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xavdid /
Last active September 19, 2021 03:40
Python script to find ENV_VAR keys on your travis projects
import argparse
import os
from math import ceil
from typing import List
import requests
from requests import HTTPError
except ImportError:
print("This script uses the `requests` package")
mala /
Last active October 6, 2022 14:28



  • この文章と、それに含まれる考察や各サービスへの脆弱性報告などはmala個人の活動であり、所属している企業とは関係ありません。
  • 一方で私は、企業が閲覧履歴を収集して何をしたいのか、所属してる企業や他社事例について、ある程度詳しい当事者でもあります。
  • 一般論として書けることは書けるが、(業務上知り得た知識で開示されてないものなど)個別具体的なことは書けないこともあり、また観測範囲に偏りがある可能性もあります。


Proposed Cross-Publication Guidelines

What follows is my opinion on how we should tame all of this complexity. Specifically, how can we make it as easy as possible to keep everyone's builds and releases in-sync with the latest Dotty as we approach Scala 3. This is a very complex undertaking with a lot of moving parts. I'm attempting to draw on our experience doing this for prior Scala 2 versions, as well as personal scars from previous upgrade efforts across various Scala versions. In other words, this is a bit of a "lessons learned" phrased as "please everyone do this".

Any projects I have any control over will be following these steps to the best of our ability.

1. Cross-Publish Your Latest for Two Scala 3 Milestones

Breaking upgrades are always much easier when you can break them apart into the smallest possible steps. Publishing for the previous Scala 3 release in addition to the latest one is a very easy thing to do (since your library was already building on that version!) and it eases the

Advance the support of Scala.js in Dotty, a tutorial

Dotty contains preliminary support for Scala.js under the flag -scalajs. Or rather, it contains the infrastructure for preliminary support. It is far from being actually usable, but this is where you can help!

This small tutorial walks you through a few steps that you can do to further the support of Scala.js in Dotty. Even if you do not typically contribute to a compiler, this can be your chance. It is not very difficult, given that there already exists an extensive test suite, as well as a working implementation for scalac.

mala /
Last active October 15, 2018 01:37
CVE-2018-0691 プラスメッセージにおける証明書検証不備について

CVE-2018-0691 プラスメッセージにおける証明書検証不備について


  • 平日の業務時間内に見つけた問題である関係で(自分ルールで)所属を入れていますが、他社サービスに対する調査や報告は業務とは一切関係のない個人の活動として行っています。

  • 文責はmala個人にあります。お問い合わせなどありましたら個人宛にどうぞ。TwitterのDMや任意の文字列


package io.github.retronym
import sbt._
import Keys._
object RawCompile extends AutoPlugin {
override def trigger = allRequirements
override def requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin
val compileRaw = taskKey[Unit]("Compile directly, bypassing the incremental compiler")
val cleanClasses = taskKey[Unit]("clean the classes directory")
SethTisue /
Last active August 28, 2018 02:31
Scala 2.13.0-M5 draft release notes

Scala 2.13 is getting closer and closer!

We've been polishing the improved and simplified Scala collections library that first shipped in 2.13.0-M4. We expect the API to remain stable now, though there may still be minor changes in RC1.

M5 is our feature-freeze release for 2.13. From here forward, we’ll close existing open loops but not embark on or accept new work.

Collections changes

The major collections changes already landed in M4. See the M4 release notes for a summary.

lihaoyi / Test.scala
Created October 30, 2017 13:49
Resolving jars with Coursier and compiling Scala with the Zinc incremental compiler, in a self-contained Ammonite script
import play.api.libs.json.Json
object Main{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Json.toJson(Seq("Hello", "World", "Cow"))
retronym /
Last active September 21, 2018 20:55
Scripts for convenient access to Scala pre-release builds