Save smileham/1e57a5946235e780dee5a824f664aa3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* | |
* Import from CSV | |
* | |
* Requires jArchi - https://www.archimatetool.com/blog/2018/07/02/jarchi/ | |
* Requires PapaParse - https://www.papaparse.com/ | |
* Works with Export to CSV Script - https://gist.github.com/smileham/15c445b17a92bd6f5dc1508e573bcd8a | |
* | |
* Version 1: Import from CSV | |
* Version 1.1: Force character encoding to use UTF-8 | |
* Version 2: Support for Specialization and creates "CSVImport-timestamp" view | |
* Version 2.1: Fix for "empty" rows | |
* Version 2.2: Fix for BOM | |
* | |
* (c) 2022 Steven Mileham | |
* | |
*/ | |
var debug = false; | |
console.show(); | |
console.clear(); | |
console.log("> Import CSV"); | |
const Papa = require(__DIR__ + "lib/papaparse.min.js"); | |
console.log("> Loaded Papa Parse"); | |
var filePath = window.promptOpenFile({ title: "Open CSV", filterExtensions: ["*.CSV"], fileName: "default.csv" }); | |
if (filePath) { | |
var FileReader = Java.type("java.io.FileReader"); | |
var Types = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets"); | |
var theCSVFile = new FileReader(filePath,Types.UTF_8); | |
var theCSV =""; | |
var data = theCSVFile.read(); | |
console.log("> Please Wait..."); | |
while(data != -1) { | |
if (data!=65279) { | |
var theCharacter = String.fromCharCode(data); | |
theCSV+=theCharacter; | |
} | |
data = theCSVFile.read(); | |
} | |
theCSVFile.close(); | |
console.log("> File Loaded"); | |
theDataFile = Papa.parse(theCSV); | |
theData = theDataFile.data; | |
theDataHeaders = theData[0]; | |
var newGroupStart = 48; | |
var nameGroupStart = 180; | |
var uidGroupStart = 312; | |
var maxPerRow = 10; | |
var newGroupCount=0; | |
var nameGroupCount=0; | |
var uidGroupCount=0; | |
var newGroupRow=1; | |
var nameGroupRow=1; | |
var uidGroupRow=1; | |
var theDate = new Date(); | |
var theView = model.createArchimateView("CSVImport-"+theDate.toString()); | |
var templateObject = theView.createObject("note", 0, 0, -1, -1); | |
var templateHeight = templateObject.bounds.height; | |
var templateWidth = templateObject.bounds.width | |
templateObject.delete(); | |
var titleNote = theView.createObject("note", 12, 12, maxPerRow*templateWidth, 24); | |
titleNote.text = "Import from:"+filePath+" on "+theDate.toString(); | |
var newGroup = theView.createObject("diagram-model-group", 12, newGroupStart, maxPerRow*templateWidth, templateWidth); | |
newGroup.name = "New Elements"; | |
var nameGroup = theView.createObject("diagram-model-group", 12, nameGroupStart, maxPerRow*templateWidth, templateWidth); | |
nameGroup.name = "Matched by Name"; | |
var uidGroup = theView.createObject("diagram-model-group", 12, uidGroupStart, maxPerRow*templateWidth, templateWidth); | |
uidGroup.name = "Matched by UID"; | |
var commonProperties = ["UID","Name", "Documentation","Type","Specialization"]; | |
for (var i=1; i<theData.length; i++) { | |
var matchType = 3; | |
var theConcept = null; | |
var theObject = []; | |
for (var j=0; j<theDataHeaders.length; j++) { | |
theObject[theDataHeaders[j]]=theData[i][j]; | |
} | |
debug? console.log(theObject):true; | |
if (theObject.Name!=null && theObject.Name.trim()!="" && theObject.Name.trim()!="null") { | |
theConcept = $("#"+theObject.UID).first(); | |
if (!theConcept) { | |
debug? console.log("> Missing UID, checking Name"):true; | |
theConcept = $("."+theObject.Name).first(); | |
matchType=2; | |
if (!theConcept || theConcept.length>1) { | |
debug? console.log("> Creating Concept"):true; | |
theConcept = model.createElement(theObject.Type,theObject.Name); | |
matchType=1; | |
} | |
} | |
debug? console.log(theConcept):true; | |
theConcept.name=theObject.Name; | |
theConcept.documentation=theObject.Documentation; | |
theConcept.type=theObject.Type; | |
if (theObject.Specialization!="") | |
{ | |
theSpecializations = model.specializations; | |
for (var j=0; j<theSpecializations.length; j++) { | |
debug? console.log("> Checking Spec " + theSpecializations[j]):true; | |
if (theSpecializations[j].name==theObject.Specialization && theSpecializations[j].type == theObject.Type) | |
{ | |
debug? console.log("> Setting Spec " + theConcept.specialization):true; | |
theConcept.specialization=theObject.Specialization; | |
} | |
} | |
if (theConcept.specialization==null) | |
{ | |
debug? console.log("> Creating Spec " + theObject.Specialization):true; | |
model.createSpecialization(theObject.Specialization, theObject.Type); | |
theConcept.specialization=theObject.Specialization; | |
} | |
} | |
for (var j=0; j<theDataHeaders.length; j++) { | |
switch (theDataHeaders[j]) { | |
case "UID": | |
case "Name": | |
case "Documentation": | |
case "Type": | |
case "Specialization": | |
break; | |
default: | |
if (theObject[theDataHeaders[j]]) { | |
theConcept.prop(theDataHeaders[j],theObject[theDataHeaders[j]]); | |
} | |
else { | |
theConcept.removeProp(theDataHeaders[j]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
newGroup.bounds = {x:newGroup.bounds.x, y:newGroup.bounds.y, width:maxPerRow*templateWidth,height:(templateHeight+12)*newGroupRow+24}; | |
nameGroup.bounds = {x:nameGroup.bounds.x, y:newGroup.bounds.y+newGroup.bounds.height+12, width:maxPerRow*templateWidth,height:(templateHeight+12)*nameGroupRow+24}; | |
uidGroup.bounds = {x:uidGroup.bounds.x, y:nameGroup.bounds.y+nameGroup.bounds.height+12, width:maxPerRow*templateWidth,height:(templateHeight+12)*uidGroupRow+24}; | |
switch (matchType) { | |
case 3: | |
uidGroupCount++; | |
if (uidGroupCount>=maxPerRow) | |
{ | |
uidGroupRow++; | |
uidGroupCount=1; | |
} | |
theGroupStart = uidGroup.bounds.y; | |
theGroupCount = uidGroupCount; | |
theGroupRow = uidGroupRow; | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
debug? console.log("> Name Group Width " +nameGroup.bounds.width):true; | |
nameGroupCount++; | |
if (nameGroupCount>=maxPerRow) | |
{ | |
nameGroupRow++; | |
nameGroupCount=1; | |
} | |
theGroupStart = nameGroup.bounds.y; | |
theGroupCount = nameGroupCount; | |
theGroupRow = nameGroupRow; | |
debug? console.log("> NEW Name Group Width " +nameGroup.bounds.width):true; | |
break; | |
case 1: | |
newGroupCount++; | |
if (newGroupCount>=maxPerRow) | |
{ | |
newGroupRow++; | |
newGroupCount=1; | |
} | |
theGroupStart = newGroup.bounds.y; | |
theGroupCount = newGroupCount; | |
theGroupRow = newGroupRow; | |
break; | |
} | |
var theViewObject = theView.add(theConcept, (theGroupCount*templateWidth)-(templateWidth-12)+(theGroupCount*12), theGroupStart+12+((theGroupRow-1)*templateHeight)+(theGroupRow*12), -1, -1, true); | |
} | |
} | |
console.log("> Parsing Complete") | |
} | |
else { | |
console.log("> Cancelled"); | |
} |
(Better late than never)
You're right, I think at some point I was looping through these to "ignore" them when writing the properties out, and then ended up moving to a case statement.
When doing an import from a CSV file, I keep getting Missing UID message. It then creates a random one in Archi. I am looking for a way to create pre-defined UID during initial import for consistent update and sync from other sources. Can you share a sample CSV that is formatted correctly?
Check out https://gist.github.com/smileham/1932ae02fc481e339629dff4e3fbd7f0 for example CSVs, also you can run the Export to CSV script on a view to generate your own https://gist.github.com/smileham/15c445b17a92bd6f5dc1508e573bcd8a
Thank you. I think I figured it out. The "Missing UID" is because it does not already exist in Archi. And from reading on the scripting language, I do not see any arguments on the Model Create Element to allow for specifying a UID. It appears you would need to do an initial load of the elements using the import feature in Archi first and the CSV format it needs. That does pre-create them. Then use them with your script to populate the properties. Thanks for your script. I think it will help me to structure things.
Hi Smileham,
Tested out your script - very nice functionality :-). Thanks!
Have however found a small issue with the importing as it turns out to not being able to handle characters such as 'æ', 'ø', 'å', etc. Do you know of any way to address this issue? The export function treats these letters just fine. Has it perhaps something to do with the papaparser?
Well spotted, I've updated it to load the file using UTF-8, try it now! @degjerken
Thanks a lot, @smileham! This update made my day ;-)
Hi Smileham, trying your export and import scripts and for some reason the relationships are not made while importing.
To test I just exported my view and reimported it in an empty model. All elements and their properties are exported/imported well, just the relationships not.
jArchi 1.6 enables support for CommonJS modules. To get this script to work replace the line:
load(__DIR__ + "lib/papaparse.min.js");
const Papa = require(__DIR__ + "lib/papaparse.min.js");
Hi Smileham. Thanks for this excellent script. I'm just wondering why you declared the commonProperties list as you don't reference it anywhere? Am I missing something?