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VScode Hotkeys

#keybinds #system #vscode

Why bother: I feel most default keybindings are basically acceptible, but spend an unreasonable amount of time fiddling with them, identifying their inconsistencies, and re-assinging them, in the interest of fitting my usage patterns better. Some of this ends up as time wasted, as I forget where I put things, or transfer my key binding preferencs to new systems. This document is intended as my reference for all my key binding nonsense.

Goal 0: explicitly label my keybinds to make them easier to remember, and to reproduce across frequently used applications (Vs code, Obsidian) Goal 1: prefer default vim and GTK/VScode bindings, where possible Goal 2: identify where my preferences, vim, and GTK bindings collide and resolve the collisions. Identify the dead and useless keys in the default maps, and optionally replace them.

#note #obsidian [[a-Obsidian_Keybinds_and_notes]]

Advanced Tables - decent table rendering and editting; also see CSV table

utility: 10/10 for specifically modifying tables could be better: tab at the last column creates a new column, when it should go back to the front, and have a different bind to create new column

  • makes org-mode like table formatting and editting easy
  • has decent commands
  • has a right sidebar

Codemirror matchbrackets js - enable vim ya( etc

10/10 - simple and does what it should, wish it came default vim

Embedded Note Title - show note title inline as h1 header

//! A composability module for NFT contracts. Tokens may be owned
//! internally, by other tokens on this contract, or externally, by tokens
//! on other contracts. This module makes heavy use of the `nft_holder`
//! method, which retrieves the holder of an nft, even if the NFT is loaned
//! out, or held by a token on another contract.
//! Module TLDR:
//! - `get_compose_children`: get the children of an NFT if any exist.
//! - `get_compose_parent`: get the parent of an NFT if any exists.
//! - `nft_local_root`: get the root token of a compose chain on THIS contract.

#note #community This is a working list of vibe goals for the group house. This list is intended to be sent to potential house newcomers.

Hello human person! 👶🤖

This copy pasted textwall details our effort to create a group house at 2894 Bush! Because we believe that living with others can be the foundation of a rich social community, we're excited that you, a bona-fide Turing-test passing human, are curious about living here ✨

What we care about

We're trying to create a community of shared values at 2894 Bush. Below is a short list of values that we care about.

  • Desire to Learn and Build - We're nerds. We like learning and building new things. We like others who do also appreciate these things. We're partial to the idea that we could learn and build stuff together.
  • Playfulness - When we're not building and learning stuff, we like to play board games and throw parties, especially with unusual or challenging themes.

#note #networking

quick take:

  • grpc over http, rest over http, and graphql over http are protocols for data retreival from servers. Websockets are a low-level protocol from 2011 that can be supported more natively than, eg. gRPC, in the browser, for bidirectional streaming.
  • Use grpc for featureful bidirectional streaming, when the client doesn't need to be http1.1 compatible (eg. in browsers)
  • Use websockets for low-level bidirectional streaming from the browser, or else set up a grpc-web proxy server.
  • Use graphql for complex, flexible database queries, especially useful in front-ends.
  • Use REST for simplicity, and because libraries make it easy.
  • skip to the end for some notes on the upcoming HTTP3, which communicates over UDP instead of TCP, and claims to reduce communication complexity.

#note #obsidian [[n-Obsidian_Keybinds_and_notes]]




Important gear-shifts

  • ~38 (target child-rearing age), be:
    • financially post-work capable, with >=$5m in assets
    • in a stable (>=2 years) partnership with one or more co-childrearing candidates
      • ideally, in or adjacent to a co-childrearing group living community (in the Bay area)
    • Fallback mode: If I am not in a position to have children by ~43, abandon it and update for new priorities.
  • ~33: gear-shift relationship model. Look for potential long-term child-rearing partners.
  • ~31:
    • Commit to starting a company.
  • Fallback mode: If I am not in a position to start a company by ~33, pivot to being a community voice and tastemaker, extracting income and status on evaluating and/or running others' ideas and companies.
creation date modification date
2022-10-08 10:31
Saturday 8th October 2022 10:31:14



In a nutshell (rougly sorted in order of importance)

SF adv: culture:

  • strong general technology culture
creation date modification date
2022-10-04 09:04
Tuesday 4th October 2022 09:04:48

#note #obsidian #tools Iteratively update this note with Obsidian-related workflows and use-cases. Why write this? I use Obsidian in like 7 different ways, and I'd like to spell it out for myself, and others who ask. I might also use this doc as a spec for an eventual thinking refactor.


  • no thesaurus plugin?

High level

creation date modification date
2022-08-21 13:40
Saturday 8th October 2022 18:35:42

#note #obsidian also see [[a-Obsidian-usage-notes]]


Trial Period

Obsidian Creases - utility for fold at X-level-heading toggles 2022-09-24