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// @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT | |
// copyright Paul Irish 2015 | |
// Date.now() is supported everywhere except IE8. For IE8 we use the Date.now polyfill | |
// github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-service/blob/master/polyfills/Date.now/polyfill.js | |
// as Safari 6 doesn't have support for NavigationTiming, we use a Date.now() timestamp for relative values | |
// if you want values similar to what you'd get with real perf.now, place this towards the head of the page | |
// but in reality, you're just getting the delta between now() calls, so it's not terribly important where it's placed | |
(function(){ | |
if ("performance" in window == false) { | |
window.performance = {}; | |
} | |
Date.now = (Date.now || function () { // thanks IE8 | |
return new Date().getTime(); | |
}); | |
if ("now" in window.performance == false){ | |
var nowOffset = Date.now(); | |
if (performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart){ | |
nowOffset = performance.timing.navigationStart | |
} | |
window.performance.now = function now(){ | |
return Date.now() - nowOffset; | |
} | |
} | |
})(); |
Date.now() is not available in IE8. Also, without navigationStart what value is this polyfill? The numbers this polyfill would produce will not be comparable to the real performance.now(). It should do nothing for browsers lacking navigationStart.
Thank you!
This makes it easier for testing. Thanks for the script. Now I don't have to have two versions of performance scripts to juggle.
For those of us in the corporate world, could you provide a license for this gist?
Avoiding conditions:
window.performance = (window.performance || {
offset: Date.now(),
now: function now(){
return Date.now() - this.offset;
@JordanDelcros That doesn't work in IE9, because it has window.performance (but not window.performance.now)
thank you~!!!!!!
If anyone does Apache Cordova (a.k.a. Phonegap) dev, the iOS web view in there doesn't support performance either. At least not through Evothings workbench. I have yet to test with an actual built Cordova app, but I don't think it will make a difference.
Thank you!! Solved my problem with Opbeat AngularJS plugin. Also thanks to @lukehedger for creating the bower package!
Wonderful! Thanks. Used this to patch support for iOS 8. Would be nice if Polyfill.io offered performance.timing instead of just performance.now polyfill...
As @rubencodes implies above, polyfill.io now has a performance.now polyfill, and the benefit is that it will polyfill Date.now for you automatically if needed:
@JofArnold that's not very idiomatic coffee-script, and looks like it needs updating to match the modified gist.
do ->
window.performance = {} unless 'performance' of window
Date.now = if Date.now then Date.now else -> (new Date).getTime()
unless 'now' of window.performance
nowOffset = performance.timing?.navigationStart ? Date.now()
window.performance.now = ->
Date.now() - nowOffset
2016 what now?
^ @ghost just a heads up, the snippet above has a typo: 'perfomance' -> 'performance'
Thanks guys! I had issue with google's recaptcha code.
There was an error 'Cannot find variable performance', that was appearing in ios < 8 devices.
Fixed with @ghost 's code.
*thumbs up for @antoniocapelo 's sharp eye
2017. Passing the baton.
if ( !window.performance || !window.performance.now ) { Date.now || ( Date.now = function () { return new this().getTime(); }); ( window.performance || ( window.performance = {} ) ).now = function () { return Date.now() - offset; }; var offset = ( window.performance.timing || ( window.performance.timing = {} ) ).navigatorStart || ( window.performance.timing.navigationStart = Date.now() ); }
There's another typo: it's navigationStart, not navigatorStart
I have mixed this polyfill with Aaron Levine's (https://gist.github.com/Aldlevine/3f716f447322edbb3671) and modifier some code:
'use strict';
// @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// copyright Paul Irish 2015
// Added code by Aaron Levine from: https://gist.github.com/Aldlevine/3f716f447322edbb3671
// Some modifications by Joan Alba Maldonado.
// as Safari 6 doesn't have support for NavigationTiming, we use a Date.now() timestamp for relative values
// if you want values similar to what you'd get with real perf.now, place this towards the head of the page
// but in reality, you're just getting the delta between now() calls, so it's not terribly important where it's placed
// Gist: https://gist.github.com/jalbam/cc805ac3cfe14004ecdf323159ecf40e
// TODO: Think about adding vendor prefixes.
if (!Date.now) { Date.now = function() { return new Date().getTime(); } }
if (window.performance && window.performance.now) { return; }
window.performance = window.performance || {};
window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart &&
window.performance.mark &&
window.performance.clearMarks &&
window.performance.now = function()
return window.performance.getEntriesByName('__PERFORMANCE_NOW__')[0].startTime;
else if ("now" in window.performance === false)
var nowOffset = Date.now();
if (window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart)
nowOffset = window.performance.timing.navigationStart
window.performance.now = function now()
return Date.now() - nowOffset;
I have placed it in this gist: https://gist.github.com/jalbam/cc805ac3cfe14004ecdf323159ecf40e
Any comments will be welcome. Thank you very much.
@JofArnold thanks. Exactly what I needed.