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CristinaSolana / gist:1885435
Created February 22, 2012 14:56
Keeping a fork up to date

1. Clone your fork:

git clone

2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:

cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream
lotem / luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
Created April 6, 2012 03:57 — forked from NemoAlex/gist:2316620
在 Rime 中加入"["和"]"翻页按键绑定(以【明月拼音】为例)
# luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
# save it to:
# ~/.config/ibus/rime (linux)
# ~/Library/Rime (macos)
# %APPDATA%\Rime (windows)
- { when: paging, accept: bracketleft, send: Page_Up }
- { when: has_menu, accept: bracketright, send: Page_Down }
lotem / luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
Created April 6, 2012 15:46
# luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
# 【朙月拼音】模糊音定製模板
# 佛振配製 :-)
# 位置:
# ~/.config/ibus/rime (Linux)
# ~/Library/Rime (Mac OS)
# %APPDATA%\Rime (Windows)
jboner / latency.txt
Last active June 2, 2024 14:49
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
Latency Comparison Numbers (~2012)
L1 cache reference 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict 5 ns
L2 cache reference 7 ns 14x L1 cache
Mutex lock/unlock 25 ns
Main memory reference 100 ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy 3,000 ns 3 us
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network 10,000 ns 10 us
Read 4K randomly from SSD* 150,000 ns 150 us ~1GB/sec SSD
pmarreck / string_to_i_nil.rb
Created August 3, 2012 17:29
ruby to_i on string returning nil
# Make to_i on a string return nil if there are no actual valid numbers
# or if it doesn't at least start with a number.
String.class_eval do
unless instance_methods.include?(:to_i_without_nil)
alias to_i_without_nil to_i
def to_i_with_nil(base=10)
if (r=self.to_i_without_nil(base))==0
if /^[0-9]+/ =~ self
1wErt3r / SMBDIS.ASM
Created November 9, 2012 22:27
A Comprehensive Super Mario Bros. Disassembly
;by doppelganger (
;This file is provided for your own use as-is. It will require the character rom data
;and an iNES file header to get it to work.
;There are so many people I have to thank for this, that taking all the credit for
;myself would be an unforgivable act of arrogance. Without their help this would
;probably not be possible. So I thank all the peeps in the nesdev scene whose insight into
;the 6502 and the NES helped me learn how it works (you guys know who you are, there's no
nightire / Changes in Rails
Last active May 11, 2022 04:50
拥抱 Rails 4 —— 详述 Rails 4 的新变化


小心地使用 Match(Rails 3 已实现)

Rails 3 提供了 match 方法供我们自定义 routes,然而我们要小心使用它以避免“跨站脚本攻击”(XSS Attack)。比如像这样的 routes:

注:(r3 代表 Rails 3,r4 代表 Rails 4)

# routes.rb
drakkhen / gist:5473067
Last active December 21, 2020 14:30
Workaround for Ubuntu guest suspension warning in VMware Fusion

I see this error when I try to suspend an Ubuntu 10 guest in Fusion:

The request to Suspend this virtual machine failed because the corresponding VMware Tools script did not run successfully.

If you have configured a custom suspend script in this virtual machine, make sure that it contains no errors. Attempting the operation again will ignore the script failure. You can also submit a support request to report this issue.

As the dialog states, the second time you try to suspend the VM it ignores the non-zero return code of the script and it seems to work. But it's annoying.

The problem appears to not be VMware actually, but Ubuntu (or Ubuntu's service script). I tried to figure out where exactly Ubuntu's initctl configuration/scripts is broken to no avail but found a work-around that I'm happy with.

anotheruiguy /
Last active May 24, 2023 22:08
Custom Web Fonts and the Rails Asset Pipeline

Web fonts are pretty much all the rage. Using a CDN for font libraries, like TypeKit or Google Fonts, will be a great solution for many projects. For others, this is not an option. Especially when you are creating a custom icon library for your project.

Rails and the asset pipeline are great tools, but Rails has yet to get caught up in the custom web font craze.

As with all things Rails, there is more then one way to skin this cat. There is the recommended way, and then there are the other ways.

The recommended way

Here I will show how to update your Rails project so that you can use the asset pipeline appropriately and resource your files using the common Rails convention.

edokeh / index.js
Last active May 31, 2024 06:45
佛祖保佑,永无 BUG
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