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Inner Peace

Thamaraiselvam (aka) Tham thamaraiselvam

Inner Peace
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tamalchowdhury / infinityGauntlet.js
Last active August 1, 2019 16:33
infinity gauntlet
const infinityGauntlet = {
powerStone: {
equipped: true,
info: 'Controls all of the power in the universe. It can be used to augment or inhibit any force.',
use() {
if(this.equipped) {
return 'Using super strength to crash the moon and throw it over to the Avengers!!';
} else {
return 'No power stone!'
thamaraiselvam / Change files and folders permission
Last active October 4, 2021 09:33
Change folder and files permission to 755 / 644 recursively

Use to set 755 for all the folders recursively

sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;

Use to set 644 for all the files recursively

sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
fulldecent /
Created November 29, 2017 02:33
Run Travis build locally


  1. POSIX or Windows system
  2. Install Docker
  3. A GitHub repo that already builds on Travis


straker /
Last active October 1, 2024 09:15
Basic Snake HTML and JavaScript Game

Basic Snake HTML and JavaScript Game

Snake is a fun game to make as it doesn't require a lot of code (less than 100 lines with all comments removed). This is a basic implementation of the snake game, but it's missing a few things intentionally and they're left as further exploration for the reader.

Further Exploration

  • Score
  • When the snake eats an apple, the score should increase by one. Use context.fillText() to display the score to the screen
rchrd2 / test-php-basic-auth.php
Last active February 1, 2024 21:18 — forked from westonruter/test-php-basic-auth.php
PHP basic auth example
function require_auth() {
$AUTH_USER = 'admin';
$AUTH_PASS = 'admin';
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
$has_supplied_credentials = !(empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
$is_not_authenticated = (
!$has_supplied_credentials ||
lornajane /
Last active August 25, 2024 10:49
Keyboard Only OS X

Keyboard-only Mac Cheatsheet

Hi, I'm Lorna and I don't use a mouse. I have had RSI issues since a bad workstation setup at work in 2006. I've tried a number of extra hardware modifications but what works best for me is to use the keyboard and only the keyboard, so I'm in a good position and never reaching for anything else (except my coffee cup!). I rather unwisely took a job which required me to use a mac (I've been a linux user until now and also had the ability to choose my tools carefully) so here is my cheatsheet of the apps, tricks and keyboard shortcuts I'm using, mostly for my own reference. Since keyboard-only use is also great for productivity, you may also find some of these ideas useful, in which case at least something good has come of this :)

Apps List

There's more detail on a few of these apps but here is a quick overview of the tools I've installed and found helpful

Tool Link Comments
jackcarter /
Last active November 29, 2023 07:03
Delete Slack files older than 30 days. Rewrite of
import requests
import time
import json
token = ''
#Delete files older than this:
ts_to = int(time.time()) - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
def list_files():
rahilwazir /
Last active September 22, 2021 19:32
Quick guide to setup Nginx with PHP7-FPM and XDebug


  • Ubuntu 16.04+
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nginx php7.1-fpm php7.1-cli php7.1-common php7.1-json php7.1-opcache php7.1-mysql php7.1-phpdbg php7.1-mbstring php7.1-gd php7.1-imap php7.1-ldap php7.1-pgsql php7.1-pspell php7.1-recode php7.1-soap php7.1-tidy php7.1-dev php7.1-intl php7.1-curl php7.1-zip php7.1-xml php-xdebug
ericelliott /
Created November 14, 2014 20:43
Seven JS Concepts You Must Understand Before Your Next Job Interview

Here are seven JavaScript concepts you must understand before you go into your next JavaScript job interview:

  1. Prototypes - JavaScript is a prototype-based language. Even more, it's a delegation-based system, which means that each object has a prototype chain. When you try to access a property on an object, and that property is not found, JavaScript looks at the object's prototype. The prototype is a delegate object, which means that the property lookup is delegated to the prototype object. That object, in turn, may have its own prototype. The search continues up the prototype chain until it reaches the root prototype, which is usually Object.prototype. The best feature of this system is that many object instances can share the same methods on a prototype object, which conserves memory and enables easy code reuse. To assign a prototype to a new object, you can use Object.create(prototypeObject). Prototypal OO is the first course being offered in the "Learn JavaScript" series.

  2. Functional Programming

brandonsimpson /
Last active September 29, 2024 04:10
Re-installing Git on Mac OSX with Brew

Re-installing Git on Mac OSX with Brew

This is helpful if you've previously installed git from source on OSX, and other compilers can't find the correct path. You need to remove the current version of git, then re-install with brew.

Uninstall git if installed manually

  1. Check which git you're running:
    which git