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python-gps sample codes, Raspberry Pi 4 + u-blox GPS module (uart)

Raspberry Pi 4 + u-blox GPS module (uart)

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-client python-gps

Enable the serial interface and disable serial login shell with raspi-config then reboot. Confirm /dev/ttyS0 exists

$ ls -l /dev/serial*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May  9 10:38 /dev/serial0 -> ttyS0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 May  9 10:38 /dev/serial1 -> ttyAMA0

Configure gpsd to use /dev/ttyS0 in /etc/defaults/gpsd then restart gpsd service. Use cgps command to make sure it works.

# Deprecate. The latest gps python module has been changed significantly.
import gps, os, time
session = gps.gps()
while 1:
# a = altitude, d = date/time, m=mode,
# o=postion/fix, s=status, y=satellites
print ' GPS reading'
print '----------------------------------------'
print 'latitude ' , session.fix.latitude
print 'longitude ' , session.fix.longitude
print 'time utc ' , session.utc, session.fix.time
print 'altitude ' , session.fix.altitude
print 'eph ' , session.fix.eph
print 'epv ' , session.fix.epv
print 'ept ' , session.fix.ept
print 'speed ' , session.fix.speed
print 'climb ' , session.fix.climb
print ' Satellites (total of', len(session.satellites) , ' in view)'
for i in session.satellites:
print '\t', i
#! /usr/bin/python
# Written by Dan Mandle September 2012
# License: GPL 2.0
# Updated by wolfg1969 May 2020
import os
from gps import *
from time import *
import time
import threading
gpsd = None #seting the global variable
os.system('clear') #clear the terminal (optional)
class GpsPoller(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
global gpsd #bring it in scope
gpsd = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE) #starting the stream of info
self.current_value = None
self.running = True #setting the thread running to true
def run(self):
global gpsd
while gpsp.running: #this will continue to loop and grab EACH set of gpsd info to clear the buffer
if __name__ == '__main__':
gpsp = GpsPoller() # create the thread
gpsp.start() # start it up
while True:
# It may take a second or two to get good data
# print(gpsd.fix.latitude,', ',gpsd.fix.longitude,' Time: ',gpsd.utc)
print(' GPS reading')
print('latitude ', gpsd.fix.latitude)
print('longitude ', gpsd.fix.longitude)
print('time utc ', gpsd.utc, ' + ', gpsd.fix.time)
print('altitude (m)', gpsd.fix.altitude)
print('eps ', gpsd.fix.eps)
print('epx ', gpsd.fix.epx)
print('epv ', gpsd.fix.epv)
print('ept ', gpsd.fix.ept)
print('speed (m/s) ', gpsd.fix.speed)
print('speed (mph) ', gpsd.fix.speed * 2.237)
print('climb ', gpsd.fix.climb)
print('track ', gpsd.fix.track)
print('mode ', gpsd.fix.mode)
print('sats ', gpsd.satellites)
time.sleep(5) #set to whatever
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #when you press ctrl+c
print("\nKilling Thread...")
gpsp.running = False
gpsp.join() # wait for the thread to finish what it's doing
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Hi man!
I have this issue in RaspberryPi (Raspbian):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
AttributeError: gps instance has no attribute 'query'

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JakeTun commented Jan 25, 2017

no module name gps

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@JakeTun sudo apt-get install python-gps

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JakeTun commented Feb 7, 2017


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I m not getting the values of latitudes and longitudes and I used help me out

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gx07 commented Mar 6, 2017

I have this issue in RaspberryPi (Raspbian):

I did => sudo apt-get install python-gps and executed script
I am getting the following error. Can someone please help?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Desktop/", line 29, in
gpsp = GpsPoller() # create the thread
File "/home/pi/Desktop/", line 19, in init
gpsd = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE) #starting the stream of info
NameError: global name 'gps' is not defined

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Hi. I do have similar problem on code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Desktop/", line 29, in
gpsp = GpsPoller() # create the thread
File "/home/pi/Desktop/", line 19, in init
gpsd = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE)

can u help to troubleshoot this problem sir?

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rrase commented Feb 16, 2018

I m not getting the values of latitudes and longitudes and I used help me out

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rrase commented Feb 16, 2018

pls somebody help out to get the values of longitude and latitudes

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rtennill commented Mar 8, 2018

What version of gpsd does this target? There is no query() in my gps object under Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 (arm64) .

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Ahmedeish11 commented Jun 19, 2018

how i can solve this problem?

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Thank you for this. Is there a way to get the speed in km/h instead of m/s?? I've tried taking "gpsd.fix.speed" value and then converting that into km/h. But unfortunately that wasn't fruitful, I tried something like this

speed = gpsd.fix.speed
km_h = ((speed*18)/5)

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ewe-akj commented Apr 22, 2020

i want gps python code please help me

  1. I want to put the coordinates where I want
  2. I want the word "arrival" to appear when I arrive at the desired coordinates
  3. I want to see the error rate

please help me please

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@ewe-akj Do you wanna a paid support for you requirements?

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What version of gpsd does this target? There is no query() in my gps object under Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 (arm64) .

Use Python 3 and

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Thank you for this. Is there a way to get the speed in km/h instead of m/s?? I've tried taking "gpsd.fix.speed" value and then converting that into km/h. But unfortunately that wasn't fruitful, I tried something like this

speed = gpsd.fix.speed
km_h = ((speed*18)/5)

@dear-stan The formula is correct.

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