Yesterday I was doing some improvements on bash scripts that I wrote to assembly a Java EE development and execution environment. I use they on my own computer (a triple-boot MacBook Pro with OS X 10.10, Fedora 21, and Windows 8) and also on students and customer machines. Soon I will have a time to post some notes about those scripts on this blog. I execute they on Linux environments (Fedora, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu) and, also, on OS X. I intend to make they runnable on Cygwin (although I don’t have any assumption about when I will do this).
I was doing fixes in those scripts to add an possibility to use it for an installation of tools in directories names containing spaces. After I did the fixes, I tried to execute the forge’s script. But this try made me unhappy, due to a bug:
$ lsb_release -id