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Install pyenv: brew install pyenv

Create a .zprofile file (if not created). Add the following: eval "$(pyenv init --path)"

Install version: `pyenv install

See versions: pyenv versions

Set global: pyenv global <version>

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My Professional Story

Ever since I was eight-years-old all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a physician. My entire high school career and over half of my college career were spent in pursuit of this goal. I volunteered in the E.R. and on the pediatric floor of the hospital, attended various camps/workshops, and even took the MCAT exam. But everything changed when I studied abroad my junior year. Suddenly I realized there was more to our existence than medicine and healthcare. On this trip I realized that I wanted to work with people, engage people, and help them connect. I suddenly realized perhaps the only thing I had ever known in my life wasn’t actually what I wanted for myself or what was good for me.

I had innumerable things to reconsider. After finishing college with degrees in both biology and Spanish, I spent the next few years exploring new career ideas/paths as well as working two jobs to pay off my student loans. In the end I came upon the realization that I wanted a career with

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Learning to use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, working on our teamwork skills.
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? We prefer to collaborate and work together, bouncing ideas off each other/pair programming.

Pairin Servey Reflections and Results


  • I think one of my greatest strengths is my curiosity and love of knowledge. I love understanding how things work and the underlying principles behind WHY things work. This curiosity has helped me become a great student. It has helped me develop a good memory for basic principles as well as good research skills in finding resources for learning and explaining new content and verifying it's veracity. I know this because people have often told me that I have a good memory and that I always understand a subject beyond the bare minimum that has to be known. I've often spent hours searching for extra sources, and more in-depth explanations of topics and themes that interest me, beyond what was required.
  • Because of this, I work best in an environment that is open, transparent, and often changing. I love adapting to new changes, and implementing them into my workflow. I don't mind authority as long as it's not used to obscure, belittle, control, or corrupt pe
sschipke /
Last active June 11, 2019 16:57

Day 1

HTML and CSS Questions

  1. The purpose of HTML code is to give a website its "skeleton" of contents and the basic styling and hierarchy of those contents. We use HTML as the bare foundation of a website and then use other languages (such as CSS) to further control and style the look and functionality of what would otherwise be a static HTML page.
  2. Technically and element comprises opening and closing tags and all the content that lies between them.
  3. We use attributes to provide additional information about an element. They can further be used to organize, increase the accessibility of, and even modify specific elements in an HTML document.
  4. The head element often appears before the body element. It contains information about the page and is NOT shown in the main part of the browser window while the title element also doesn't show in the main window of the browser it does show in the top of the browser above the URL or on the tab for that page (if multiple are open).
  5. You