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Product Catalog
= Product Catalog
Aravind R. Yarram <>
v1.0, 17-Sep-2013
== Domain
A product catalog is a collection of products, their categories, manufacturers with their pricing information. Products can be sold separately, included in one or more catalogs or used as substitute products
You can perform the following operations on a product:
Create, Update, Delete (Not recommended, deactivate instead), Deactivate (We should deactivate products that are no longer available instead of deleting them, because they are included in past orders, quotes, or opportunities.), Search etc.
A store organizes its *Products* +OF_TYPE+ *Category* into one or more *Catalogs*. A Catalog thus becomes a hierarchy of Categories. A Category can be +PARENT+ of one or more child categories. This lending itself naturally to be modeled as a graph. Each Product and Category can have distinct set of attributes than others which also fit nicely into property graph model (otherwise would require a EAV - Entity Attribute Value relational model).
A Product can be +SUBSTITUTE_FOR+ another Product. A product can have one or more +MODELs+, each model has +PRICING+ associated with it. This is not a complete solution for all the product catalog use cases but provides a good starting point. I will slowly keep modelling more use cases.
image::[Domain Model]
== Setup
The sample data set uses Bicycle catalog.
CREATE (summerCatalog:Catalog{ name:'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog' })
CREATE (bikes:Category { name:'Bikes' })
CREATE (accessories:Category { name:'Accessories' })
CREATE bikes-[:PARENT]->summerCatalog
CREATE accessories-[:PARENT]->summerCatalog
CREATE (roadBikes:Category { name:'Road Bikes' })
CREATE (kidsBikes:Category { name:'Kids Bikes' })
CREATE roadBikes-[:PARENT]->bikes
CREATE kidsBikes-[:PARENT]->bikes
CREATE (roadWindBike:Product { name:'Road Wind Bike' })
CREATE (chargeMixerBike:Product { name:'2013 Charge Mixer Street Road Bike' })
CREATE (schwinnSlickerBike:Product { name:'2013 Schwinn Slicker Flat Bar Road Bike' })
CREATE (fujiDeclarationBike:Product { name:'2013 Fuji Declaration Single Speed City Bike' })
CREATE (schwinn4Bike:Product { name:'2013 Schwinn 4 One One 1 Urban Bike' })
CREATE (kidsRoadBike:Product { name:'Kids Road Bike' })
CREATE (kidsMountainBike:Product { name:'Kids Mountain Bike' })
CREATE roadWindBike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE kidsRoadBike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE kidsRoadBike-[:OF_TYPE]->kidsBikes
CREATE chargeMixerBike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE schwinnSlickerBike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE fujiDeclarationBike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE schwinn4Bike-[:OF_TYPE]->roadBikes
CREATE kidsMountainBike-[:OF_TYPE]->kidsBikes
CREATE (cityBikes:Category { name:'City Bikes' })
CREATE (enduranceBikes:Category { name:'Endurance Bikes' })
CREATE cityBikes-[:PARENT]->roadBikes
CREATE enduranceBikes-[:PARENT]->roadBikes
CREATE (singleSpeedBike:Product { name:'Single Speed Bike' })
CREATE (fujiGrandBike:Product { name:'Fuji Grand Fando' })
CREATE singleSpeedBike-[:OF_TYPE]->cityBikes
CREATE fujiGrandBike-[:OF_TYPE]->enduranceBikes
CREATE (schwinn:Manufacturer{ name:'Schwinn' })
CREATE (fuji:Manufacturer{ name:'Fuji' })
CREATE (charge:Manufacturer{ name:'Charge Bikes' })
CREATE chargeMixerBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->charge
CREATE kidsMountainBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->charge
CREATE schwinnSlickerBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->schwinn
CREATE schwinn4Bike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->schwinn
CREATE singleSpeedBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->schwinn
CREATE fujiDeclarationBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->fuji
CREATE roadWindBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->fuji
CREATE kidsRoadBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->fuji
CREATE fujiGrandBike-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]->fuji
CREATE roadWindBike-[:SUBSTITUTE_FOR]->singleSpeedBike
CREATE (small:Model {type:"Small", height:52, weight:23.98 })
CREATE (large:Model {type:"Large", height:56, weight:15.23 })
CREATE fujiDeclarationBike-[:MODEL]->small
CREATE fujiDeclarationBike-[:MODEL]->large
CREATE (smallPrice:Price {list: 1200, retail: 1100, validFrom:1380584607035, validUntil:1414641600000})
CREATE (largePrice:Price {list: 1250, retail: 1150, validFrom:1380584607035, validUntil:1414641600000})
CREATE small-[:PRICING]->smallPrice
CREATE large-[:PRICING]->largePrice
=== Try other queries yourself!
== Use Cases
== All catalogs
MATCH c:Catalog RETURN AS Catalogs
== All categories by Depth
MATCH p=cats:Category-[:PARENT|PARENT*]->cat:Catalog
WHERE'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog'
== All categories of a given level
MATCH p=cats:Category-[:PARENT*]->cat:Catalog
WHERE'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog' AND length(p)=1
RETURN AS CategoriesOfGivenLevel
ORDER BY CategoriesOfGivenLevel
== All sub-categories of a given category
MATCH p=cats:Category-[:PARENT]->parentCat:Category, parentCat-[:PARENT*]->c:Catalog
WHERE'Road Bikes' AND'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog'
RETURN collect( AS SubCategories
== All Parent and their child categories
MATCH p=child:Category-[:PARENT*]->parent
RETURN, collect(
== All parent and their IMMEDIATE children
MATCH p=child:Category-[:PARENT*]->parent
WHERE length(relationships(p))=1
RETURN labels(parent),, collect(
== All products of a given category
MATCH p:Product-[:OF_TYPE]->c:Category
WHERE'Road Bikes'
== Running low on inventory? Recommend another substitute.
MATCH p:Product-[:SUBSTITUTE_FOR]->other:Product
WHERE"Single Speed Bike"
== Get various models of the selected product
MATCH p:Product-[:MODEL]->m:Model
WHERE"2013 Fuji Declaration Single Speed City Bike"
RETURN p AS Modles
== All Categories and their Products of a given catalog
MATCH p:Product-[:OF_TYPE]->c:Category-[:PARENT*]->ctl:Catalog
WHERE'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog'
RETURN AS Category, collect( AS Products
== Time to get the shipping and pricing info so as to calculate the total price to be charged
MATCH p:Product-[:MODEL]->m:Model-[:PRICING]->price:Price
WHERE"2013 Fuji Declaration Single Speed City Bike" AND m.type="Large" AND price.validFrom <= timestamp() AND price.validUntil >= timestamp()
RETURN price.list AS ListPrice, price.retail AS RetailPrice, m.height AS Height, m.weight AS Weight
== All the categories of a given product in the given catalog
MATCH p:Product-[:OF_TYPE]->c:Category-[:PARENT*]->ctl:Catalog
WHERE'Kids Road Bike' AND'Summer Outdoor Bicycle Catalog'
== Manufacturers and their products
MATCH m:Manufacturer<-[:MANUFACTURED_BY]-p:Product
RETURN AS Manufacturer, collect( AS Products
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jexp commented Oct 11, 2013

Can you contact us with your postal address and t-shirt size? Thx

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cleishm commented Nov 4, 2013

Hi @funpluscharity. Your GraphGist isn't compatible with the latest Neo4j 2.0 milestones. I've updated it here: Can you update?

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@cleishm Seems like someone forked and made the necessary changes. Thank you.

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