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cemckinley /
Last active September 18, 2015 17:19
How to setup IE vm for local dev

How to Setup IE Virtual Machines for local development

Get a VM Platform

To run a VM, you need an application that will do so. I recommend VirtualBox for OSX, which is free.

Get a VM

From Microsoft: Install according to directions, making sure to download an image that works for the VM platform you have installed.

voodootikigod /
Last active December 21, 2015 19:29
2013's Best Pumpkin Beers by @voodootikigod

2013's Best Pumpkin Beers by @voodootikigod

As many know, I am fiend for the orange gourd known as Pumpkin. Whether in a pie, a latte, or as a flavor of beer - I cannot get enough pumpkin and wait all year for the orange goodness. I also have a fondness for beer, so the matching of the two is a beautiful moment in heaven for me. As such I am on a mission this year to try as many pumpkin ales as possible and rank them as to my preference. Your preference many be different and that is perfectly fine. What I am looking for in my pumpkin ale is a good taste of pumpkin, slight spice, and smooth finish that leaves your palette refreshed and warm. Others prefer hard spice, but for me that feels overpowering and missing the target of pumpkin taste. As appropriate I have left notes for myself, if you have any, fork away and make your own list!

  1. Cisco Pumple Drumkin Spiced Ale
  2. [Southampton Pumpkin Ale](
mheadd / dartfirststate_de_us.sql
Created October 7, 2010 17:13
A SQL script for importing GFTS data from the State of Delaware into a MySQL database.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A SQL script for importing GFTS data from the State of Delaware into a MySQL database.
-- Copyright 2010 Mark J. Headd
-- This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
-- GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-- License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;