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reverb_words = keys(wordDict['reverb'])
word_parameters = {}
function get_parameters() {return {'g': rev.g, 'd': rev.d, 'm': rev.m, 'f': rev.f, 'E': rev.E, 'wetdry': rev.wetdry}}
function save_word(index) {console.log(reverb_words[index]); changetoword(reverb_words[index], 'reverb', -1); word_parameters[reverb_words[index]] = get_parameters();}
current_index = 0;
function increment_word() {save_word(current_index); current_index++};
interval_thing = setInterval(increment_word, 1000);
eq_words = keys(wordDict['eq'])
function save_word_eq(index) {console.log(eq_words[index]); changetoword(eq_words[index], 'eq', -1);}
"""Helper functions for working with audio files in NumPy."""
import numpy as np
import contextlib
def pcm2float(sig, dtype='float64'):
"""Convert PCM signal to floating point with a range from -1 to 1.
Use dtype='float32' for single precision.
"""Helper functions for working with audio files in NumPy."""
import numpy as np
import contextlib
def pcm2float(sig, dtype='float64'):
"""Convert PCM signal to floating point with a range from -1 to 1.
Use dtype='float32' for single precision.
pseeth /
Last active August 2, 2018 21:15
Generating coherent music with Scaper
import scaper
import os
import sox
import numpy as np
import logging
import warnings
import random
import jams
import librosa
import itertools
pseeth /
Last active April 6, 2019 02:43
Making coherent music mixtures with Scaper
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import os
from utils import parallel_process
from scaper import Scaper, generate_from_jams
import librosa
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
pseeth /
Last active March 1, 2020 20:13
Self-contained tutorial for Scaper w/ downloading
# to install requirements
# conda install -c conda-forge sox ffmpeg
# OR
# brew install sox
# brew install ffmpeg
# OR
# sudo apt-get install sox
# sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
# pip install scaper
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to wait for an open GPU, then to run the job. Use with
`tsp` (task-spooler) for a common workflow, by queuing a job
that looks for a GPU and then runs the actual job.
Make this executable: chmod +x
This stacks jobs on a single GPU if memory is available and the
pseeth /
Last active July 27, 2020 22:02
A simple way to access function keyword arguments from the command line. Handy for command line configuration of experiments.
# Example of binding function keyword arguments to an
# ArgumentParser, then using scopes to initialize function
# with different arguments.
# Example output:
# ❯ python --autoclip.percentile=100 --train/autoclip.percentile=1 --val/autoclip.percentile=5
# Before scoping
# ARGS={}
# Called autoclip with percentile=10.0
pseeth /
Last active October 16, 2020 22:51
ArgBind demo
import argbind
from typing import List
def train(epochs : int = 50):
"""Run training.
epochs : int, optional