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Last active October 20, 2022 11:22
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HTML DOM api standards proposal - examples of how the native HTML DOM api is cumbersome to use and how different libraries handle it
* Create element with attributes
* <input type="number" min="0" max="99" name="number" id="number" class="number-input" disabled/>
// native
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = "number";
input.min = 0;
input.max = 99; = 'number'; = 'number';
input.disabled = true;
// or the hacky way - create a throwaway parent node just to use innerHTML
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<input type="number" min="0" max="99" name="number" id="number" class="number-input" disabled/>';
// jQuery
$('<input type="number" min="0" max="99" name="number" id="number" class="number-input" disabled/>').appendTo('body');
// mooTools
document.body.appendChild(new Element('input', {type: 'number', min: 0, max: 99, name: 'number', id: 'number', class: 'number-input', disabled: true}));
// or
$$('body').appendHTML('<input type="number" min="0" max="99" name="number" id="number" class="number-input" disabled/>');
// blissful
$.create('input', {type: 'number', min: 0, max: 99, name: 'number', id: 'number', className: 'number-input', disabled: true, inside: $('body')});
* Create element with child elements
* <div class="container">
* <div class="row">
* <div class="col">
* <div>Hello</div>
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
// native
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div class="row"><div class="col"><div>Hello</div></div></div>';
// jQuery
$('<div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col"><div>Hello</div></div></div>').appendTo('body');
// mooTools
document.body.appendChild(new Element('div', {class: 'contianer', html: '<div class="row"><div class="col"><div>Hello</div></div></div>'}));
// or
$$('body').appendHTML('<div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col"><div>Hello</div></div></div>');
// blissful
$.create('div', {className: 'container', inside: $('body'), contents: [
{tag: 'div', className: 'row', contents: [
{tag: 'div', className: 'col', contents: [
{tag: 'div', contents: ['Hello']}
* Wrap an element in the DOM with a new element
* <!-- before -->
* <div>
* <span id="el">My Element</span>
* </div>
* <!-- after -->
* <div>
* <a href="url">
* <span id="el">My ELement</span>
* </a>
* </div>
// native
var el = document.querySelector('#el');
// save off the parent node because using appendChild will remove the element from it's parent and
// add it to the new element as a child (making the new element it's parent)
var parent = el.parentNode;
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = 'url';
// jQuery
$('#el').wrap('<a href="url">');
// mooTools
new Element('a', {href: 'url'}).wraps('el');
$.create('a', {href:'url', around: $('.container')});
* Create sibling elements to be added to a parent element
* <!-- before -->
* <ul id="list">
* <li>Car</li>
* </ul>
* <!-- after -->
* <ul id="list">
* <li>Car</li>
* <li>Plane</li>
* <li>Boat</li>
* <li>Bike</li>
* </ul>
// native
// use document fragment to batch appendChild calls for good performance
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = 'Plane';
li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = 'Boat';
li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = 'Bike';
// or, if you have the ability to create it through a loop
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
['Plane', 'Boat', 'Bike'].forEach(function(item) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = item;
// jQuery
// mooTools
// blissful
$.create('li', {contents: ['Plane'], inside: $('#list')});
$.create('li', {contents: ['Boat'], inside: $('#list')});
$.create('li', {contents: ['Bike'], inside: $('#list')});
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I don't really like any of them much. So given the options I would rather, until we can come up with something else, just use raw JS.

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