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Created March 4, 2018 16:29
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Dump of all Fallout 4 console commands (with description)
ID Full Name Short Name Description
256: Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
257: ShowVars SV Show variables on object. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [player->sv]
258: ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show all global variables.
259: ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [svq QuestID]
260: ShowQuests SQ List quests.
261: ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
262: SetPapyrusQuestVar SETPQV Set a Papyrus property on the specified quest.
263: SetPapyrusVar SETPV Set a Papyrus property on the selected ref.
264: SetQuestAliases Set quest aliases. [SetQuestAliases QuestID]
265: ClearQuestAliases Clears quest aliases. [ClearQuestAliases QuestID]
266: ToggleCombatStats TCS
267: ToggleSafeZone TSZ Display the television 85%% safe zone.
268: ToggleAI TAI
269: ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG Show collision geometry.
270: ToggleMaterialGeometry TMG Show material geometry.
271: ToggleStairsGeometry TSG Show stairs geometry.
272: ToggleHiResHeightfieldGeometry THRHG Show HiRes Heightfield geometry.
273: ToggleBorders TB Show border lines for each cell.
274: ToggleSky TS
275: ToggleWireframe TWF Show the world as wireframe.
276: ToggleCollision TCL
277: ToggleDebugText TDT Show debug numbers on the screen.
278: ToggleMenus TM Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.
279: TogglePrimitives TPR
280: ShowScenegraph SSG Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference. SSG 1 for PC overlay version.
281: ShowScenegraph SFSG Create a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).
282: ToggleMagicStats TMS
283: ShowAnim SA Show Animation and Actor status.
284: Show1stPerson S1ST Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.
285: Help Show this help.
286: ToggleNavMesh TNM Toggle blocked display.
287: TogglePathLine TPL Toggle path display.
288: PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by id for the console.
289: PickLastRef PLR Select the last created ref for the console.
290: PickNextRef PNR Select the the next ref in the center of the screen outside the console
291: PickNextActor PNA Select the the next actor in the center of the screen outside the console
292: PickClosestActor PCA Select the the closest actor to the player
293: GetSelectedRef GSR Get the currently selected ref
294: IsLastRef Check if this is one of the last created refs
295: SetLightingPasses SLP 4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|spec ex: 1010
296: ToggleLODLand TLL
297: TriggerPipboyEffect PIP
298: CharacterLight CL
299: ShowLightBounds SLB
300: VatsTarget VT
301: ToggleAmbientOcclusion AO
302: ToggleScalableAmbientOcclusion SAO
303: ToggleMotionBlur MB
304: ToggleScreenSpaceReflections SSR
305: ToggleScreenSpaceSubsurfaceScattering TSSS
306: ToggleFXAA FXAA
307: ToggleTAA TAA
308: ToggleHDRCS HDRCS
309: ViewGBuffer gbuffer
310: ToggleCombinedWeapon cmb cmb sutil | meshc | meshc2
311: ToggleMeshCombinerGPU tcm tcm
312: ToggleWeaponCombination twc twc
313: ToggleWeaponCombinationBounds twb twb
314: SetThreadsNumMeshCombiner trdmc trdmc
315: CombineObject cmbobj cmbobj filter
316: ToggleHandsCulled cullhnd
317: ToggleBokehDof BOK
318: ToggleLensFlare LF
319: Sunbeams SB
320: RenderLocalMap rlm
321: SetLODObjectDistance SLOD
322: ToggleGrassUpdate TGU
323: CenterOnCell COC
324: SetGameSetting SetGS
325: SetINISetting SetINI "setting:category" value
326: GetINISetting GetINI "setting:category"
327: CenterOnExterior COE
328: CalcPathToPoint P2P
329: CalcLowPathToPoint LP2P ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use
330: SetFog 2 floats, start and end depths
331: SetClipDist float, new clip distance
332: ToggleShadowVolumes TSV
333: SetForceWetness SFW float, set force wetness
334: SetWetnessLevel SWL float, new world wetness level
335: SetRainLevel SRL float, new world rain level
336: SetImageSpaceGlow SISG
337: ToggleDetection TDETECT
338: ToggleHighProcess THIGHPROCESS
339: ToggleLowProcess TLOWPROCESS
340: ToggleMiddleLowProcess TMLOWPROCESS
341: ToggleMiddleHighProcess TMHIGHPROCESS
342: ToggleAiSchedules TAIS
343: SpeakSound
344: BetaComment BC Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file.
NOTE: select object first.
[bc "This rock is too high."]
345: GameComment GC Adds a comment about the game to the GameCommentDB. (Ex. This monster is too hard)
346: ToggleCellNode TCN Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active
347: ToggleTrees TT Turn trees on/off
348: SetCameraFOV FOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
349: ToggleGodMode TGM Toggle God mode
350: RefreshShaders RS Reload HLSL shaders from disk
351: ReloadFXP RFXP Reload a single fxp archive
352: ToggleScripts TSCR Turn Script processing on/off
353: ToggleConversations TCONV Toggle conversation stats
354: ToggleFullHelp TFH Toggle Full Help
355: ShowQuestLog SQL Show Quest Log
356: ShowFullQuestLog SFQL Show all log entries for a single quest
357: DumpTexturePalette DTP Dump texture palette contents to file
param is sort type f-filename, s-size, c-count)
358: DumpModelMap DMM Dump model map contents to file
359: DumpSoundMap DSM Dump sound map contents to logfile
360: CenterOnWorld COW [COW worldname -10 5]
361: ToggleGrass TG Toggle grass display.
362: CreateGrassAt cga
363: AddFaceAnimNote AFAN
364: RefreshINI REFINI Refresh INI settings from file.
365: ToggleEmotions temo Toggle NPC facial emotions.
366: AddDecal
367: TestCode
368: PlayerSpellBook psb Add all spells to player.
369: PrintAiList pai Printed Ai Lists.
370: ShowQuestTargets SQT Show current quest targets
371: HairTint 3 ints, RGB
372: SaveGame save SaveGame <filename>
373: LoadGame load LoadGame <filename>
374: DisplayPlayerIDs dpid DisplayPlayerIDs
375: SetDisplayPlayerID spid SetDisplayPlayerID <filename>
376: TestAllCells TAC Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world)
377: RenderTestCell rtc runs Render Test on player's current parent cell
378: RenderTestHere rth runs Render Test on player's current position
379: SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename>
380: ReloadCurrentClimate rcc Reloads values from the current climate
381: ReloadCurrentWeather rcw Reloads values from the current weather
382: TestSeenData tsd Visually displays the current seen data
383: TestLocalMap tlm Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)
384: MoveToQuestTarget movetoqt Move player to current quest target.
385: PrintNPCDialog pdialog Prints NPC dialog
386: ShowSubtitle show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
387: ShowRenderPasses srp display render passes for the next frame
388: FreezeRenderAccumulation fra only re-render geometry visible during this frame
389: ToggleOcclusion tocc toggle occlusion query for geometry
390: OutputMemContexts omc Output Mem Context info to a file
391: OutputMemStats oms Output Mem Stats info to a file
392: SetMemCheckPoint smcp Set the current memory checkpoint (value, optional context name)
393: GetMemCheckPoint gmcp Get the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
394: IncMemCheckPoint imcp Increment the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
395: OutputAllocations outalloc Output memory allocations (file, optional context name, optional start context, optional end context)
396: AddWatchAddress awa Adds an address range to watch out for.
397: RemoveWatchAddress rwa Removes an address range that we no longer want to watch.
398: ToggleDetectionStats tds Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref.
399: SetTargetRefraction str Sets the refractive value of the target
400: SetTargetRefractionFire strf Sets the refractive fire value of the target
401: ToggleRefractionDebug trd Toggles refraction debug render texture
402: ToggleCharControllerShape TCCS Toggle char controller shape type.
403: ShowHeadTrackTarget SHeadT Show the head track target if set from look function
404: SetCinematicParam SCP Sets various values for the imagespace cinematics
405: SetTintParam STP Sets various values for the imagespace tint
406: SetHDRParam SHP Sets various values for the HDR shader
407: VisualRefPosition VRP Places and axis object at the ref position.
408: ShowPivot SP Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference.
409: PrintHDRParam PHP Prints current HDR settings.
410: ToggleHDRDebug THD Toggles HDR debug textures.
411: RevertWorld rw Revert the world
412: OutputArchiveProfile oap Output Archive profile info to a file
413: QuitGame qqq Exit game without going through menus.
414: Screenshot Take a screenshot
415: SaveIniFiles saveini Writes all the .ini files.
416: SetDebugText sdt Sets which debug text is shown.
417: GetDebugText gdt Gets which debug text is shown.
418: ToggleLiteBrite tlb Toggles lite brite render mode.
419: RunMemoryPass rmp Runs a cleanup memory pass
420: ResetMemContexts rmc Reset Max Mem Contexts
421: ToggleWaterSystem TWS Toggles the water system
422: ToggleWaterRadius TWR
423: ShowWhoDetectsPlayer SWDP Show who detects the player
424: ToggleCombatAI tcai Toggles ALL Combat AI
425: ToggleGamePause tgp Toggles game pause state
426: StepOneFrame sof Advances the game one frame
427: ToggleFlyCam tfc Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).
428: ToggleFXCam tfxc Toggles the FX camera.
429: ModWaterShader mws Modifies water shader settings
430: WaterColor mwc Modifies water color
431: BeginTrace bt Creates a trace file (Xenon only)
432: RunCellTest rct Runs a cell test
433: StartAllQuests saq Starts all quests
434: CompleteAllQuestStages caqs Sets all quest stages
435: ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns fog of war on or off.
436: OutputLocalMapPictures OLMP Writes out the current local map.
437: SetGamma sg Sets new gamma ramp.
438: WasteMemory wm Allocates some memory (in MB).
439: ClearAdaptedLight cal Clears the HDR adapted light texture
440: ToggleCastShadows tsh
441: SetHudGlowConstants shgc Set parameters for HUD glow.
442: CloseFile
443: SetTreeMipmapBias stmb Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards.
444: SendSherlockDebugText ssdt
445: OutputMemStats omsfw Output Mem Stats info to a file
446: PlayExplosion Plays explosion seq in selected obj
447: SetMaxAniso sma Sets Depth of Field focal distance
448: SetMeshLODLevel smll Sets Depth of Field range
449: SetTargetDOF stdof Sets the depth of field based on the target
450: ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur tfsmb Toggles Full screen motion blur
451: SetTriLinearThreshold stlt Set the motion blur params
452: SetVel Sets Velocity on a reference
453: DebugCombat dc Debugs combat systems
454: ToggleCombatDebug tcd Toggles combat debug info
455: TogglePathingInfoFunction TPI Toggle pathing information.
456: ShowInventory inv Shows reference inventory [1 = Show Armor Addons]
457: ShowInventoryVars siv Shows reference inventory script data
458: ResetPerformanceTimers rpt Resets the performance timers
459: ToggleDebugDecal TDD Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform
460: ToggleDecalRendering TDR Toggle decal rendering
461: SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable sisme Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On
462: SetUFOCamSpeedMult sucsm Set speed mult for free camera. (Speed Mult, Look Mult Optional)
463: ToggleTestLight TTL Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).
464: PlaceLocationMarker plm PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )
465: ClearLocationMarkers clm
466: ToggleMultiboundCheck mbc Toggle all Multibound check functionality
467: AddOcclusionPlane AOP Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size).
468: SetGlobalRadialBlur sgrb Set parameters for the global radial blur
469: OutputTextureUseMap OTUM Writes out texture use map data to file.
470: ClearScreenBlood csb Clear screen blood
471: ResetDialogueFlags rdf Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.
472: GetValueInfo Get details about a reference value.
473: ToggleBoundVisGeom tbvg Toggles bound visualization for a ref
474: SetConsoleOuputFile scof Sets the given file as target for console output.
475: IgnoreRenderPass irp Ignore the given renderpass
476: PlayVATSCameras pvc Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.
477: SetTargetFalloff stfo Sets the falloff of the target
478: ToggleActorMover tam Toggles actor movement through pathing system
479: CopySaves CopySaves Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).
480: ToggleEOFImageSpace teofis Toggles end of frame imagespace effects
481: ForceFileCache ffc Enumerates Miles samples and streams
482: DumpNiUpdates dnu Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)
483: TestDegrade degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds)
484: ToggleDepthBias tdb toggles depth bias for decals on or off
485: ToggleSPURenderBatch tSPURB toggles the SPU render batch on or off
486: ToggleSPUTransformUpdate tSPUTU toggles the SPU transform update on or off
487: ToggleSPUCulling tSPUC toggles the SPU culling on or off
488: ModifyFaceGen mfg Modify FaceGen Functionality
489: GetF4SEVersion
490: SetEmitterParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter
491: SetMPSParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set
492: SetTaskThreadSleep Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable).
493: SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable).
494: EvalActorTextures EAT
495: CreateSaveData createsaves Creates save data.
496: CreateGameData Creates game data.
497: LoadFlashMovie Loads a Flash movie for the GUI
498: ShowMenu Show or create a menu
499: HideMenu Hide or close a menu
500: RecvAnimEvent rae Simulate recieving an animation event from an animation graph.
501: RunConsoleBatch bat Run a console batch file
502: LTGraph LTGraph Sets the input-to-player movement graph
503: RTGraph RTGraph Sets the input-to-camera movement graph
504: ToggleHeapTracking THT Toggle Heap Tracking
505: TogglePoolTracking TPT Toggle Pool Tracking
506: RumbleManager RM RumbleManager
507: InstallMemoryTracker IMT Install Memory Tracker
508: UninstallMemoryTracker UMT Uninstall Memory Tracker
509: CheckMemory chkmem Check Memory
510: SetStackDepth SSD Set Stack Depth
511: PathToRef PTR Force actor to path to reference.
512: StartAIControlledRobotTest SPTP Starts player pathing memory test.
513: TestHandleManagerWarnAndKillSDM THMWAKS Purely for testing: lists every un-destroyed handle, then destroys it.
514: SetFaceTarget SFT Force actor to face a reference.
515: PrecomputedLOSGeneration plg
516: PrecomputedLOSDebug pld
517: GenerateCoverEdges gce
518: GenerateCoverDebug gcd
519: SetPathSprinting SPS Force actor to sprint.
520: SetAnimGraphVar sgv Set an animation graph variable.
521: SetTreeTrunkFlexibility STSTF Set the flexibility of trees trunk.
522: SetTreeBranchFlexibility STSBF Set the flexibility of trees branches.
523: SetTreeBranchAnimationRange STSBR Restrict the range of tree branch animations.
524: SetTreeLeafFlexibility STSLF Set the flexibility of trees leaves.
525: SetTreeLeafAmplitude STSLAMP Set the amplitude of trees leaves.
526: SetTreeLeafFrequency STSLFRQ Set the frequency of trees leaves.
527: SetTreeWindDirection STSWD Set the tree system wind direction.
528: SetTreeWindMagnitude STSWM Set the tree system wind magnitude.
529: SetBloodParam SBP Set blood parameters.
530: RegisterPrefix RPRFX Register all resources at a path prefix.
531: ToggleEventLog TEL Show a log of misc. events for the selected debug REFR.
532: ExportPerfTrackingData EPTD Export performance monitor tracking data to a file.
533: DisplayGraphVariable dgv Gives control of variable filters used on the animation debug text page.
534: ToggleMotionDriven TMD Toggles motion driven animation
535: ToggleControlsDriven TC Toggles controls driven character
536: ToggleGUIOverlay TGO Toggles the graphical overlay
537: ModifyGUIOverlay MGO Modifies a graphical overlay
538: AddCustomOverlay ACO Adds a custom overlay
539: SetCustomOverlayForm SetCOF Sets the form for a custom overlay
540: CloseCustomOverlay CloseCO Closes a custom overlay
541: SetActionComplete SAC Sets all active actions on actor in scene complete
542: SetConsoleScopeQuest SSQ Sets the scope quest for all console functions. No param clears current scope quest.
543: GetDistanceFromActorsPath GDFAP Prints out the distance from a reference to an actor's path.
544: ClearConsole clear Clears the console log
545: ToggleMarkers TMK Toggle markers
546: KillAllProjectiles kap Kill all projectiles
547: PlayTerrainEffect PTFX Plays a terrain effect at target REFR
548: CellInfo Toggle Cell Info
549: Textures tx Toggle Texture Info
550: Timing FPS Toggle Timing Info
551: Polygons Polys Toggle Mesh Render Info
552: Actors Actors Toggle Actor Info
553: Quest Quest Toggle Quest Event Info
554: Particles Particles Toggle Particle Info
555: Memory Toggle Memory Info
556: FileStreamerStats fsstats File streamer stats
557: SetGraphicMemoryHysteresis SetGMH Set graphic memory hysteresis
558: AllocateGraphicMemory AllocGM Allocate graphic memory to check hysteresis
559: ShowNodes Show nodes- [All], [Off]
560: ShowBones Show bones- [All], [Off]
561: SaveDebugTextPages SaveDTP Save Debug Text Pages settings to .ini file.
562: OutputFixedStringTable OFST Output the fixed string table to a file.
563: AttachPapyrusScript APS Attaches a papyrus script to a reference
564: SaveHavokSnapshot SHS Saves a Havok snapshot of the hkpWorld the player is currently in
565: SetNPCWeight SNPCW [0-100]: Sets the weight of an NPC and reloads his 3D to visualize the weight change
566: ShowClosestLocationForSphere SCLFS Finds the closest location where a sphere can fit in the navmesh, and displays it
567: PrintShaderMacros PSM Given a shader and technique ID, prints the macros used to compile its shader.
568: ToggleAudioOverlay TAO Toggle the Audio Debug Overlay.
569: TogglePapyrusLog TPLog Toggle the Papyrus Log Overlay.
570: ToggleContextOverlay TCO Toggle the Context Overlay.
571: ForceOutOfMemory FOOM Forces an OOM state.
572: ToggleMovement TMOVE Toggles all actor movement
573: ToggleAnimations TANIM Toggles all actor animations
574: SetWarning Params: Name [0/1]. 0 is default for 2nd param.
575: TestFadeNodes TestFN
576: ShowLowMaxHeights slmh
577: ShowHighMaxHeights shmh
578: EnableStoryManagerLogging esml Enable story manager logging.
579: DumpPapyrusStacks dps Dumps all Papyrus stack information to the log
580: DumpPapyrusTimers dpt Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log
581: DumpPapyrusLOSEvents dple Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log
582: DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents dpde Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log
583: DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo dppi Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed in
584: DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations dper Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script)
585: SoundCatMod scm In-game control of sound categories.
586: RunCompaction rcmpct Run a pass of compaction if possible.
587: ToggleAnimatorCam animcam Toggles a 3rd-person camera mode designed for animators' ease-of-use
588: ToggleImmortalMode TIM Toggle Immortal mode
589: SetSubgraphToDebug sgd Subgraph To Debug
590: EnableRumble
591: HavokVDBCapture vdbcapture Havok VDB Capture
592: ToggleMapCam tmc toggle a view mode similar to the map camera for debugging
593: ToggleNavmeshInfo tni toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos
594: PlaySyncAnim syncanim Play Sync Anim
595: SetFormKnown Sets the known flag on a form
596: SetDebugQuest Sets the quest to be the only one startable for its event type.
597: SetQuestAliasLogging sqal Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
598: SetRace Sets the passed in actor's race.
599: FindForm find Find a form
600: StartPapyrusScriptProfile StartPSP Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
601: StopPapyrusScriptProfile StopPSP Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
602: StartPapyrusFormProfile StartPFP Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
603: StopPapyrusFormProfile StopPFP Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
604: StartPapyrusStackRootProfile StartPSRP Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
605: StopPapyrusStackRootProfile StopPSRP Stops profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
606: TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler TPGP Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles *everything*).
607: PrintQuestSceneInfo PrintS Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
608: IsInvulnerable isinv Is the actor invulnerable?
609: ExportInventoryItemInfo eiii
610: CollisionMesh colmesh Toggle Mesh Collision Info
611: HavokWorldStep hkstep Toggle bhkWorld Havok Step Info
612: IsolateRendering ir
613: ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry twcg
614: PerformAction pa
615: StartTrackPlayerDoors StartTPD
616: StopTrackPlayerDoors StopTPD
617: CheckPlayerDoors CheckPD
618: SetInChargen
619: ClearAchievement
620: ForceReset
621: ForceCloseFiles FCF Close masterfile & plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
622: HotLoadPlugin HLP Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
623: GenerateBendableSpline Spline
624: ReloadScript Reloads the specified Papyrus script
625: TestAim ta Test an actor's aim
626: PushCamera pushcam Push camera to editor
627: MoveToEditorCamera movetocam Move to the editor camera
628: MoveToEditorSelection movetosel Move to the editor selection
629: PlaceFurnitureTester PFT Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
630: DumpConditionFunctions DCF
631: ReloadAnimationGraphs RAG
632: ToggleHUDOverlay tho Toggle the HUD overlay.
633: SetHUDOverlayMode shom Set HUD Overlay Mode (0 none, 1 pickref, 2 ammo, 3 all)
634: ToggleWeaponOverlay two Toggle the weapon overlay.
635: ForceDetect fd
636: ToggleAnimationOverlay tano Toggle the animation overlay
637: Warnings Toggle Warnings Overlay
638: ShowSPECIALMenu
639: ChangeAnimArchetype caa Change the selected actor's anim archetype
640: ChangeAnimFlavor caf Change the selected actor's anim flavor
641: SetAngryWithPlayer sawp Set the angry with player flag
642: ForceRepath frp Force the actor to repath
643: ForcePathFailure fpf Force the actor's path to fail
644: DumpFormList dfl Dump the contents of the given formlist to the console output
645: TraceAnimationEvents tae Trace an actor's animation events
646: ShowMods mods Show all property mods on an object
647: DumpInputEnableLayers diel Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console
648: AttachMod amod Attach a mod to an object
649: RemoveMod rmod Remove a mod from an object
650: SpawnTemplatedObject sto Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
651: CallFunction cf Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
652: CallQuestFunction cqf Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
653: CallGlobalFunction cgf Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
654: ResetInputEnableLayer riel Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer
655: ForceEnablePlayerControls fepc Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls
656: ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls rfepc Resets all force-enabled player controls
657: GetActorRefOwner garo
658: SetActorRefOwner saro
659: HasActorRefOwner haro
660: SetOutfit Change the default outfit for the actor
661: PassTime
662: LinkLocations
663: ShowLinkedLocations
664: SetLinkedRef
665: ResetContainer
666: SetSceneForDebug
667: PreloadExterior
668: TestPath tp
669: ToggleControlsOverlay tcon Toggle Controls Overlay
670: Refresh
671: ToggleMTR tMTR Toggles the multi-thread rendering on or off
672: DynamicResolution dr Change the dynamic resolution settings
673: TestLoadingMenu
674: RecalcInstanceData rid
675: DismemberActor dismember Bone Name, SegmentID, Cut Offset
676: ToggleReferencePose trp
677: PyConsole py Switch to Python console
678: LuaConsole lua Switch to Lua console
679: SetPersistLocation
680: SetLocationRefType
681: ShowLocData sld
682: ReserveLoc rsv
683: UpdateAwakeSound UAS Update the selected actor's current conscious loop.
684: PrintAudioDeviceInfo padi Print audio device data to the console log.
685: SetHarvested Mark the current reference as Harvested or not..
686: PauseScene Pause or unpause the specified scene
687: SpawnDupe Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref
688: CombineLoadedObjects clo Runs object combination on all applicable refs in the loaded area.
689: ShowCombinedObjects sco Shows/Hides combined objects in the loaded area.
690: ShowMeshLOD smlod Shows/Hides tint for mesh LOD to see current levels.
691: ForceKillSound fks Force kill the sound with the given ID (pass 0 or nothing for all sounds).
692: DisableDistantReferences ddr Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref
693: FireAssert Fire an assert
694: ForcePersistent fp Force a reference to become persistent
695: PlayEventCamera tec Play this event camera on the reference
696: ChangeStance chs Change the actor's stance
697: AuditionSoundDescriptor ASD Set of commands for auditioning sound descriptors.
698: PushSoundCategorySnapshot PSCS Push the given Sound Category Snapshot to the stack.
699: RemoveSoundCategorySnapshot RSCS Remove the given Sound Category Snapshot from the stack.
700: BuildAnimationData bad Build the animation data for the actor
701: SetNumMTRJobs
702: SwitchSkeleton
703: GetHelloorGreeting
704: CaptureNextFrameGPU gpucap Take GPU capture of next frame
705: TogglePreCulling tpc Turn use of pre-culled obects on/off
706: HideNonOccluders hno Hides all objects previs would not use as an occluder. 1-hide, 0-show, 2-partial
707: DumpPowerGrids dpg
708: SetBoneTintRegion sbtr
709: ToggleContextRollOptim tcro Toggles context roll optim
710: SendDialogueEvent sde Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor
711: RefreshGlobalTexture rgt refreshes a global texture
712: SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed player will always succeed at speech challenge
713: SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail player will always fail at speech challenge
714: RunMaterialsAnalysis rma Compares the materials of the selected reference
715: CaptureMessages Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.lua
716: SetSSRIntensity ssri Set overall intensity of Screen Space Reflections : default 1.0
717: SetSSRBlendingPower ssrbp Set blending power of Screen Space Reflections : default 1.0
718: SetSSRAngleThreshold ssrat Set angle threshold of Screen Space Reflections : default 0.2
719: SetSSREdgeFadeFactor ssreff Set edge fade factor of Screen Space Reflections : default 0.2
720: SetSSRVerticalBlurPower ssrvbp Set vertical blur power of Screen Space Reflections : default 50
721: SetSSRVerticalAlignmentPower ssrvap Set vertical alignemnt power of Screen Space Reflections : default 2
722: SetSSRVerticalStretchingPower ssrvsp Set vertical streching power of Screen Space Reflections(0.0 ~ 1.0) : default 0
723: SetSSRRayStepScale ssrrss Set ray step scale of Screen Space Reflections : default 8
724: ToggleZPrepass zpp Toggle Z Prepass : default false
725: RainOcclusion ro Toggle Rain Occlusion
726: SetGpuMemoryPriority
727: ToggleRainSplash trs Toggle Rain Splashes
728: CaptureMessage on to turn on else off
729: ToggleTrijuice TJ
730: SetPresentThreshold spt Set percentage (0 - 100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
731: BNetLogin login Log in to login <username> <password>
732: BNetLoginSSO loginsso Log in to using first-party authentication
733: BNetLogout logout Log out of
734: IsLoggedIn isonline Is the player logged in to
735: BNetCreateAccount createaccount Creates a account: createaccount <email> <username>
736: BNetLinkAccount link Links a account to a first-party account
737: BNetUnlinkAccount unlink Unlinks a account from a first-party account: unlink <password>
738: RequestOTP requestcode Requests a one-time password (OTP) code be emailed to the user
739: VerifyOTP verifycode Verifies a one-time password (OTP) code: verifycode <code>
740: GetLegalDocs getlegaldocs Retrieves a list of all required legal documents
741: AcceptLegalDoc acceptlegaldoc Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc <id>
742: SubscribeUGC subscribe Subscribes to a specified mod on subscribe <content id>
743: UnsubscribeUGC unsubscribe Unsubscribes from a specified mod on unsubscribe <content id>
744: GetSubscribedList getsubscribed Retrieves a list of all subscribed mods from getsubscribed
745: FollowUGC follow Follows a specified mod on follow <content id>
746: UnfollowUGC unfollow Unfollows a specified mod on unfollow <content id>
747: GetFollowedList getfollowed Retrieves a list of all followed mods from getfollowed
748: GetUGCDetails getdetails Retrieves a mod's details from getdetails <content id>
749: DownloadUGC download Downloads a mod's data file from download <content id>
750: ToggleMTRDeferredLights tMTRDFL Toggles the multi-thread deferred lights rendering on or off
751: UpdateGodraySettings gr Modifies the Godray configuration settings
752: UpdateFlexSettings flex Modifies the Flex configuration settings
753: UpdateHBAOSettings hbao Modifies the HBAO+ configuration settings
754: ExportWorkshopPowerGrid export Exports the selected Workshop's power grid.
755: StartWorkshop workshop Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
756: ToggleVBlankOptim tvbo Toggles VBlank optim
757: ProcessValidDismemberments pvdo Processes valid dismemberment cut offsets on an actor
758: ToggleSegmentVisibility tsgv Toggle Segment Visibility
759: AddKeyword
760: SetAmbientParticlesEnabled sape
761: ToggleDOQM tDOQM Toggles the dynamic object query manager on or off
762: ScrapAll Scraps all eligible references in the loaded area.
763: GetBudgetCounts Gets the counts of draws and triangles in the loaded area for Workshop budget definition.
764: WorkshopBudget Gets numbers for establishing the budget for a workshop.
765: ToggleLookAtDebug tLAD
766: SetESRAMSetup esram Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup)
767: ToggleESRAM tesram Toggle ESRAM on/off
768: SetBookViewPort setbookvp Set the text render viewport on a book
769: SetBookOffset setbookoffset Set the text display offset on a book
770: ToggleMTA tMTA Toggles the multi-thread accumulation on or off
771: SetPresentInterval spi Set the present interval.
772: CallStackTraceDepth trace Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
773: CommandedActivate ca Commands selected actor to use a reference
774: StoreInWorkshop store Store one or more of a base object in a Workshop reference
775: InstanceNamingRules inr Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt
776: GetOrbisModInfo
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StarHorder commented Jan 28, 2024

Missing pushactoraway

PushActorAway knocks down (ragdolls) one actor and pushes it away from another with a given force.

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Ruedii commented Mar 9, 2024

BTW, I presume this should be treated as Fair Use, so I can make a clone list to give more detailed help?

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Ruedii commented Mar 9, 2024

Missing pushactoraway

PushActorAway knocks down (ragdolls) one actor and pushes it away from another with a given force.

My thought is this would list the "documented" commands, which are the ones that pull up if you pull up the in console list of commands.

It appears to be missing most action/event commands. For instance, "Jump" and "Reload" are also missing.

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Missing pushactoraway
PushActorAway knocks down (ragdolls) one actor and pushes it away from another with a given force.

My thought is this would list the "documented" commands, which are the ones that pull up if you pull up the in console list of commands.

It appears to be missing most action/event commands. For instance, "Jump" and "Reload" are also missing.

ah, valid point!

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Ruedii commented Apr 9, 2024

I suspect it is only listing commands that act on certain parts of the engine.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get the list of other commands that I know of.

One might be able to fetch them using a mod or by rooting around for string tags in the exes and game data packages followed by brute force. The other option might be to pull them with a custom mod made for the purpose.

I know dumping all the values attached to character objects would be best done with a mod. I don't know if you could do so with the global functions and variables.

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