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Last active February 6, 2017 05:39
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  • Save toolforger/b87b3019babdcc073dd4ad4d176fc195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save toolforger/b87b3019babdcc073dd4ad4d176fc195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steps to reproduce MasterDuke's AIOOBE from scratch
# Setup installation directory
mkdir install
# Create an environment setup shell file for sourcing
# Make it so that it can be repeated with no ill effects
cat > <<EOF
if [ ".\$perl6_prefix" = "." ]; then
export perl6_prefix=`pwd`/install
export PATH=\$perl6_prefix/bin:\$PATH
# ... and source it for the rest of this script
# Try to be somewhat offline-ready: Download first, then build.
# Download all relevant repositories
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone
git clone
# Alternate: Update existing repositories
# We rebase the line number branch to freshly checked-out master
# just 12 hours between nqp and rakudo were enough to make rakudo complain about outdated nqp...
cd MoarVM
git pull --recurse-submodules
cd ../nqp
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
git pull
cd ../rakudo
git pull
cd ..
# Build and install MoarVM
cd MoarVM
# The following still wants to be online for the submodules,
# even though we have a current copy.
# I'd like to avoid this but don't yet know how.
perl --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install NQP
cd nqp
# get the branch that shows the problem
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install Rakudo
cd rakudo
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
# FAILS with a complaint that nqp-j is too old. Dangit.
# ===SORRY!===
# nqp-j is too old
# The nqp-m binary is too old
# To automatically clone (git) and build a copy of NQP 2017.01-64-gf21c8f1,
# try re-running with the '--gen-moar' option.
# Or, use '--prefix=' to explicitly specify the path where the NQP and MoarVM
# executables can be found that are use to build Rakudo.
cd ..
# "from scratch" is done, onwards to "reproduce"!
perl6-j --ll-exception -e 'say 1/0'
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And FWIW, I force-pushed another rebase to HEAD.

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Oh. I wasn't aware of git describe.

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toolforger commented Feb 4, 2017

Lots of exception traces, but no abort. That's definitely a programming error somewhere, because either the exception should be caught and handled, or it should abort the program.
The last stack trace is cut off - that shouldn't happen at all. Maybe an output buffering issue.
None of the above seems to be related to the problem.

Googling for ClassReader.readClass gave me , which indicates a version incompatibility.
The typical cause for that would be more than one version of org/springframework/asm/ClassReader.class on the classpath, but it is only carried in asm-4.1.jar. Well, that would have been too easy.

But... can you look whether the unpacked ClassReader.class file in the org/springframework/asm/ directory has a size of exactly 8508 bytes? (EDIT: I am assuming you have asm-4.1. You can verify the size inside the jar via unzip -v nqp/nqp-runtime.jar | grep ClassReader.)
Maybe something went wrong during unzipping.

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Another potential problem is that asm may fail if the classfile format is newer than asm understands, I saw that in .
Hmm... nqp.jar is classfile format 51.0, I suppose the other generated files are generated at the same version. I read that asm 3.x is not able to deal with all features of that format. OTOH classes would be generated with the same asm version, I would not expect asm to be able to generate an incompatible classfile (though I guess it's always possible, depending on how it's used).
This still wouldn't explain out-of-jar vs. in-far differences... so that theory isn't particularly strong.

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It is using asm-4.1, I also tried with the newest 4.x and 5.x, but got the exact same behavior.

There is no ClassReader at all when I unzip -v nqp/nqp-runtime.jar.

Archive:  nqp/nqp-runtime.jar
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  META-INF/
      69  Stored       69   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 91323cd3  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    1730  Stored     1730   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 508353aa
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/
  251638  Stored   251638   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 cc95af69  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.class
   26761  Stored    26761   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 065689de  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/NativeCallOps.class
    1818  Stored     1818   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8b706839  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/SaveStackException.class
    2015  Stored     2015   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8e6f487f  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CodeRef.class
     859  Stored      859   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c4ba58d6  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CodeRefAnnotation.class
   17663  Stored    17663   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c0410ea4  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/IndyBootstrap.class
    1882  Stored     1882   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ddfa811d  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$2.class
   13952  Stored    13952   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8297d4a4  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ExceptionHandling.class
    1525  Stored     1525   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 bb464aca  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/IOExceptionMessages.class
    6731  Stored     6731   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d36c041c  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/LibraryLoader.class
    4884  Stored     4884   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 1d1881aa  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/StaticCodeInfo.class
    1815  Stored     1815   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 af32ba8e  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/IOOps$SigRunnable.class
    1042  Stored     1042   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d6183321  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$RuntimeSupport.class
    2165  Stored     2165   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e4972531  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Buffers.class
    1354  Stored     1354   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 10d32092  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops$AddToQueueTimerTask.class
    6600  Stored     6600   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8e9e1380  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/IOOps.class
     424  Stored      424   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 348ea86e  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/EvalResult.class
     403  Stored      403   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b6db790e  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BaseControlException.class
     769  Stored      769   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fc59f3a8  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$MethodContext.class
     490  Stored      490   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9cbb7e65  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/JavaCallinException.class
    2101  Stored     2101   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9a0413a9  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CompilationUnit$ReflectiveCodeInfo.class
    1423  Stored     1423   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 60f88862  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/HLLConfig.class
    3507  Stored     3507   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 844fa846  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ContextKey.class
     892  Stored      892   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 62985a2d  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$ClassContext.class
    7454  Stored     7454   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ebb69cb8  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/GlobalContext.class
     518  Stored      518   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b04cbeec  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/HandlerInfo.class
    1191  Stored     1191   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fbcd12e5  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops$CodeRunnable.class
     327  Stored      327   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 6461b532  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ControlException.class
    2515  Stored     2515   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 184664da  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Base64.class
   36550  Stored    36550   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d8577c43  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop.class
    1105  Stored     1105   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 12bca007  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CompilationUnit$1.class
    1006  Stored     1006   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 291ed497  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/LibraryLoader$IgnoreNameClassLoader.class
     470  Stored      470   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 60f88f9f  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ResumeStatus.class
     844  Stored      844   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f5366457  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$InteropInfo.class
    3016  Stored     3016   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 578c860c  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/NativeCallOps$CallbackHandler.class
    1123  Stored     1123   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 20f27175  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$STableCache.class
     586  Stored      586   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c0d511c4  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/UnwindException.class
    4875  Stored     4875   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f2d9fd5f  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ArgsExpectation.class
     685  Stored      685   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2aee27dc  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ExceptionHandling$TraceElement.class
     867  Stored      867   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c787c7bd  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ExceptionHandling$Container.class
    3222  Stored     3222   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e515ea80  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ThreadContext.class
    2016  Stored     2016   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 6cac5b2d  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/BootJavaInterop$1.class
     480  Stored      480   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 60a3cdb4  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/LexoticException.class
     775  Stored      775   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 7c4c900e  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ByteClassLoader.class
    1238  Stored     1238   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d0401b88  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ExceptionHandling$1$1.class
    5868  Stored     5868   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 dda41fb1  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CallFrame.class
    6636  Stored     6636   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2075211f  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CallSiteDescriptor.class
    2521  Stored     2521   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ea11c51e  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/NativeCallOps$1.class
    2450  Stored     2450   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ab7fcf0f  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ResumeStatus$Frame.class
    1428  Stored     1428   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 670cccef  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ExceptionHandling$1.class
   10962  Stored    10962   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 5ddd4890  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CompilationUnit.class
     400  Stored      400   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e48a71b2  org/perl6/nqp/runtime/ResumeException.class
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/
     668  Stored      668   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4d6af37e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ParametricType.class
     786  Stored      786   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 981b746d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/BoolificationSpec.class
    1828  Stored     1828   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8c5cca1d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/CodePairContainerConfigurer.class
   21247  Stored    21247   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 bcb17e47  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationReader.class
     575  Stored      575   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9ff856c1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ContainerConfigurer.class
    1826  Stored     1826   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f02e72b4  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ContainerSpec.class
   10276  Stored    10276   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f9dd21e9  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SixModelObject.class
     334  Stored      334   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 226cc64a  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/AbstractParametricity.class
     787  Stored      787   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 0860bd07  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/StorageSpec.class
    7413  Stored     7413   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 aa40282c  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/KnowHOWBootstrapper.class
   20900  Stored    20900   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 efd451c2  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.class
    6268  Stored     6268   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 bbdbc9da  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationContext.class
    4805  Stored     4805   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 dab3d074  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/TypeObject.class
    1402  Stored     1402   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 75da39be  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter$Accumulator.class
    1856  Stored     1856   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 7ab29fca  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/STable.class
     464  Stored      464   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 cf2fc7b3  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/InvocationSpec.class
     438  Stored      438   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8309aff1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ParameterizedType.class
    4293  Stored     4293   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 25c9c3db  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/CodePairContainerSpec.class
    1924  Stored     1924   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d41df9dc  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter$1.class
    1084  Stored     1084   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3911844e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/NativeRefContainerConfigurer.class
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/
    2524  Stored     2524   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 62f6821a  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeRefInstancePositional.class
    1948  Stored     1948   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 8537300c  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/SCRef.class
    1028  Stored     1028   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a742711b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6OpaqueREPRData.class
    2010  Stored     2010   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 7e6bcbc1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/Semaphore.class
    5359  Stored     5359   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 676a3f0e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArrayInstance_u32.class
    2236  Stored     2236   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 623c2d64  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArrayInstanceBase.class
    2452  Stored     2452   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d49f122e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMHashInstance.class
     438  Stored      438   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b1f3aa54  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ConditionVariableInstance.class
    8488  Stored     8488   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 94a73ef2  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CArrayInstance.class
     483  Stored      483   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 08f41d67  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayREPRData.class
     713  Stored      713   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 12a38b6d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CUnionREPRData.class
    1978  Stored     1978   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 aa9eeb1e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ContextRef.class
    8367  Stored     8367   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 348b4612  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6int.class
    7360  Stored     7360   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 5f488ee2  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArray.class
    1964  Stored     1964   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2449822f  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/AsyncTask.class
    2584  Stored     2584   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 588e9189  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/KnowHOWAttribute.class
    7179  Stored     7179   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 da0f18f1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CPPStructInstance.class
    1993  Stored     1993   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 69dc0e80  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CStr.class
    2200  Stored     2200   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a844a985  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ReentrantMutex.class
    3662  Stored     3662   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 cf172d38  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMHash.class
     230  Stored      230   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ac066b4b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6Opaque$1.class
    5208  Stored     5208   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d889c1ef  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeRef.class
     733  Stored      733   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9f2c6c95  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6strInstance.class
    6280  Stored     6280   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9abfaca3  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6str.class
    1960  Stored     1960   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c43556ff  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/Continuation.class
    2653  Stored     2653   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3d8f0e77  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayInstance_n.class
    2663  Stored     2663   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a8717379  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayInstance_i16.class
    7114  Stored     7114   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 87661054  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6bigint.class
    1839  Stored     1839   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 457c553b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ConcBlockingQueueInstance.class
     484  Stored      484   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 644caeb8  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NFAInstance.class
    2217  Stored     2217   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 76fd550a  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMIter.class
     780  Stored      780   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 29b5ef4f  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6Opaque$AttrInfo.class
     746  Stored      746   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4625c72c  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6OpaqueBaseInstance$BadNativeRuntimeException.class
    1055  Stored     1055   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 35eb40a5  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CStructInstance$1.class
    6011  Stored     6011   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b2d1b487  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeCall.class
    1883  Stored     1883   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ff4f5d9b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/JavaWrap.class
   10825  Stored    10825   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3bfd7788  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CPPStruct.class
    1627  Stored     1627   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 523827b9  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeRefInstanceIntLex.class
    1052  Stored     1052   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 5a9f2597  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiCacheInstance$ArityCache.class
     920  Stored      920   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 420292f6  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/SemaphoreInstance.class
    1052  Stored     1052   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 68797a34  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CUnionInstance$1.class
    2741  Stored     2741   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a3cb74f9  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeRefInstanceAttribute.class
    1893  Stored     1893   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 84009170  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiCache.class
     421  Stored      421   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 64ece4c7  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeCallInstance.class
    4009  Stored     4009   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 004129ed  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMIterInstance.class
    1951  Stored     1951   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 02821a77  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/IOHandle.class
    2780  Stored     2780   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 429d7fc1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayInstance_u8.class
    3309  Stored     3309   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 76a32c1e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/KnowHOWREPR.class
   26206  Stored    26206   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 cbce139d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6Opaque.class
    5248  Stored     5248   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 57ba7b85  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArrayInstance_i8.class
     396  Stored      396   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 41b5e94c  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/JavaObjectWrapper.class
    5774  Stored     5774   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 262593a1  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/DecoderInstance.class
     754  Stored      754   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 5f20f616  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CStructREPRData$AttrInfo.class
    2947  Stored     2947   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ba29524e  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayInstance.class
     843  Stored      843   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 1c6a1758  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CallCaptureInstance.class
    1526  Stored     1526   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f9875b2b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CArrayREPRData$ElemKind.class
    5377  Stored     5377   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 099cfeb8  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArrayInstance_u16.class
    1943  Stored     1943   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 9c39cec6  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/Decoder.class
     755  Stored      755   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 37500393  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6OpaqueBaseInstance$BadReferenceRuntimeException.class
    2333  Stored     2333   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 943befed  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6Opaque$ObjectCache.class
    1887  Stored     1887   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c96b9e4f  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/Uninstantiable.class
    1879  Stored     1879   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 23d8f14b  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CodeRefREPR.class
     260  Stored      260   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f235782f  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiCacheInstance$1.class
    1873  Stored     1873   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 595217f4  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/Lexotic.class
    3205  Stored     3205   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 343c20c5  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ContextRefInstance.class
     430  Stored      430   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4a0ec9bf  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/ReentrantMutexInstance.class
    5489  Stored     5489   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3fc44f21  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/MultiDimArrayInstanceBase.class
     414  Stored      414   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ce24deba  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/SCRefInstance.class
     611  Stored      611   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fefbef7f  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CArrayREPRData.class
     679  Stored      679   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 47cf01c8  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMExceptionInstance.class
    5251  Stored     5251   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fbb1192d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArrayInstance_i16.class
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    1645  Stored     1645   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b679648d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/NativeRefInstanceStrLex.class
    3191  Stored     3191   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a7bd18d4  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CPointer.class
    7161  Stored     7161   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 870572fa  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/CStructInstance.class
     390  Stored      390   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3d5754cd  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMThreadInstance.class
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    5391  Stored     5391   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2d79ba9d  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/REPR.class
   13281  Stored    13281   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b87affe4  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/KnowHOWMethods.class
    5344  Stored     5344   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ec73cc35  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/NativeRefContainerSpec.class
    5055  Stored     5055   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 0b814adf  org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/REPRRegistry.class
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/io/
     223  Stored      223   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e8dc5c49  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOLineSeparable.class
    1928  Stored     1928   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f35ee052  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$4.class
     407  Stored      407   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 48ecb7fe  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$Decoder.class
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    3382  Stored     3382   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 780a606b  org/perl6/nqp/io/StandardWriteHandle.class
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     436  Stored      436   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3f40dc0b  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOSyncReadable.class
    2880  Stored     2880   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f10da3b8  org/perl6/nqp/io/ProcessChannel.class
    1866  Stored     1866   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 93ed23f6  org/perl6/nqp/io/SocketHandle.class
    4955  Stored     4955   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2b75ead9  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$5.class
     842  Stored      842   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e3d4c579  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle$SlurpState.class
    4556  Stored     4556   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3288a1dc  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncServerSocketHandle$1.class
     238  Stored      238   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 1531582d  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOSeekable.class
    8573  Stored     8573   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 1757e825  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle.class
     249  Stored      249   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 f21b3899  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOExitable.class
    4862  Stored     4862   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 82a66529  org/perl6/nqp/io/StandardReadHandle.class
    3792  Stored     3792   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 882d845f  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle$1.class
     198  Stored      198   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2e6399e5  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOBindable.class
     789  Stored      789   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 cc9b43b8  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOAsyncReadable.class
     978  Stored      978   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 caad705a  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle$LinesState.class
    2364  Stored     2364   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3b818282  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$3.class
     339  Stored      339   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 5e5a57a2  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOSyncWritable.class
    8768  Stored     8768   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c22f74fc  org/perl6/nqp/io/SyncHandle.class
     185  Stored      185   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a7878d5e  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOPossiblyTTY.class
    3866  Stored     3866   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3a18f29e  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$2.class
    1449  Stored     1449   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 282dc569  org/perl6/nqp/io/ProcessHandle.class
     234  Stored      234   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d347f5e0  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOInteractive.class
     345  Stored      345   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 90a1a868  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOAsyncWritable.class
    4188  Stored     4188   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2f62a1bd  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle$1.class
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    3021  Stored     3021   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 62bc4d1b  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncServerSocketHandle.class
    5588  Stored     5588   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 d706dfb7  org/perl6/nqp/io/FileHandle.class
     184  Stored      184   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4096dd95  org/perl6/nqp/io/IIOCancelable.class
    1983  Stored     1983   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fd5f5908  org/perl6/nqp/io/ServerSocketHandle.class
    7939  Stored     7939   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3f19ce4d  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncSocketHandle.class
    3379  Stored     3379   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 c42ec90f  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle$2.class
    6205  Stored     6205   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 3f0f3bf8  org/perl6/nqp/io/AsyncFileHandle$3.class
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/
   37241  Stored    37241   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 be0710fb  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/AutosplitMethodWriter.class
    3023  Stored     3023   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4a9dbfa5  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JastClass.class
    1586  Stored     1586   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 56c9820d  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/SourceFilenameAttribute.class
    3140  Stored     3140   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 b4b1d634  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/AutosplitMethodWriter$TypeInference.class
     630  Stored      630   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2fa58430  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/AutosplitMethodWriter$ControlEdge.class
     832  Stored      832   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4b1f5c02  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/AutosplitMethodWriter$StackEffect.class
     740  Stored      740   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ae35864a  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JASTCompiler$VariableDef.class
     533  Stored      533   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 340fc291  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JASTCompiler$LabelInfo.class
    9585  Stored     9585   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 ae7ff7cc  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/AutosplitMethodWriter$Frame.class
    2368  Stored     2368   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 a9337825  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JastField.class
     396  Stored      396   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2e6f3ce1  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JavaClass.class
   23634  Stored    23634   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e4b45714  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JASTCompiler.class
    7882  Stored     7882   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 edabeec2  org/perl6/nqp/jast2bc/JastMethod.class
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 00000000  org/perl6/nqp/tools/
     218  Stored      218   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 e25c3719  org/perl6/nqp/tools/EvalServer$1.class
    4970  Stored     4970   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 2f1825a5  org/perl6/nqp/tools/EvalServer$ServiceThread.class
    1217  Stored     1217   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 4c327566  org/perl6/nqp/tools/EvalServer$BinderThread.class
    7692  Stored     7692   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 97f798ef  org/perl6/nqp/tools/EvalServer.class
    3447  Stored     3447   0% 2017-02-03 03:07 fe1fdbd2  org/perl6/nqp/tools/EvalServer$ServiceThread$RunThread.class
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 1154804          1154804   0%                            271 files

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In fact, none of the jars in rakudo or nqp had a ClassReader.

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Ah, sorry, ClassReader.class is in the asm-*.jar. It is one of the 3rdparty libs, and it is copied over to the install dir.

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General recommendation is to use 5.x of asm, simply to avoid any issues with classfile format, and to get bug fixes - 3.1 is pretty much outdated.
But if the behaviour is the same with 5.x, we should stick with 3.1 to keep variability low.

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nqp was at the same version, rakudo was newer.
Checking out rakudo at the version given did not help, though, I still get those "too old" messages.
I tried looking into rakudo's, but the data flow is so extensive that it's really hard to figure out what's going on. My best guess is that it is checking whether certain settings are available, and if they are missing, it assumes a version mismatch, but that it is really some missing data somewhere in the configuration files.

I'll try a few more things.

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No, we're using 4.1 of asm.

Did you re-run rakudo's after checking out at the right version?

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toolforger commented Feb 5, 2017

git clone
cd rakudo
perl --backends=jvm,moar --gen-nqp --gen-moar
# Installs to rakudo/install, which is fine.
./perl6-j --ll-exception -e 'say 1/0'
# Fails with Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div, which is fine.
cat perl6-j

Mmmm... more fragilities.
It uses -noverify. I.e. if the generated bytecode is invalid, you will get crashes instead of a nice error message.
$CLASSPATH near the start of the -cp - mmm, did you install asm as a package, maybe? If your distro puts installed jars into CLASSPATH, this will override the asm lib used by rakudo.

Now that I have a working standard rakudo, what did you exactly do to get the exception?
Which jars did you unpack, did you vary the command line you used to run Perl6?

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toolforger commented Feb 5, 2017

I didn't check out your nqp yet. First thing I wanted to try is whether I can reproduce the problem without line numbers, if only to see how things should look like normally.
One thing I noted is that leaving out -noverify does not cause any errors. So if you want to build confidence in your asm usage, remove that option and the JVM will tell you whether any class file is invalid right when it tries to load it.

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Not sure whether I re-ran I usually use, but sometimes (rarely) I just use make.

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