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sticking with Firefox till the end

Šime Vidas simevidas

sticking with Firefox till the end
View GitHub Profile

@simevidas: @seanmonstar I've come up with some questions: (Context:

Is it possible to use an email address from your own domain for Persona? (E.g. if John Smith owns the domain and creates the email address, can he use that address for Persona?) If yes, how to set it up? Which config is required on your web/email server?

Yep. If John does nothing, then he can use with Persona by verifying an email from Persona, and creating a password in the dialog. If John wants to own his login experience, he can set up his domain to be an Identity Provider:

How does Persona remember your e-mail address? Where is that stored? (E.g. when I click “login with email” and the Persona popup has my gmail address pre-selected - How does Persona know this information? Is it kept on Persona’s server or in my browser somewhere?)

The relationship of which email you

rwaldron /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Exponentiation Operator: **

Exponentiation Operator

Performs exponential calculation on operands. Same algorithm as Math.pow(x, y)

  • Commonly used in albegra, geometry, physics and robotics.
  • Nice to have "inline" operator

Prior Art

  • Python
if (!HTMLVideoElement.prototype.canPlayType) {
HTMLVideoElement.prototype.canPlayType = function(type) {
return [
"It is certain",
"It is decidedly so",
"Without a doubt",
"Yes definitely",
"You may rely on it",
"As I see it, yes",
"Most likely",