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Created July 10, 2012 08:44
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[DEPRECATED]: Dead simple method to include Unity3D web player(s) using jQuery. Project moved to :


One-liner to embed / interact with Unity3D files using jQuery


Target the container you want the unity3d file embedded and call the plugin the traditional way:


The unity3d() method accepts the following options:

  • width - the width of the embedded file (default: 600)
  • height - the height of the embedded file (default: 450)
  • file - the location of the embedded file (default: "WebPlayer.unity3d")
  • params - an object containing extra parameters for the embed code. Currently only "disableContextMenu" is supported...

If no options are passed the default ones will be used


In addition, there are a set number of methods to interact with the unity3d file:

  • $.unity3d.get(id) : Returns the unity3d object with the specified id
"name": "jquery-unity3d",
"version": "0.2.0",
"main": ["./jquery.unity3d.js"],
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~1.8.2"
<!doctype html>
<title>Unity Web Player</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.unity3d.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
file : ""
<div id="unityPlayer">
<div class="missing">
<a href="" title="Unity Web Player. Install now!">
<img alt="Unity Web Player. Install now!" src="" width="193" height="63" />
* unity3d - jQuery plugin to embed Unity3D files
* Created by: Makis Tracend (@tracend)
* Licensed under the MIT licenses:
(function( $ ) {
$.unity3d = function(options, container) {
var $this = $(this);
var settings = $.extend( {
width : 600,
height : 450,
file : "WebPlayer.unity3d",
params: {
disableContextMenu: false
}, options);
// save settings for other methods
$(this).data('settings', settings);
$(this).data('container', container);
var methods = {
init : function( $this ){
var self = this;
// load the unity object script
$.getScript("", function () {
self.embed( $this );
embed : function( $this ){
var settings = $'settings'),
container = $'container');
// extract embed parameters
var params = settings.params,
width = settings.width,
height = settings.height,
file = settings.file,
id = container.attr("id");
unityObject.embedUnity( id, file, width, height, params);
destroy : function( $this ) {
var settings = $'settings');
//$.unity3d.init( settings );
methods.init( $this );
return this;
// API
$.unity3d.get = function(id) {
if (typeof unityObject != "undefined") {
return unityObject.getObjectById(id);
return null;
// extending jQuery namespace
$.fn.unity3d = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
(new $.unity3d(options, $(this)));
function unity3d(options) {
return jQuery.unity3d(options);
"name": "unity3d",
"version": "0.2.0",
"title": "jQuery Unity3D",
"description": "One-liner to embed / interact with Unity3D files using jQuery",
"keywords": [
"author": {
"name": "Makesites",
"url": ""
"maintainers": [
"name": "Makis Tracend",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"bugs": "",
"homepage": "",
"docs": "",
"download": "",
"licenses": [
"type": "MIT License",
"url": ""
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~1.8.2"
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col000r commented Feb 8, 2013

Hey, thanks for this! I noticed that Unity 4 is now referring to a UnityObject2.js. Do you know if there is any good reason to try and update your code?

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tracend commented Feb 20, 2013

I'm not aware of what new functionality UnityObject2.js has but the script still seems to be working on

But feel free to fork and experiment ;)

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tracend commented Mar 1, 2013

Note this gist is now DEPRECATED.

Project moved to :

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