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Jane Mercer radix42

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grugq / gist:03167bed45e774551155
Last active January 30, 2025 01:42
operational pgp - draft

Operational PGP

This is a guide on how to email securely.

There are many guides on how to install and use PGP to encrypt email. This is not one of them. This is a guide on secure communication using email with PGP encryption. If you are not familiar with PGP, please read another guide first. If you are comfortable using PGP to encrypt and decrypt emails, this guide will raise your security to the next level.

cmahns /
Last active September 24, 2024 14:40
HOWTO: Twitter DM with OTR

Twitter DM + OTR: A quick and dirty tutorial

With the recent removal of the 140-character limit in Direct Messages by Twitter, DM's have now become a much more useful platform for communicating between individuals and groups. Sadly, DM's are still sent in plaintext between users and Twitter has no plans currently on encrypting these messages, at least as of August 2015. Since these are stored in plaintext at rest, an adversary can see the content of the message you are sending, which the two parties might not wish to happen. Fortunately as a few applications with basic Twitter support which also have excellent support for OTR, all hope isn't lo

atoponce / gist:07d8d4c833873be2f68c34f9afc5a78a
Last active December 28, 2024 23:51 — forked from tqbf/gist:be58d2d39690c3b366ad
Cryptographic Best Practices

Cryptographic Best Practices

Putting cryptographic primitives together is a lot like putting a jigsaw puzzle together, where all the pieces are cut exactly the same way, but there is only one correct solution. Thankfully, there are some projects out there that are working hard to make sure developers are getting it right.

The following advice comes from years of research from leading security researchers, developers, and cryptographers. This Gist was [forked from Thomas Ptacek's Gist][1] to be more readable. Additions have been added from

valkenburgh / Zcash Ceremony DC Station Account.txt
Last active March 7, 2023 03:28
Oct 21-23 Run of ZCASH Paramerter Generation from DC Station
Hashes of DVDs that I booted each node from:
Compute OS DVD: 5f43aa1244a01b3cf9da4abeadde9e34b954a873565fc56b58c10780f3ce0e4c
Network OS DVD: 375550be4c64ebc68a9306421bb71ad3556bc73f156a231503084f923900f4cb
Commitment String generated by Compute Node:
Hash of Disc A:
Hash of Disk B:
lorepozo /
Created March 31, 2017 19:52
zbalance: quickly get your zcash addresses (taddr and zaddr) and their balances
# zbalance: quickly get your zcash addresses (taddr and zaddr) and their balances.
# REQUIRES zcash-cli ( AND jq (
zaddr_withbalance () {
while read a
do echo $(zcash-cli z_getbalance $a) $a
Zemnmez / tweetdeck-limit-override-dm-rt-fix.js
Last active March 13, 2023 15:21
This snippet is esssentially the same as being in the Twitter longer tweets test, for tweetdeck.
The Tweet length counter is fixed by tricking TweetDeck into counting up to 140 characters, twice, so you'll see 140
instead of 280 in the counter but going over 140 will give you another set of 140 charactrs.
*/,e,f,g,c,d,h){c=c||function(){};d=d||function(){};b=this.request(b,{method:f,params:Object.assign(e,{weighted_character_count:!0}),processor:g,feedType:h});return b.addCallbacks(function(a){c(},function(a){d(a.req,"",a.msg,a.req.errors)}),b};
twttrTxt=Object.assign({},twttr.txt,{isInvalidTweet:function(){return!1},getTweetLength:function(x){return x=twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this,arguments),x<140||x/140>2?x:x%140}});
#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
static struct hrtimer timer;
enum hrtimer_restart yell_rick( struct hrtimer *timer )
ktime_t time;
printk(KERN_INFO "I turned myself into a logger morty! I'm dmesg RIIIICK!\n");