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wzr / SysmonEventGUIDParser.ps1
Created January 3, 2022 16:58 — forked from mattifestation/SysmonEventGUIDParser.ps1
Extracts fields from sysmon process and logon GUIDs
# Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
$Epoch = Get-Date '01/01/1970'
# Conversion trick taken from
$StrCurrentTimeZone = (Get-WmiObject Win32_timezone).StandardName
$TZ = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($StrCurrentTimeZone)
# Parse out all the LogonGUID fields for sysmon ProcessCreate events
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'; Id = 1 } | ForEach-Object {
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO4
id: shelly_25_relay_1
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO15
id: shelly_25_relay_2
- platform: binary
wzr / extended_search_reporting.xml
Created December 6, 2019 16:23 — forked from automine/extended_search_reporting.xml
Extended Search Reporting, v1.4 thanks to cerby on the Splunk Community Slack (!
<label>Extended Search Reporting, v1.4</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
<h3>Search Efficiency Ratings</h3>
Description: The efficiency panel is a ranking of searches based on how efficient the searches are. The value represents a function of how often the search runs and how long it takes to run. A search running often and takes a long time will have a low efficiency value. Searches that run in less time raise efficiency value.
wzr /
Created January 30, 2019 21:14 — forked from kevin-smets/
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Meslo powerline font + [Powerlevel9k] - (macOS)





wzr / gist:2041f626d8a90d9922fd5abdd572bbf4
Created January 9, 2019 15:58 — forked from jstrosch/gist:3228947
setting up ssh in cygwin
Follow normal process for installing openSSH/openSSL, generating keys and adding to remote host. In cygwin, add the following to .bash_profile
### this is necessary to start ssh-agent and add keys
function start_agent {
echo "Initialising new SSH agent..."
/usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}"
echo succeeded
chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}"
wzr / props.conf
Created October 25, 2018 14:19 — forked from automine/props.conf
Windows Event Clean Up in Splunk
#Returns most of the space savings XML would provide
SEDCMD-clean0-null_sids = s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(\:)(\s+NULL SID)$/\1/g s/(?m)(ID\:)(\s+0x0)$/\1/g
SEDCMD-clean1-summary = s/This event is generated[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean2-cert_summary = s/Certificate information is only[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean3-blank_ipv6 = s/::ffff://g
SEDCMD-clean4-token_elevation_summary = s/Token Elevation Type indicates[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean5-network_share_summary = s/(?ms)(A network share object was checked to see whether.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean6-authentication_summary = s/(?ms)(The computer attempted to validate the credentials.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean7-local_ipv6 = s/(?ms)(::1)//g
wzr /
Created September 24, 2017 12:19 — forked from Holzhaus/
Simple python Dreamcast image parser
#!/usr/bin/env python
# (c) 2015 Jan Holthuis
# A simple python script to get some info about Dreamcast images
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
wzr / download.rb
Created April 21, 2017 22:49 — forked from bouchard/download.rb
Download Private but Embedded Vimeo Videos
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'nokogiri'
require 'net/http'
require 'shellwords'
require 'json'
source = Net::HTTP.get('', '/thepagethathasthevideos/')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(source)
ids = doc.css('a').map{ |a| a.attr('data-vimeoid') }.compact.uniq
wzr /
Created April 11, 2017 09:07 — forked from JosefJezek/
Export Users from Active Directory / LDAP to CSV file with Python
# sudo apt-get install python-ldap
import ldap
host = 'ldap://'
dn = ''