | |
"window.SyntaxError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Text -> (constructor)", | |
"window.TextEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.TextMetrics -> (function)", | |
"window.TimeRanges -> (constructor)", | |
"window.TouchEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.TypeError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.UIEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.URIError -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Uint16Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Uint32Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Uint8Array -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Uint8ClampedArray -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebGLActiveInfo -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLBuffer -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLContextEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebGLFramebuffer -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLProgram -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLRenderbuffer -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLRenderingContext -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebGLShader -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLTexture -> (function)", | |
"window.WebGLUniformLocation -> (function)", | |
"window.WebKitAnimationEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitBlobBuilder -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSFilterValue -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSKeyframeRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSKeyframesRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSMatrix -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSRegionRule -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitCSSTransformValue -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitIntent -> (function)", | |
"window.WebKitMutationObserver -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebKitPoint -> (function)", | |
"window.WebKitTransitionEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WebSocket -> (constructor)", | |
"window.WheelEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Window -> (constructor)", | |
"window.Worker -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLDocument -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLHttpRequest -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLHttpRequestException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLHttpRequestUpload -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XMLSerializer -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XPathEvaluator -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XPathException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XPathResult -> (constructor)", | |
"window.XSLTProcessor -> (constructor)", | |
"window._log -> (function)", | |
"window.applicationCache -> (domapplicationcache)", | |
" -> (object)", | |
" -> (object)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (boolean)", | |
" -> (object)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (object)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
" -> (object)", | |
" -> (function)", | |
"window.clientInformation -> (navigator)", | |
"window.closed -> (boolean)", | |
"window.console -> (console)", | |
"window.crypto -> (crypto)", | |
"window.decodeURI -> (function)", | |
"window.decodeURIComponent -> (function)", | |
"window.defaultStatus -> (string)", | |
"window.defaultstatus -> (string)", | |
"window.devicePixelRatio -> (number)", | |
"window.document -> (htmldocument)", | |
"window.encodeURI -> (function)", | |
"window.encodeURIComponent -> (function)", | |
"window.escape -> (function)", | |
"window.eval -> (function)", | |
"window.event -> (undefined)", | |
"window.external -> (object)", | |
"window.external.AddSearchProvider -> (function)", | |
"window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled -> (function)", | |
"window.frameElement -> (null)", | |
"window.frames -> (global)", | |
"window.history -> (history)", | |
"window.innerHeight -> (number)", | |
"window.innerWidth -> (number)", | |
"window.isFinite -> (function)", | |
"window.isNaN -> (function)", | |
"window.length -> (number)", | |
"window.location -> (location)", | |
"window.locationbar -> (barinfo)", | |
"window.logarr -> (array)", | |
"window.menubar -> (barinfo)", | |
" -> (string)", | |
"window.navigator -> (navigator)", | |
"window.obj -> (undefined)", | |
"window.offscreenBuffering -> (boolean)", | |
"window.opener -> (null)", | |
"window.outerHeight -> (number)", | |
"window.outerWidth -> (number)", | |
"window.pageXOffset -> (number)", | |
"window.pageYOffset -> (number)", | |
"window.parent -> (global)", | |
"window.parseFloat -> (function)", | |
"window.parseInt -> (function)", | |
"window.performance -> (performance)", | |
"window.personalbar -> (barinfo)", | |
"window.screen -> (screen)", | |
"window.screenLeft -> (number)", | |
"window.screenTop -> (number)", | |
"window.screenX -> (number)", | |
"window.screenY -> (number)", | |
"window.scrollX -> (number)", | |
"window.scrollY -> (number)", | |
"window.scrollbars -> (barinfo)", | |
"window.self -> (global)", | |
"window.spotlight -> (object)", | |
"window.spotlight.byKind -> (function)", | |
"window.spotlight.byName -> (function)", | |
"window.spotlight.byValue -> (function)", | |
"window.spotlight.custom -> (function)", | |
"window.spotlight.debug -> (boolean)", | |
"window.spotlight.version -> (string)", | |
"window.status -> (string)", | |
"window.statusbar -> (barinfo)", | |
"window.styleMedia -> (stylemedia)", | |
"window.toolbar -> (barinfo)", | |
" -> (global)", | |
"window.undefined -> (undefined)", | |
"window.unescape -> (function)", | |
"window.v8Locale -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitAudioContext -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitAudioPannerNode -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBCursor -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBDatabase -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBDatabaseError -> (function)", | |
"window.webkitIDBDatabaseException -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBFactory -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBIndex -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBKeyRange -> (function)", | |
"window.webkitIDBObjectStore -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBRequest -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIDBTransaction -> (constructor)", | |
"window.webkitIndexedDB -> (null)", | |
"window.webkitNotifications -> (notificationcenter)", | |
"window.webkitStorageInfo -> (storageinfo)", | |
"window.webkitURL -> (function)", | |
"window.window -> (global)" | |
] |
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Wow, old paste. Does this still work for you? window got some magic and when passed to an function it only returns the toString() result "[object Window]" :/