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Last active April 30, 2023 03:20
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fill_tile!(tile::AbstractMatrix, int_points::AbstractVector{Tuple{Int,Int}}; kw...)
Fill a tile from a region of points converted to `Integer` tuples and sorted.
# Arguments
- `tile`: A square matrix of `Int32`.
- `int_points`: A vector of integer tuple points.
# Keywords
- `x`: x coord of the tile as an Integer.
- `y`: y coord of the tile as an Integer.
- `z`: zoom level
- `zmax`: maximum zoom level
- `tile_size`: size of each tile, default `256`
function fill_tile!(tile::AbstractMatrix, int_points::Vector{Tuple{T,T}};
x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax, tile_size=256
) where T
zshift = zmax - z
xmin = T(((x - 1) * tile_size) << zshift + 1)
ymin = T(((y - 1) * tile_size) << zshift + 1)
xmax = T((x * tile_size) << zshift)
ymax = T((y * tile_size) << zshift)
prev_p_agg = (T(-1), T(-1))
agg = zero(T)
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (xmin, ymin))
while i <= lastindex(int_points)
p = int_points[i]
p[1] > xmax && break # End of the sorted region
if p[2] > ymax
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (p[1] + 1, ymin))
if p[2] < ymin
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (p[1], ymin))
p_agg = T((p[1] - xmin) >> zshift + oneunit(T)), T((p[2] - ymin) >> zshift + oneunit(T))
if p_agg === prev_p_agg
agg += oneunit(T)
if agg > zero(T)
tile[prev_p_agg...] += agg
prev_p_agg = p_agg
agg = oneunit(T)
i += 1
if agg > zero(T)
tile[prev_p_agg...] += agg
return tile
using ThreadsX
# Generate 100 million points
ps = [(rand(Float32), rand(Float32)) for _ in 1:1e8]
# Scale up, convert to Int32 and Sort
int_points = @time let
int_points = Vector{Tuple{Int32,Int32}}(undef, length(ps))!(int_points, ps) do p
trunc(Int32, (p[1] * 2^12)) + Int32(1),
trunc(Int32, (p[2] * 2^12)) + Int32(1)
ThreadsX.sort!(int_points) # 4x faster than base sort on 8 cores
# 3.199940 seconds (29.63 k allocations: 2.237 GiB, 0.20% gc time, 4.88% compilation time)
ps = nothing; GC.gc() # Free memory from the original points, if you want to try a billion...
tile = zeros(Int32, 256, 256)
zmax = convert(Int, log2(2^12÷256))
@time fill_tile!(tile, int_points; x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax);
# 0.312981 seconds (2 allocations: 96 bytes)
# Basic tests for z=0 and z=1
@assert sum(fill_tile!(zeros(Int32, 256, 256), int_points; x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax)) == length(int_points)
let agg = 0
for x in 1:2, y in 1:2
agg += sum(fill_tile!(zeros(Int32, 256, 256), int_points; x, y, z=1, zmax))
@assert agg == length(int_points)
using GLMakie
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rafaqz commented Apr 29, 2023

Just to clarify...this currently operates on ((0, 1), (0, 1)) for tile (1, 1)?

Nor sure I totally understand this, what is ((0, 1), (0, 1)) ?

But yes this set an arbitrary base resolution for the extent of the points, and build a pyramid up from there. It doesn't match how tyler works - Tyler has a fixed pyamid.

I think there will be a lot of use cases like this one (like just plotting big raster pyramids) so probably tyler needs to loosen up about where the zoom levels and tiles are meant to be.

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Ah, I meant something like Extent(X = (0, 1), Y = (0, 1)).

Cool. Just wanted to understand how we correlate zoom levels and tile positions to "real space". I think I get it now but will try to prove it to be sure.

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