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Richard Hollis richhollis

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tbrianjones / free_email_provider_domains.txt
Last active May 29, 2024 09:23
A list of free email provider domains. Some of these are probably not around anymore. I've combined a dozen lists from around the web. Current "major providers" should all be in here as of the date this is created.
JamesDullaghan /
Created July 6, 2013 20:54
Deploy rails app to digitalocean with nginx, unicorn, capistrano & postgres

Deploy Rails app to digitalocean with nginx, unicorn, capistrano & postgres

Create droplet of your liking (ubuntu 12.10 x32)

ssh to root in terminal with your server ip

ssh root@

Add ssh fingerprint and enter password provided in email

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
Documented at
To check font mapping run the command at terminal
$ fc-match 'helvetica Neue'
ziadoz / stripe-checkout.html
Last active November 19, 2022 05:59
Custom Stripe Checkout Button
<form action="." method="post">
<noscript>You must <a href="" target="_blank">enable JavaScript</a> in your web browser in order to pay via Stripe.</noscript>
value="Pay with Card"
data-name="Example Company Inc"
jareware /
Last active May 19, 2024 14:03
Advanced SCSS, or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do

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Advanced SCSS

Or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.

I've been using SCSS/SASS for most of my styling work since 2009, and I'm a huge fan of Compass (by the great @chriseppstein). It really helped many of us through the darkest cross-browser crap. Even though browsers are increasingly playing nice with CSS, another problem has become very topical: managing the complexity in stylesheets as our in-browser apps get larger and larger. SCSS is an indispensable tool for dealing with this.

This isn't an introduction to the language by a long shot; many things probably won't make sense unless you have some SCSS under your belt already. That said, if you're not yet comfy with the basics, check out the aweso

arax / gist:4226541
Created December 6, 2012 17:56
VCR - ignore specific requests
VCR.configure do |c|
c.hook_into :webmock
c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/cassettes'
c.default_cassette_options = { :record => :new_episodes }
## Ignore some requests based on the hosts involved.
c.ignore_hosts 'localhost', '', ''
## Ignore some requests based on their properties.
# The block passed to c.ignore_request has to
skyriverbend /
Created November 15, 2012 05:54
Rails: Switch branches and run migrations
To use this script, you must be in the root directory of a Rails project that
is using git. You should also make sure that your directory does not contain any
uncommitted changes. Then run:
$ python name_of_another_branch
Running the above will do the following:
cyx / gist:3690597
Created September 10, 2012 12:13 — forked from inkel/gist:3690584
Monit Redis
check process redis-server
with pidfile "/var/run/"
start program = "/etc/init.d/redis-server start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/redis-server stop"
if 2 restarts within 3 cycles then timeout
if totalmem > 100 Mb then alert
if children > 255 for 5 cycles then stop
if cpu usage > 95% for 3 cycles then restart
if failed host port 6379 then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
keyboardsurfer / .gitignore
Last active December 11, 2019 01:55
Android gitignore
# Copyright: Benjamin Weiss (keyboardsurfer)
# Under CC-BY-SA V3.0 (
# built application files
# lint folder
maccman / juggernaut_channels.rb
Created June 26, 2012 04:56
Sinatra Server Side Event streaming with private channels.
# Usage: redis-cli publish message.achannel hello
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
conns = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
get '/' do