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This is totally cheater-phô and it takes like 20min and uses leftovers and I love it.
It's roughly based on a recipe from Nigel Slater's Eat, but lazier.
Saute together in the bottom of a soup pot:
1T soy sauce
1T fish sauce
1T mirin
1T honey
1c leftover chicken, cut into bites
[Serves 2 people who like large breakfasts]
Big mess of fruit, chopped. Stone fruits, apples, berries, or a mix. Something like:
3 peaches or
4 smaller apples or
2 apples and 1c blackberries or
2 apples and 2 plums
Sauté over medium in a 8-10" skillet with
2-4T butter (more is better, frankly)
(Serves 2 as a big breakfast, or more as a small one.)
Heat a skillet to medium, and fill with
1-2T lard (or oil, or butter, or a mix)
1 small onion, diced
Cook the onion for a little while, then add ~2c total of the following:
Bell peppers, diced
Cooked beans (rattlesnake, jacob's cattle, pinto, etc)
Tomato, diced
webmeadow / Delicious Cake
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
Citrus Cardamom Nut cake (gluten-free)
Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a 9x13 pan with parchment. (Or spray-oil, but this is a pretty sticky cake.)
6 egg yolks
3/4c sugar
Put in stand mixer with the whisk and blend for ~10 minutes. They'll get thick and pale and beautiful.
8oz toasted walnuts, almonds, or pecans, ground to a semi-fine consistency (think breadcrumbs, not flour)
1/2t ground cardamom
2.5oz breadcrumbs or gluten-free flour mix (we use Pamela's pancake/waffle mix for this)
1 T oil
4oz lamb/pork/sausage/whatever, ground or finely chopped
1 small onion, sliced
1 chile (optional)
1 lb cabbage, sliced
1/2 t salt
Heat a wok on high, then add the oil, meat, and onion and cook for 1-3 minutes.
Add the chile (if using) and stir-fry for another 30 seconds or so.
Add the cabbage, stir-fry briefly, then add salt and continue to stir-fry
webmeadow / vaguely indian carrot yums
Last active December 27, 2015 17:29
Carrot tasty thing
Start with:
* 1lb carrots
Shred coarsely. Avoid shredding off a bit of your thumb while you're working.
* 2T ghee (or butter or oil)
* knob of ginger, minced (or pureed)
* 2 cloves garlic, minced (or pureed)
* 1 bird chile, minced [optional]
* 1.5t garam masala
webmeadow / Bún chả (Grilled Pork)
Last active December 18, 2015 10:10
Vietnamese food is delicious.
1/2 onion
2 t sugar
3/4 t black pepper
1 T maple syrup or honey
2.5 T fish sauce (our fave is Golden Boy with the laughing baby on the bottle)
3 T oil (grapeseed, canola, whatev)
Smush all that stuff together. I like to puree it in a mini-processor, but hand-mixed (w/ minced onion) works too.
2 lbs pork shoulder, cut into strips (~ 3 x 1 x 1/4" if you're feeling precise)
webmeadow / node.tpl.php
Created October 4, 2012 15:07
Drupal7 picturefill implementation with imagecache
// snippet used in a node.tpl (with only two image sizes instead of three)
foreach ($content['field_gallery_image']['#items'] as $image){
$medium_image = image_style_url('medium', $image['uri']);
$large_image = image_style_url('large', $image['uri']);
$alt = $image['alt'];
print '<div data-picture data-alt="'.$alt.'">
<div data-src="'.$medium_image.'"></div>
<div data-src="'.$large_image.'" data-media="(min-width: 481px)"></div>