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Inventing with love!

Angelo Verlain Shema vixalien

Inventing with love!
View GitHub Profile
import Gst from "gi://Gst";
import GstPlay from "gi://GstPlay";
import GLib from "gi://GLib";
const player =;
  1. run it with gdb --args gjs myfile.js
  2. r to run the program.
  3. when it segfaults, bt full to get the C++ stack trace
  4. call gjs_dumpstack() to get the JS stack trace.
  5. q to quit
vixalien /
Created January 15, 2023 18:04
Adwaita (light/dark) color schemes for tilix/blackbox

Adwaita color schemes for Tilix/Blackbox

these schemes try to replicate the default Adwaita color palette as seen in GNOME Console, GNOME Terminal etc.

for tilix place these in ~/.local/share/tilix/schemes for blackbox place these in ~/.local/share/blackbox/schemes

light scheme

save this as Adwaita.json

irm | iex
# activate windows
# from


tweeg is a twitter client for GNOME Desktops (Linux). This is WIP and is subject to change.


Here are some mockups which will probably be different from the final product:

1. Navbar

vixalien /
Last active May 13, 2022 16:03
Add kernels to efi directory for systemd boot
# this script generates a kernel hook to populate systemd-boot entries whenever
# kernels are added or removed
DEFAULT_CMDLINE="quiet splash resume=UUID=ea1497af-8f02-414f-b533-9434d70cd407"
# the number of items in prompt
vixalien / snow.js
Created February 2, 2021 10:18
Snowing using the Web Animations API and Promises
console.log('The weather today is predicted to be ❄snowy!')
svg_str = `<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M440.5 345.8L408.1 327c11.8-12.3 26-18.2 26.2-18.3 7.5-3 11.4-11.4 8.9-19.1-1.9-5.9-7.4-9.8-13.5-9.8-1.9 0-3.7.4-5.5 1.1-1 .4-24.4 10-41.9 31.2l-96.3-56 96.3-56c17.5 21.2 40.8 30.8 41.9 31.2 1.8.7 3.6 1.1 5.5 1.1 6.1 0 11.6-4 13.5-9.8 2.5-7.7-1.4-16.1-8.9-19.1-.1-.1-14.3-6-26.2-18.3l32.4-18.8c7.2-4.2 9.6-13.4 5.5-20.6-2.7-4.7-7.7-7.6-13.1-7.6-2.6 0-5.3.7-7.6 2L393.1 159c-4.5-16.2-2.7-31.4-2.6-32 1.1-8.1-4.1-15.6-12-17.3-1-.2-2-.3-3-.3-7.1 0-13 5.2-14.1 12.4-.2 1.1-3.6 26 6.1 52.2l-96 56v-99.2c26.9-4.7 46.8-20.2 47.7-20.9 3.1-2.5 5.1-6 5.4-10 .3-4-.9-7.8-3.6-10.8-2.9-3.2-7-5.1-11.4-5.1-3.4 0-6.8 1.2-9.5 3.3-.1.1-12.2 9.4-28.6 13.6V63.1c0-8.2-7.1-15.1-15.5-15.1s-15.5 6.9-15.5 15.1v37.5c-16.3-4.2-28.4-13.5-28.6-13.6-2.7-2.1-6-3.3-9.5-3.3-4.4 0-8.5 1.9-11.4 5.1-2.7 3-4 7-3.6 10.9.3 3.9 2.3 7.4 5.4 20.8 16.2 47.7 20.9v99.2l-