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Last active February 25, 2025 05:02
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macOS Mojave dynamic background re-implement as GTK+ background slideshow. Background images are changed to reflect the time of the day.
<!-- Instructions:
- Download and unzip Mojave dynamic background here:
- Rename the extracted folder as "mojave-background" (Excuse the trouble but I renamed it on my machine and already use that path in the XML file)
- Save this xml file next to the Mojave background files
- Fix the path to the background images below (better using absolute path)
- Lastly, either:
+ GNOME: Use gnome-tweaks tool to select this XML as wallpaper (as default wallpaper settings won't let you choose wallpaper from custom path)
+ MATE: Go to background setting (in Appearance) > Choose +Add... > make sure **All files** filter is selected at the bottom right > Then choose mojave.xml
<!-- 00:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 03:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 05:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 06:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 07:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 08:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 09:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 10:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 11:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 13:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 14:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 15:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 16:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 17:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 18:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!-- 20:00 -->
<transition type="overlay">
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jasonames42 commented Dec 26, 2018

This is beyond my abilities, but I have all the ingredients worked out if someone wants to pick up the ball and make a script that...

  1. Gnome has 'Night Light' that knows local sunup/sundown, pull those times somehow, and extend by an hour on each end (for dawn, and dusk)
  2. Alter the duration each photo in the mojave.xml so that the pictures have a duration of:
    Pictures 14, 15, 16, "sundown->sunrise" (total night seconds/3)-5 (minus 5 is for the transition)
    Pictures 2-12 sunrise->sundown (total day seconds/13)-5
    Pictures 1 and 13 I just do for an hour, before sunrise, after sunset
    Picture 15 should run half as long, twice, and be the start and end of the rotation, as picture 15 should straddle midnight

Then the user can run the script every now and then to adjust for local day/night

Picture 1: Dawn
Picture 2: Sunrise
Picture 7: High Noon
Picture 12: Sunset
Picture 13: Dusk
Picture 15: Midnight

I made a spreadsheet that does the math if anyone wants to manually make different ones. I made 3 seasonal files, equinoxes are the same. (In upstate NY the daylight varies quite a bit, from 9 hours to 15.5)

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hawk291 commented Jan 6, 2019

Hello, thanks! Is it possible to have a more smooth effect when a wallpaper changes ? I mean more a gradual switch.

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Is it possible in xfce?

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thelcrysis commented Apr 6, 2019

Shouldn't it be like

All changes are in <duration></duration> provided that comments refer to time of the day.

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There seems to be a mismatch in the timings of the pictures written in the xml. Time starts with 00:00, then fast-forward to 3 hours (10795 seconds), it is 03:00. Then fast-forward 3 more hours (10795 seconds), and it is only 05:00? Shouldn't it be 06:00?

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Guys lets hope he write a script to set this up

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Here's a tip - everything works much smoother if you just move the jpeg files and the xml file to the top of the /Home/Pictures directory and modify the xml script appropriately, e.g for me lines 20-23:

 <!-- 00:00 -->

of course all 48 file lines will need ot be changed. You can also use it for your lock screen, which is pretty cool. Use Tweak app to select xml file as before.

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Anyone else having issues with smooth transitions? I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, and the pictures just abruptly change from one to another.

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miraix0 commented Mar 1, 2021

Hello dude, thanks fot this guide but I have error with day hour, when is day, the wallpaper is night and when is night, wallpaper is day. How I can fix this inverse hours?

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saint-13 commented Mar 30, 2021

Anyone else having issues with smooth transitions? I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, and the pictures just abruptly change from one to another.

hello @guvarallo, that's because of short transition time (only 5 sec), I edited this script, and added smooth transition. i will upload that script in my GitHub with bunch of other dynamic wallpapers ( here ). Also everyone can easily modify or make new wallpaper scripts with program called "Dynamic Wallpaper Editor", which is preinstalled on Manjaro gnome edition.

Screenshot from 2021-03-30 17-05-33

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