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misterbrownlee /
Created September 12, 2012 18:10
Jenkins setup

I just had to set up Jenkins to use GitHub. My notes (to myself, mostly):

Detailed Instructions

For setting up Jenkins to build GitHub projects. This assumes some ability to manage Jenkins, use the command line, set up a utility LDAP account, etc. Please share or improve this Gist as needed.

Install Jenkins Plugins

d11wtq / docker-ssh-forward.bash
Created January 29, 2014 23:32
How to SSH agent forward into a docker container
docker run -rm -t -i -v $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ubuntu /bin/bash
eeichinger / jenkins_list_git_tags_and_branches.groovy
Created March 25, 2014 13:35
Groovy script to list git tags and branches using jenkins' Dynamic Choices Parameter plugin
def gettags = ("git ls-remote -t -h ssh://jenkins@<mygitpath>/repo/some.git feature/*").execute()
return gettags.text.readLines()
.collect { it.split()[1].replaceAll('refs/heads/', '') }
.findAll { it.startsWith('<some more pattern>') }
alexedwards / gist:dc3145c8e2e6d2fd6cd9
Last active May 28, 2024 20:35
Example of working with Go's database/sql and NULL fields
isbn char(14) NOT NULL,
title varchar(255),
author varchar(255),
price decimal(5,2)
INSERT INTO books (isbn, title, author, price) VALUES
('978-1503261969', 'Emma', 'Jayne Austen', 9.44),
('978-1514274873', 'Journal of a Soldier', NULL, 5.49),
JohnMorales /
Last active January 5, 2021 11:43
Closes leaked deleted and eventfd left by docker
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
docker_pid=$(cat /var/run/
gdb -p $docker_pid <<< "$( ls /proc/$docker_pid/fd -l --time-style=+'%s' | grep -E 'deleted' | awk '{ printf("p close(%s)\n", $7)}')" >/dev/null
#closing evenfds that do not have a corresponding memory.oom_control
eventfds="$(for eventfd in $(ls /proc/$docker_pid/fd -l --time-style=+'%s' | grep -E 'eventfd'| awk '{print $7}'); do
memory_pid=$((eventfd - 1))
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority: /home/tomas/.kube/ca
server: https://kubernetes
name: aws_kubernetes
- context:
cluster: aws_kubernetes
user: aws_kubernetes
ipbastola /
Last active June 5, 2024 21:05
Safest way to clean up boot partition - Ubuntu 14.04LTS-x64, Ubuntu 16.04LTS-x64

Safest way to clean up boot partition - Ubuntu 14.04LTS-x64, Ubuntu 16.04LTS-x64


Case I: if /boot is not 100% full and apt is working

1. Check the current kernel version

$ uname -r 
svx /
Created August 15, 2018 12:45 — forked from psxvoid/
Delete evicted pods from all namespaces (also ImagePullBackOff and ErrImagePull)
# based on
# delete all evicted pods from all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
# delete all containers in ImagePullBackOff state from all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep 'ImagePullBackOff' | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
# delete all containers in ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull or Evicted state from all namespaces
# Config
terraform {
required_version = ">=0.12.0"
required_providers {
aws = ">= 2.0"
provider "aws" {
hermanbanken /
Created November 22, 2020 13:11
Kustomize Vars example

This was initially posted in an kubernetes-sigs/kustomize issue.

We are using Kustomize's vars feature. Initially we didn't understand how to use it for our purpose, but it is a 100% fit. One example is our Ingress resource, which looks like this:

# file: base/ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: services