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Vivekanandan (Vivek) Balasubramanian vivek-bala

View GitHub Profile
import sys
import radical.pilot as rp
def pilot_state_cb (pilot, state) :
""" this callback is invoked on all pilot state changes """
print "[Callback]: ComputePilot '%s' state: %s." % (pilot.uid, state)
Processing dependencies for Cython==0.20.2
Finished processing dependencies for Cython==0.20.2
login3.stampede(22)$ cd ..
login3.stampede(23)$ cd numpy/
login3.stampede(24)$ python install --user
Running from numpy source directory.
Cythonizing sources
numpy/random/mtrand/mtrand.pyx has not changed
/opt/apps/python/epd/7.3.2/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'test_suite'
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A kernel that creates a new ASCII file with a given size and name.
__author__ = "Ole Weider <>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014,"
__license__ = "MIT"
from copy import deepcopy
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
2014:10:13 12:42:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.20 (v0.20-167-g0a3a8ec@(detached)
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga : [INFO ] saga-python version: 0.20
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm new manager
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['myproxy://']
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509 for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['x509://']
2014:10:13 12:42:49 5226 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor sag
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (4)
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7ffdd311f2d0> use: ok!
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.5s
2014:10:13 15:35:11 5226 InputFileTransferWork
cat extasy.log
2014:10:15 09:13:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.20 (v0.20-167-g0a3a8ec@(detached)
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga : [INFO ] saga-python version: 0.20
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm new manager
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['myproxy://']
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509 for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['x509://']
2014:10:15 09:13:41 24250 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.
cat extasy.log
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.20 (v0.20-167-g0a3a8ec@(detached)
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga : [INFO ] saga-python version: 0.20
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm new manager
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['myproxy://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509 for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['x509://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.c
#!/bin/bash --login
# PBS job options (name, compute nodes, job time)
#PBS -N Example_MPI_Job
#PBS -l select=1
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
# Replace [budget code] below with your project code (e.g. t01)
#PBS -A e290
File "/var/opt/cray/alps/spool/11744193/lsdmap", line 5, in <module>
File "/var/opt/cray/alps/spool/11744193/lsdmap", line 5, in <module>
File "/work/y07/y07/cse/python/2.7.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsdmap/", line 311, in run
File "/work/y07/y07/cse/python/2.7.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsdmap/", line 311, in run
self.initialize(comm, config, args)
File "/work/y07/y07/cse/python/2.7.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsdmap/", line 48, in initialize
self.initialize(comm, config, args)
File "/work/y07/y07/cse/python/2.7.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsdmap/", line 48, in initialize
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fae20a6412c9596ceed' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:07.943486.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fb020a6412c9596cf00' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:07.951016.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fad20a6412c9596cee9' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:07.955083.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581faf20a6412c9596cef7' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:07.955830.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fb020a6412c9596cefa' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:07.965172.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fad20a6412c9596cee8' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:08.012034.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581faf20a6412c9596cef2' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:08.013545.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fb120a6412c9596cf04' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-04 00:37:08.016008.
[Callback]: ComputeUnit '54581fb120a6412c9596cf02' state changed to PendingExecution at 2014-11-