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Last active March 6, 2024 12:12
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  • Save s3rj1k/55b10cd20f31542046018fcce32f103e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save s3rj1k/55b10cd20f31542046018fcce32f103e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ubuntu 20.04.3 AutoInstall
# For recent versions of Ubuntu:
# Docs:
# Download ISO Installer:
# Create ISO distribution dirrectory:
mkdir -p iso/nocloud/
# Extract ISO using 7z:
7z x ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso -x'![BOOT]' -oiso
# Or extract ISO using xorriso and fix permissions:
xorriso -osirrox on -indev "ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso" -extract / iso && chmod -R +w iso
# Create empty meta-data file:
touch iso/nocloud/meta-data
# Copy user-data file:
cp user-data iso/nocloud/user-data
# Update boot flags with cloud-init autoinstall:
## Should look similar to this: initrd=/casper/initrd quiet autoinstall ds=nocloud;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ ---
sed -i 's|---|autoinstall ds=nocloud\\\;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ ---|g' iso/boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i 's|---|autoinstall ds=nocloud;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ ---|g' iso/isolinux/txt.cfg
# Disable mandatory md5 checksum on boot:
md5sum iso/.disk/info > iso/md5sum.txt
sed -i 's|iso/|./|g' iso/md5sum.txt
# (Optionally) Regenerate md5:
# The find will warn 'File system loop detected' and return non-zero exit status on the 'ubuntu' symlink to '.'
# To avoid that, temporarily move it out of the way
mv iso/ubuntu .
(cd iso; find '!' -name "md5sum.txt" '!' -path "./isolinux/*" -follow -type f -exec "$(which md5sum)" {} \; > ../md5sum.txt)
mv md5sum.txt iso/
mv ubuntu iso
# Create Install ISO from extracted dir (ArchLinux):
xorriso -as mkisofs -r \
-V Ubuntu\ custom\ amd64 \
-o ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64-autoinstall.iso \
-J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot \
-isohybrid-gpt-basdat -isohybrid-apm-hfsplus \
-isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/syslinux/bios/isohdpfx.bin \
iso/boot iso
# Create Install ISO from extracted dir (Ubuntu):
xorriso -as mkisofs -r \
-V Ubuntu\ custom\ amd64 \
-o ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64-autoinstall.iso \
-J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot \
-isohybrid-gpt-basdat -isohybrid-apm-hfsplus \
-isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin \
iso/boot iso
# After install:
- login with 'root:root' and change root user password
- set correct hostname with 'hostnamectl'
version: 1
- network
- storage
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: false
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
- rm -rf /target/root/snap
- rm -rf /target/snap
- rm -rf /target/var/lib/snapd
- rm -rf /target/var/snap
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -u root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -x -1 root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -e root
- sed -i 's|^root:.:|root:$6$3b873df474b55246$GIpSsujar7ihMzG8urUKpzF9/2yZJhR.msyFRa5ouGXOKRCVszsc4aBcE2yi3IuFVxtAGwrPKin2WAzK3qOtB.:|' /target/etc/shadow
disable_root: false
version: 1
- network
- storage
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: false
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -qq update
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -y install wget gnupg python2.7 openssh-server
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -qq update
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -y dist-upgrade
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
- rm -rf /target/root/snap
- rm -rf /target/snap
- rm -rf /target/var/lib/snapd
- rm -rf /target/var/snap
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -u root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -x -1 root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -e root
- sed -i 's|^root:.:|root:$6$3b873df474b55246$GIpSsujar7ihMzG8urUKpzF9/2yZJhR.msyFRa5ouGXOKRCVszsc4aBcE2yi3IuFVxtAGwrPKin2WAzK3qOtB.:|' /target/etc/shadow
- sed -i 's/ext4 defaults/ext4 prjquota,lazytime/g' /target/etc/fstab
- findmnt --real -U -n -t ext4 -o source | awk '{system("umount -l "$1)}'
- blkid -t TYPE="ext4" -o device | awk '{system("tune2fs -O project,quota -Q prjquota "$1)}'
disable_root: false
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s3rj1k commented Oct 29, 2021

@taralloman What do you mean by asking? UI Wizard step? If so, gist example was not intended to be fully auto-unattended install, so you would have to modify user-data to actually hide unneeded steps for your installation purposes.

Also, I think that someone provider that example in earlier messages.

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I have a question, i would like to play a script to personalize the desktop of ubuntu (like changing background, adding new favorite shorcut to side panel). I am using the late-commands option like this:
- wget -v http://x.x.x.x/
- echo ' downloaded'
- chmod +x
- ./
when it is done I can't see the change I wished.
Does anybody have an idea ?

Best regards.

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Kipjr commented Dec 23, 2021

please add curtin in-target --target=/target -- before each command as you are now running the commands in the install environment, not the target environment

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aconte31 commented Dec 23, 2021

Hello @Kipjr ,

Indeed I tried with - curtin in-target --target=/target -- touch /root/file.txt, and after logging the file was there.

Thanks a lot, I will now try with the script.

P.S: Is there a way to set up the autologgin ?

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Kipjr commented Dec 23, 2021

@aconte31 , follow these steps
and prepend the cli commands with curtin in-target --target=/target --

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aconte31 commented Jan 3, 2022


i would like to thank you for the help. I have a last question, is it possible to launch a script after the boot as the new created user by configuring it on the could-init ( not root )?

For exemple:

  • curtin in-target --target=/target -- echo "gnome-terminal --tab --title="" --command="bash -c '/root/'"" >> /etc/profile
    The command is executed without error but when I log in after first boot and i chech the file the modification isn't there.

Best regard.

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Kipjr commented Jan 4, 2022

You could leave a script at /etc/skel/Desktop so every new user has a script on their desktop

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aconte31 commented Jan 5, 2022


I find a way using /etc/profile which work fine. I have another question is it possible to use https for ubuntu as below:
I am using an .iso and use an user-data file.

linux /casper/hwe-vmlinuz autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=https://adress/path/to/file

append initrd=/casper/hwe-initrd autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=https://adress/path/to/file

Best regards.

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Any idea on how to use this on Ubuntu 22.04? I tried to do this today, but there is no isolinux folder anymore in the iso image. Ubuntu 22.04 current release can be downloaded from here:

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s3rj1k commented Jan 23, 2022

@iondulgheru needs to be adopted for that release, will do when I'll have some free time.

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dushyanthkumaryd commented Jan 28, 2022

I am also trying to create a customized iso with 21.10 using the above procedure but there is no /isolinux folder and boot/grub/efi.img file inside the extracted folder and these folder/files even not there in 20.10, 21.04, and 21.10. can anyone help if someone already did?

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dpflick commented Feb 1, 2022

I tried the following but it fails. I am new to this and I can't figure out what is wrong.
xorriso -as mkisofs -r \

-V Ubuntu\ custom\ amd64
-o ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64-autoinstall.iso
-J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table
-eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot
-isohybrid-gpt-basdat -isohybrid-apm-hfsplus
-isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin
iso/boot iso
xorriso 1.5.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64-autoinstall.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 37.1g free
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text problematic as automatic mount point name
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/devops/iso/boot'
xorriso : UPDATE : 261 files added in 1 seconds
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/devops/iso'
xorriso : FAILURE : Given path does not exist on disk: -boot_image system_area='/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin'
xorriso : UPDATE : 1005 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FAILURE'

Any idea where to start looking? I can't find isohdpfx.bin anywhere in the iso folder.

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Can the network&storage be set up automatically?

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pat0s commented Feb 10, 2022

I was trying to solve your problem and finally, I found this issue on Github.
tadas-s/custom-ubuntu-install#5 (comment)

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pat0s commented Feb 10, 2022

Yes, you can set up network and storage automatically @liuyueying-nx. You have to remove network and storage from interactive-sections: in a user-data file. Then configure everything you want in sections storage: and network:.

  version: 1
    - network
    - storage

Check out the documentation ->

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I did but it doesn't seem to work
version: 2
dhcp6: yes
name: direct

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pat0s commented Feb 10, 2022

Are the sections still interactive or is there an error?

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@pat0s still interactive. I want to modify the root password through the code of cloud-init, is this OK?

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Kipjr commented Feb 14, 2022

@dushyanthkumaryd ,
I've got an USB-key with /nocloud , /iso and required stuff to boot (server iso-> usb-key and remove distro files)

In the user-data file i've got references to the usb-key defined by /isodevice/

is your /boot/grub/grub.cfg configured like this?

menuentry "ISO - Ubuntu Server 21.10 {
	set gfxpayload=keep
    set isofile="/iso/ubuntu-21.10-live-server-amd64.iso"
    loopback loop (hd0,msdos1)$isofile
	linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject "ds=nocloud;s=/isodevice/nocloud/"  quiet autoinstall --- 
	initrd (loop)/casper/initrd

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is there a way to choose arbitrary disk to deploy LVM afters.
I used match: {} but it did not work. Has anyone ever had something like this ?

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utkonos commented Jun 19, 2022

I wrote a Python script that is a boiled-down simplification of the process here, and it's current for 22.04 LTS.

import io
import pathlib

import pycdlib

ubuntu = pathlib.Path('ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso')
new_iso_path = pathlib.Path('ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64-auto.iso')

iso = pycdlib.PyCdlib()

extracted = io.BytesIO()
iso.get_file_from_iso_fp(extracted, iso_path='/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1')
data =

new = data.replace(b' ---', b'quiet autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ ---').replace(b'timeout=30', b'timeout=1')

iso.rm_file(iso_path='/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1', rr_name='grub.cfg')
iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(new), len(new), '/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1', rr_name='grub.cfg')

iso.add_directory('/NOCLOUD', rr_name='nocloud')

user_data = b"""#cloud-config
  version: 1
    hostname: ubuntu-server
    password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
    username: ubuntu

iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(user_data), len(user_data), '/NOCLOUD/USER_DATA;1', rr_name='user-data')
iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(b''), len(b''), '/NOCLOUD/META_DATA;1', rr_name='meta-data')

Here's the gist:

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utkonos commented Jun 19, 2022

The username/password for the above is ubuntu/ubuntu

Also, this creates a really dangerous ISO. It will destroy whatever boots it, if possible. Only boot from this if you want an automatic install with no user interaction.

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utkonos commented Jun 19, 2022

You can split this into two different ISOs also. One which is the Ubuntu installer ISO which has been edited to just do quiet autoinstall. And the other that contains the user-data file. You then boot from the installer ISO and have the other ISO attached as a second CDROM.

First ISO

import io
import pathlib

import pycdlib

ubuntu = pathlib.Path('ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso')
new_iso = pathlib.Path('ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64-auto.iso')

iso = pycdlib.PyCdlib()

extracted = io.BytesIO()
iso.get_file_from_iso_fp(extracted, iso_path='/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1')
data =

new = data.replace(b' ---', b'quiet autoinstall ---').replace(b'timeout=30', b'timeout=1')

iso.rm_file(iso_path='/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1', rr_name='grub.cfg')
iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(new), len(new), '/BOOT/GRUB/GRUB.CFG;1', rr_name='grub.cfg')


Second ISO

import io
import pathlib

import pycdlib

new_iso = pathlib.Path('ubuntu-22.04-auto.iso')

iso = pycdlib.PyCdlib()'1.09', vol_ident='CIDATA')

user_data = b"""#cloud-config
  version: 1
    hostname: ubuntu-server
    password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
    username: ubuntu

iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(user_data), len(user_data), '/USERDATA;1', rr_name='user-data')
iso.add_fp(io.BytesIO(b''), len(b''), '/METADATA;1', rr_name='meta-data')


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s3rj1k commented Jun 30, 2022


Is this URL still alive?

I have downloaded the ISO from the official releases site.

should be ok also

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Quixus commented Nov 8, 2022

@aconte31 please add curtin in-target --target=/target -- before each command as you are now running the commands in the install environment, not the target environment

Does the /target part in curtin in-target --target=/target -- need to be customized in some way or is it literally /target?

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c0nsaw commented Nov 8, 2022

@aconte31 please add curtin in-target --target=/target -- before each command as you are now running the commands in the install environment, not the target environment

Does the /target part in curtin in-target --target=/target -- need to be customized in some way or is it literally /target?

as is....literally target

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Hi is it possible to point the install environment apt packages e.g cdroom /pool and /dist to the target environment to install packages such as nano. This will be for the minimal server install. ( no internet connection so no apt server , apt address file:///cdrom or something like that


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dmuiX commented Jan 7, 2023

Maybe somebody already wrote that. The late-commands do not work on current ubuntu-22.04.1-live-server-arm64
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 01 14 34

For reference I was just using the first three:

    - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove snapd
    - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
    - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean

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s3rj1k commented Jan 7, 2023

Maybe somebody already wrote that. The late-commands do not work on current ubuntu-22.04.1-live-server-arm64

Hmm, could be a bug, says that late-commands are supported

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@dmuiX ,
that is happening because you are trying to remove snapd, I had same issue with it on ubuntu20.04. You see, cloud-init is installed via snapd, and when you try to remove and purge snapd, all the packages, including cloud-init, are removed, thus due to self-preservation, your command fails.
I by passed it by moving the command to runcmd. that way the package will be removed on the first boot, without failing the system install.

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dmuiX commented Jan 8, 2023

@dmuiX , that is happening because you are trying to remove snapd, I had same issue with it on ubuntu20.04. You see, cloud-init is installed via snapd, and when you try to remove and purge snapd, all the packages, including cloud-init, are removed, thus due to self-preservation, your command fails. I by passed it by moving the command to runcmd. that way the package will be removed on the first boot, without failing the system install.

:D :D. So a bit like canibalism^^. Thanks for sharing your solution.
Although: runcmd is not referenced in the documentation: have you just added it like the rest? Or where have you found this? Maybe it was removed at the current version 2204? Is there some other way to add commands like the above?

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@s3rj1k I have tried [user-data_with_ssh_and_project_quota] with ubuntu 22.04 but it was not accessing or not auto installing can you please ping the guide for ubuntu 22.04 server in auto install method.

Thanks in advance

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Can you guys ping the working method for installing ubuntu 22.04 @s3rj1k @davosian @dmuiX @zero-pytagoras @zepx @dbkinghorn

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dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

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dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

Can you guys ping the working method for installing ubuntu 22.04 @s3rj1k @davosian @dmuiX @zero-pytagoras @zepx @dbkinghorn

I will look my one up and post it later

If you are interested i understanding the automated ubuntu installation a bit better this might be a good guide:

Pretty basic. As I decided to install everything via commands. Might be because it was not working pretty well and I had no time or motivation. Switched now to cloud-init and mulitpass to make everything run as this was easier and works better. I think you can use cloud-init to install a ubuntu instance as well you just have to find a way to integrate it in an iso file or provide it via network.

  version: 1
    hostname: k8s-cluster
    password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
    username: ubuntu
  locale: de_DE
    layout: de
    variant: mac
    install-server: yes
    allow-pw: yes
    - nala
  updates: all

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bashadude commented Mar 5, 2023


I am facing error while installing @s3rj1k @dmuiX

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you are trying to removing cloud-packages, which might be a reason for the errors

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you are trying to removing cloud-packages, which might be a reason for the errors

Hi @zero-pytagoras can you please ping me the exact working file of user-data to do complete autointall ubuntu 22.04. I have tried so many nothing is working completely.

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bashadude commented Mar 5, 2023

version: 1
- network
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: false
storage: # should set the interactive default but doesn't seem to work??
name: lvm
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
- rm -rf /target/root/snap
- rm -rf /target/snap
- rm -rf /target/var/lib/snapd
- rm -rf /target/var/snap
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -u root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -x -1 root
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -e root
- sed -i 's|^root:.:|root:$6$3b873df474b55246$GIpSsujar7ihMzG8urUKpzF9/2yZJhR.msyFRa5ouGXOKRCVszsc4aBcE2yi3IuFVxtAGwrPKin2WAzK3qOtB.:|' /target/etc/shadow
disable_root: false

I am using this user-data file. can you please help me to find put correct late commands and early commands @dmuiX @s3rj1k @zero-pytagoras @daniconil @onedr0p @kukat @davosian @mcginty

Copy link

s3rj1k commented Mar 5, 2023

@bashadude What do you see in error report?

Copy link

zero-pytagoras commented Mar 5, 2023

This should work

version: 1
- network
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
storage: # should set the interactive default but doesn't seem to work??
name: lvm
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Copy link

dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

Have a look above. I Had the same error ;)

Copy link

@bashadude What do you see in error report?


it was removing or purge the packages

Copy link

bashadude commented Mar 5, 2023

While booting i was appeared like this @s3rj1k @dmuiX @zero-pytagoras @soutrikand @sjerman @mcginty @onedr0p @SimplySeth



I am using this userdata file

update: yes
locale: en_US.UTF-8
dhcp4: true
dhcp4: true
dhcp4: true
dhcp4: true
version: 2
package: linux-generic
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
- ptable: gpt
serial: 362cea7f0bf55ec002a9f5df208c726db
wwn: '0x62cea7f0bf55ec002a9f5df208c726db'
path: /dev/sda
wipe: superblock-recursive
preserve: false
name: ''
grub_device: false
type: disk
id: disk-sda
- device: disk-sda
size: 1127219200
wipe: superblock
flag: boot
number: 1
preserve: false
grub_device: true
offset: 1048576
type: partition
id: partition-0
- fstype: fat32
volume: partition-0
preserve: false
type: format
id: format-0
- device: disk-sda
size: 2147483648
wipe: superblock
number: 2
preserve: false
grub_device: false
offset: 1128267776
type: partition
id: partition-1
- fstype: ext4
volume: partition-1
preserve: false
type: format
id: format-1
- device: disk-sda
size: 955843084288
wipe: superblock
number: 3
preserve: false
grub_device: false
offset: 3275751424
type: partition
id: partition-2
- name: ubuntu-vg
- partition-2
preserve: false
type: lvm_volgroup
id: lvm_volgroup-0
- name: ubuntu-lv
volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0
size: 107374182400B
wipe: superblock
preserve: false
type: lvm_partition
id: lvm_partition-0
fstype: ext4
volume: lvm_partition-0
preserve: false
type: format
id: format-2
- path: /
device: format-2
type: mount
id: mount-2
- path: /boot
device: format-1
type: mount
id: mount-1
- path: /boot/efi
device: format-0
type: mount
id: mount-0
updates: security
version: 1
#- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
#- rm -rf /target/root/snap
#- rm -rf /target/snap
#- rm -rf /target/var/lib/snapd
#- rm -rf /target/var/snap
#- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -u root
#- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -x -1 root
#- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -e root
#- sed -i 's|^root:.:|root:$6$3b873df474b55246$GIpSsujar7ihMzG8urUKpzF9/2yZJhR.msyFRa5ouGXOKRCVszsc4aBcE2yi3IuFVxtAGwrPKin2WAzK3qOtB.:|' /target/etc/shadow
disable_root: false

Copy link

zero-pytagoras commented Mar 5, 2023

you are missing interactive with storage.

version: 1
- network
- storage
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
name: lvm
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Copy link


Is it possible to do without interacting anything network and storage

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zero-pytagoras commented Mar 5, 2023

you really need to read this

version: 1
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
  version: 2
        name: en*
      dhcp4: true
      - {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
      - {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
      - {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
      - {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
      - {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
      - {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Copy link

you really need to read this

version: 1
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
  version: 2
        name: en*
      dhcp4: true
      - {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
      - {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
      - {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
      - {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
      - {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
      - {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Thank you so much @zero-pytagoras
Let me try now

Copy link

per request earlier here's my most recent post on this stuff.

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@bashadude you should thank @dbkinghorn : his initial tutorial and guidance led me to answers.... lemme know if t works for you.

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dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

Ubuntu autoinstall is not the same as cloud-Init. It is based on cloud-Init but uses some additional commands.

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@dmuiX mind sharing docs on ubuntu install ? I've used official ubuntu cloud-init docs but they are not very informative or clear.

Copy link

@bashadude - any success ?

you really need to read this

version: 1
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
  version: 2
        name: en*
      dhcp4: true
      - {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
      - {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
      - {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
      - {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
      - {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
      - {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Thank you so much @zero-pytagoras Let me try now

@bashadude - any update ?

Copy link

dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

@dmuiX mind sharing docs on ubuntu install ? I've used official ubuntu cloud-init docs but they are not very informative or clear.

I shared one link above.
Don’t think that I used anything else. I can look if I find something else.

But overall:
To me it the auto-install seemed like it did not work very well for what I wanted to do so I first switched to entering commands manual after install and then to multipass and cloud-Init.

If I remember it correctly I could not change the ipadress and set dns-resolving to a different nameserver via late-command. So I said fuckit i will make it manual or use something else. In cloud-Init this works actually pretty well.

Copy link

@bashadude - any success ?

you really need to read this

version: 1
identity: {hostname: HOSTNAME, password: "ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD", username: USERNAME}
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
  version: 2
        name: en*
      dhcp4: true
      - {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
      - {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
      - {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
      - {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
      - {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
      - {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu  friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Thank you so much @zero-pytagoras Let me try now

@bashadude - any update ?

same error @zero-pytagoras

Copy link

ok please share me if you find to autoinstall of ubuntu 22.04 @dmuiX i am facing error and got an headache work on this please ping if you find something

Copy link

dmuiX commented Mar 5, 2023

I can just repeat what i have written before. If it’s possible for you use cloud-Init. Works better in my opinion^^

Copy link

@bashadude can you show the output of crash report. it is in /var/crash folder
I've tested the yaml that i attached on virtual-box and it worked fine.
it seems you have some kind of problem with curtin that is implementing apt-config and also interface it finds is eno8303 or eno8403 so that also needs to be fixedmay be with crash report i could debug it better... eventually is should look like this:

version: 1
identity: {hostname: ubuntu22, password: $6$PiTL.ZmMVYG6U4q4$qa8lkOtlAAioKLKqt1q1Ci03HUAE4xRnhrvNd1x1oaSVoma2sTRCHtvt2/QV61tn0QQF6m2e/n0Uf1fQ/3yid0, username: ubuntu}
    layout: us
  locale: En_Us.UTF-8
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
  version: 2
        name: en*
      dhcp4: true
      - {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
      - {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
      - {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
      - {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
      - {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
      - {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text
disable_root: false

Copy link

@zero-pytagoras In crash file "segmentation fault"

Copy link

seg-fault is usually default error meaning that something is missing
try going over on all variables in user-data file: use this tutorial as well

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Hi All @s3rj1k @dmuiX @zero-pytagoras @soutrikand @sjerman @mcginty @onedr0p @SimplySeth

subiquity/Errorreporter/162334394239423.block_probe_fail : written to /var/crash


version: 1
locale: en_US.UTF-8
hostname: amd
password: $6$my3sWAA0IHiGgCZB$8ZJXJn3WpHj3Q0grUkz9zrcLTdkn1pO5W.VYYbx/kfjPHIKeZvYLIwVQ2cWP8TAnDyi1XWvGZsVBDsw5fdFGM1
realname: ubuntu
username: amd
package: linux-generic
version: 2
name: en*
dhcp4: true




#    dhcp4: true
 # eno8403:
  #  dhcp4: true
 # enp2s0f0np0:
#    dhcp4: true
 # enp2s0f1np1:
#    dhcp4: true

version: 2

package: linux-generic
layout: us
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
- {name: ubuntu-vg, devices:[partition-2], preserve: false, type: lvm_volgroup, id: lvm_volgroup-0 }
- {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 10GB, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_part-0}
- {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_part-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: fmt-2 }
- {path: /, device: fmt-2, type: mount, id: mnt-2}
- {path: /boot, device: fmt-1, type: mount, id: mnt-1}
- {path: /boot/efi, device: fmt-0, type: mount, id: mnt-0}
updates: security
version: 1

- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean
- sed -i 's/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/' /target/etc/default/motd-news
- sed -i 's|# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8|' /target/etc/locale.gen
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- locale-gen
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/connman.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/motd-news.timer
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-quit-wait.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/plymouth-start.service
- ln -fs /dev/null /target/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
- ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /target/etc/localtime
- rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf
- printf 'nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:1\noptions attempts:1\noptions rotate\n' > /target/etc/resolv.conf
- rm -f /target/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text

- rm -rf /target/root/snap

- rm -rf /target/snap

- rm -rf /target/var/lib/snapd

#- rm -rf /target/var/snap
#- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -u root

- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -x -1 root

- curtin in-target --target=/target -- passwd -q -e root

- sed -i 's|^root:.:|root:$6$3b873df474b55246$GIpSsujar7ihMzG8urUKpzF9/2yZJhR.msyFRa5ouGXOKRCVszsc4aBcE2yi3IuFVxtAGwrPKin2WAzK3qOtB.:|' /target/etc/shadow

disable_root: false

Please help me to debug guys

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onedr0p commented Mar 6, 2023

Please stop typing direct mentions.

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Please stop typing direct mentions.


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remove the curtin command listed below

- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean

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@bashadude remove the curtin command listed below

- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 remove apport bcache-tools btrfs-progs byobu cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf friendly-recovery fwupd landscape-common lxd-agent-loader ntfs-3g open-vm-tools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text popularity-contest rsync screen snapd sosreport tmux ufw
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get --purge -y --quiet=2 autoremove
- curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get clean

@zero-pytagoras Thanks for sharing

I will update after this

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s3rj1k commented Mar 6, 2023

@dbkinghorn Can you maybe stop referring to your blog? One refer would have been enough, thanks.

P.S. I've added a link to your blog at the begging of howto, still if you want to contribute, please post full answers here.

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Oh man, I'm so sorry! I've been getting questions in my email from more than one place on this. I've been careless about checking where I'm replying. Gist comments can get out of hand! I blew away my last comment. Wish you all the best --Don

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Hi All @s3rj1k @dbkinghorn @zero-pytagoras @dmuiX I am stuck in last step can you please help me to debug this

After running of my late commands i got this error
These are my late commands:

  • |
    set -ex
    EFI_DEV=$(awk '$2 == "/target/boot/efi" { print $1 }' /proc/mounts)
    ROOT_DEV=$(awk '$2 ~ "^/target$" { print $1 }' /proc/mounts)
    ROOT_UUID=$(blkid -o value $ROOT_DEV | head -n 1)
    awk '$2 ~ "^/target/" { print $2 }' /proc/mounts | xargs umount
    btrfs subvolume snapshot /target /target/rootfs
    mkdir /mnt/rootfs
    mount -o subvol=rootfs $ROOT_DEV /mnt/rootfs
    mount $EFI_DEV /mnt/rootfs/boot/efi
    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/rootfs/dev
    mount -o bind /sys /mnt/rootfs/sys
    mount -o bind /proc /mnt/rootfs/proc
    sed -i "/$ROOT_UUID/s/defaults/defaults,noatime,subvol=rootfs/" /mnt/rootfs/etc/fstab
    chroot /mnt/rootfs update-grub
    chroot /mnt/rootfs grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi
    find /target -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name rootfs -exec rm -rf '{}' ;
    btrfs subvolume create /target/home
    echo "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$ROOT_UUID /home btrfs defaults,noatime,subvol=home 0 0" >> /mnt/rootfs/etc/fstab

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TBH it is not clear what you are trying to do any more...
you do need to add /target to bunch of places if you wish to change partitions. for example:
/mnt/rootfs/etc/fstab is suppose to be /target/mnt/rootfs/etc/fstab

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surter commented May 26, 2023

The installation of ubuntu22.04 through uefi mode pxe is successful, but after restarting, it will enter the pxe network installation instead of booting from the local hard disk. The default hard disk booting is the first boot item. Is there any way to solve this problem?

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surter commented May 26, 2023


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surter commented May 26, 2023


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