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Last active September 5, 2024 07:13
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Hide fetch/XHR in Cypress command log

This novel workaround simply hides any command log entries that originate from fetch/XHR requests.

While I've updated this receipe for Cypress 10 and converted it to TypeScript you should be able to use it in a JavaScript project by ignoring the cypress.d.ts file and placing the snippet from e2e.ts in e2e.js instead.

// Add the following to cypress/support/cypress.d.ts
declare namespace Cypress {
interface ResolvedConfigOptions {
hideXHRInCommandLog?: boolean;
// Add the following to cypress/support/e2e.ts or cypress/support/e2e.js
// Hide fetch/XHR requests from command log
if (Cypress.config('hideXHRInCommandLog')) {
const app =;
if (
app &&
) {
const style = app.document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML =
'.command-name-request, .command-name-xhr { display: none }';
style.setAttribute('data-hide-command-log-request', '');
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cie commented May 10, 2022

This worked for me:

const origLog = Cypress.log
Cypress.log = function (opts, ...other) {
  if (
    opts.displayName === 'fetch' &&
  ) {
  return origLog(opts, ...other)

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It just works, Thanks for sharing :)

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@simenbrekken this throws an error as object is possibly null how do i fix this please

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ghost commented Jun 1, 2022

This no longer works since I updated to Cypress 10.0. The support/index.js file was renamed to support/e2e.js , Would that be the reason as to why?

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Zwimber commented Jun 5, 2022

The solution of @cie works nicely in the latest version 10.0.2.

It's also really easy to modify to do even more advanced things, thanks for the tip! Slightly modified if you want to block certain domains:

const cypressLogOriginal = Cypress.log
const cypressLogDomainsHidden = ['']
Cypress.log = function (opts, ...other) {
	const logFetchIs = ['fetch'].includes(opts.displayName)
	const logFetchDomainMatch = logFetchIs && cypressLogDomainsHidden.find((d) => opts.url.includes(d))
	if (logFetchDomainMatch) return
	return cypressLogOriginal(opts, ...other)

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I haven't had time to update to 10, but @cie appears to be working.

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drecali commented Jun 23, 2022

@justjoshn I just updated to 10.2.0 and @simenbrekken's snippet still works for me. If you used the Cypress.config('hideXHR') option there might be a problem with the placement of your hideXHR config value in the newly generated cypress.config.ts file.

Thanks again @simenbrekken for such a useful snippet!

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simenbrekken commented Sep 24, 2022

I've now updated this for Cypress 10 with TypeScript:

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Thanks @simenbrekken, snippet works like a charm (currently in 11.2.0)

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Very helpful thread.
I landed on:

 * @see
export function silenceFetchLogs(silenceFetchPattern: RegExp | string): void {
  let loggedOnce: boolean = false;
  const originalCypressLog = Cypress.log
  Cypress.log = function (opts, ...other) {
    if (
      opts.displayName === "fetch"
      ((opts as any).url as string).match(silenceFetchPattern) != null
    ) {
      if (loggedOnce) {
      } else {
        loggedOnce = true;
        opts.displayName = "noisy fetch - will be silenced";
        return originalCypressLog(opts, ...other)
    return originalCypressLog(opts, ...other)

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laudi2204 commented Jun 7, 2023

Perfect! Works like a charm.

Thank you!

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thanks a lot

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A slightly easier way of disabling, using cy.intercept():
in your './cypress/support/e2e' set:

before(function () {
    // disable Cypress's default behavior of logging all XMLHttpRequests and fetches to the Command Log
    cy.intercept({ resourceType: /xhr|fetch/ }, { log: false })

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Brugui7 commented Jul 14, 2023

Based on this thread I created a cypress plugin to filter logs both with cypress open and cypress run based on log levels.

You can check it out here:

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elycruz commented Jul 25, 2023

Based on this thread I created a cypress plugin to filter logs both with cypress open and cypress run based on log levels.

You can check it out here:

This library would've been great if didn't permit the log messages' markup to render at all (in my scenario I have many requests coming in, almost never ending, which causes the host OS to run out of memory (which just causes cypress to crash)).

Nevermind comment - Just realized your plugin is for filtering ('live') but not necessarily preventing the markup rendering.

Thanks for sharing!

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Brugui7 commented Jul 26, 2023

Based on this thread I created a cypress plugin to filter logs both with cypress open and cypress run based on log levels.
You can check it out here:

This library would've been great if didn't permit the log messages' markup to render at all (in my scenario I have many requests coming in, almost never ending, which causes the host OS to run out of memory (which just causes cypress to crash)).

Nevermind comment - Just realized your plugin is for filtering ('live') but not necessarily preventing the markup rendering.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, the thing is that I tried filtering them before they were added in the first place but the logs API doesn't allow you to do that :'(

That's as much as I was able to do

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elycruz commented Aug 2, 2023

👍 , I hear you - In the end I went with the "shimming the Cypress.log method approach (mentioned by @cie), but more refined (used a regular expression, defined outside of custom method, and just ran a test on incoming log displayName types).

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