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perXautomatik /
Last active January 15, 2023 10:33
How to create a FileFolder in Windows? - Super User

Windows has the ability to create shortcuts. When you do, they appear as shortcuts in the files section of a folder. To create one, you right click, new, shortcut, or copy and paste as shortcut amonst other options.

However, windows also has something called a FileFolder, which is a shortcut that is treated like a folder, rather than a file. So with sorting, it appears in the folders location, it appears in the folderviewpane and from the addressbar.

Now, there's also the symbolic links, which is similar to FileFolders, but one thing a symbolic link cannot do, is be placed on a network share and point to a folder on your local computer that is not shared, and if you open that link from a different computer, it opens on their computer instead, like a normal shortcut would do.

A way to create a FileFolder is to use the Add a network location wizard and link to it.

So far I figured out that the location of this FileFolder is:

perXautomatik /
Created January 15, 2023 10:16
How does the Windows File Explorer Quick Access recent items feature work? - Super User

Quick Access is a virtual folder that presents two JumpLists in a folder view --- Frequentfolders and Recentfiles.

Jumplists are most commonly seen when you right-click on a Taskbar icon. enter image description here

The best overview of their behavior I found is this MS article.

By default, a standard Jump List contains two categories: recent items and pinned items, although because only categories with content are shown in the UI, neither of these categories are shown on first launch. Always present are an application launch icon (to launch more instances of the application), an option to pin or unpin the application from the taskbar, and a Close command for any open windows.


perXautomatik /
Created January 15, 2023 10:00
Shell Links - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
perXautomatik / initial
Created November 4, 2022 09:12
Powershell Ise ideas
perXautomatik /
Created October 26, 2022 10:25
Working with PowerShell variables - C#, ASP.Net, VB.Net

Variable name syntax

Now what about variable names? What characters are allowed in a variable name? The answer is: any character you want, with some caveats. There are two notations for variables. The simple notation starts with a dollar sign followed by a sequence of characters, which can include letters, numbers, the underscore, and the colon. The colon has a special meaning that we'll get to in a minute. The second notation allows you to use any character in a variable name. It looks like this:

${This is a variable name}

You can use any character you want in the braces. You can even use a close brace if you escape it, as we see in the next example.
PS (7) > ${this is a variable name with a `} in it}
PS (8) > ${this is a variable name with a `} in it} = 13

perXautomatik / FindFunctionsInScript.ps1
Last active July 19, 2023 16:35 — forked from Jaykul/Trace-Dependency.ps1
Extract a list of functions names and definitions inside a script, listing line numbers function begin and end;
# The script or file path to parse
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Alias("Path", "PSPath")]
process {
Write-Progress "Parsing $Script"
perXautomatik / CheckMounted.ps1
Last active October 6, 2022 14:32 — forked from willsantos/mount-vhd.ps1
Mount VHD
if ((get-command Get-VM -erroraction silentlycontinue) -ne $null)
{Get-VM *}
$importance = "Failed", "Warning", "Success"
$list = @(
@{ name = "Warning" }
@{ name = "Success" }
perXautomatik / Move
Last active October 9, 2022 15:07
[Oxygen not included] Ai #modding

deconstruct and reconstruct errand

perXautomatik /
Created September 7, 2022 14:06
Tree view C# - Windows apps | Microsoft Docs

Source: ''

The tree view control enables a hierarchical list with expanding and collapsing nodes that contain nested items. It can be used to illustrate a folder structure or nested relationships in your UI.

The tree view uses a combination of indentation and icons to represent the nested relationship between parent nodes and child nodes. Collapsed nodes use a chevron pointing to the right, and expanded nodes use a chevron pointing down.

The chevron icon in TreeView

You can include an icon in the tree view item data template to represent nodes. For example, if you show a file system hierarchy, you could use folder icons for the parent notes and file icons for the leaf nodes.

perXautomatik / create-editable-powershell-gui-for-csv-data.ps1
Last active October 2, 2022 07:07
Create editable powershell GUI for CSV data - Stack Overflow
set-strictmode -Version 2.0
function EditCSV($title, $Instructions, $csvPath, $x = 100, $y=100, $Width=600, $Height=400, $SaveChangesToFile=$true, $ReturnStatusOrArray='Status') {
#Windows Assemblies
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Drawing") | Out-Null
#Variables MUST have script scope to allow form to see them
$script:Updated = $false