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Created January 20, 2017 07:36
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Generate case class from spark DataFrame/Dataset schema.
* Generate Case class from DataFrame.schema
* val df:DataFrame = ...
* val s2cc = new Schema2CaseClass
* import s2cc.implicit._
* println(s2cc.schemaToCaseClass(df.schema, "MyClass"))
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
class Schema2CaseClass {
type TypeConverter = (DataType) => String
def schemaToCaseClass(schema:StructType, className:String)(implicit tc:TypeConverter):String = {
def genField(s:StructField):String = {
val f = tc(s.dataType)
s match {
case x if(x.nullable) => s" ${}:Option[$f]"
case _ => s" ${}:$f"
val fieldsStr =",\n ")
|case class $className (
| $fieldsStr
object implicits {
implicit val defaultTypeConverter:TypeConverter = (t:DataType) => { t match {
case _:ByteType => "Byte"
case _:ShortType => "Short"
case _:IntegerType => "Int"
case _:LongType => "Long"
case _:FloatType => "Float"
case _:DoubleType => "Double"
case _:DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
case _:StringType => "String"
case _:BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
case _:BooleanType => "Boolean"
case _:TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
case _:DateType => "java.sql.Date"
case _:ArrayType => "scala.collection.Seq"
case _:MapType => "scala.collection.Map"
case _:StructType => "org.apache.spark.sql.Row"
case _ => "String"
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RayTsui commented Apr 6, 2018

After getting the string of executable code of case class, how to execute the string? Scala reflect or something else?

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@RayTsui you write the string to a file or append to file of case classes.

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gstaubli commented May 3, 2018

I love this conversion process! I've had very nested schemas, which required me to manually run this code on different levels of nesting. Would love a recursive or other version to handle nested schemas, which I hope to contribute back unless someone beats me to it ;)

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I concur with @gstaubli. Can you please share what you did for the nested schema?

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skoppar commented Jun 21, 2018

Very good idea. I was also looking for some way to execute the case class creation method and found this:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror

val df = ....
val toolbox = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val case_class = toolbox.compile(f.schemaToCaseClass(dfschema, "YourName"))

The return type of schemaToCaseClass would have to be runtime.universe.Tree and we would use Quasiquotes

def schemaToCaseClass(schema:StructType, className:String)(implicit tc:TypeConverter) :runtime.universe.Tree= {
def genField(s:StructField):String = {
val f = tc(s.dataType)
s match {
case x if(x.nullable) => s" ${}:Option[$f]"
case _ => s" ${}:$f"

  val fieldsStr =",\n  ")
     case class $className (

However, I was trying to apply it back to resulting dataframe and I dont see a way to do that. Sharing whatever I found, in case it helps someone
Reference -

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geoHeil commented Jun 26, 2018

Would it be possible to create a Macro? I can't seem to be able to actually make use of the class string generated as it won't compile

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BioQwer commented Nov 15, 2018

scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._


scala> class Schema2CaseClass {
     |   type TypeConverter = (DataType) => String
     |   def schemaToCaseClass(schema:StructType, className:String)(implicit tc:TypeConverter):String = {
     |     def genField(s:StructField):String = {
     |       val f = tc(s.dataType)
     |       s match {
     |         case x if(x.nullable) => s"  ${}:Option[$f]"
     |         case _ => s"  ${}:$f"
     |       }
     |     }
     |     val fieldsStr =",\n  ")
     |     s"""
     |        |case class $className (
     |        |  $fieldsStr
     |        |)
     |   """.stripMargin
     |   }
     |   object implicits {
     |     implicit val defaultTypeConverter:TypeConverter = (t:DataType) => { t match {
     |       case _:ByteType => "Byte"
     |       case _:ShortType => "Short"
     |       case _:IntegerType => "Int"
     |       case _:LongType => "Long"
     |       case _:FloatType => "Float"
     |       case _:DoubleType => "Double"
     |       case _:DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
     |       case _:StringType => "String"
     |       case _:BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
     |       case _:BooleanType => "Boolean"
     |       case _:TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
     |       case _:DateType => "java.sql.Date"
     |       case _:ArrayType => "scala.collection.Seq"
     |       case _:MapType => "scala.collection.Map"
     |       case _:StructType => "org.apache.spark.sql.Row"
     |       case _ => "String"
     |     }}
     |   }
     | }
<console>:12: error: not found: type DataType
  type TypeConverter = (DataType) => String
<console>:14: error: not found: type StructType
  def schemaToCaseClass(schema:StructType, className:String)(implicit tc:TypeConverter):String = {
<console>:15: error: not found: type StructField
    def genField(s:StructField):String = {
<console>:32: error: not found: type DataType
    implicit val defaultTypeConverter:TypeConverter = (t:DataType) => { t match {
<console>:33: error: not found: type ByteType
      case _:ByteType => "Byte"
<console>:34: error: not found: type ShortType
      case _:ShortType => "Short"
<console>:35: error: not found: type IntegerType
      case _:IntegerType => "Int"
<console>:36: error: not found: type LongType
      case _:LongType => "Long"
<console>:37: error: not found: type FloatType
      case _:FloatType => "Float"
<console>:38: error: not found: type DoubleType
      case _:DoubleType => "Double"
<console>:39: error: not found: type DecimalType
      case _:DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
<console>:40: error: not found: type StringType
      case _:StringType => "String"
<console>:41: error: not found: type BinaryType
      case _:BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
<console>:42: error: not found: type BooleanType
      case _:BooleanType => "Boolean"
<console>:43: error: not found: type TimestampType
      case _:TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
<console>:44: error: not found: type DateType
      case _:DateType => "java.sql.Date"
<console>:45: error: not found: type ArrayType
      case _:ArrayType => "scala.collection.Seq"
<console>:46: error: not found: type MapType
      case _:MapType => "scala.collection.Map"
<console>:47: error: not found: type StructType
      case _:StructType => "org.apache.spark.sql.Row"

If you have this mistake use in console :paste, in this way it's works for me.

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BioQwer commented Nov 15, 2018

I concur with @gstaubli. Can you please share what you did for the nested schema?


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eschombu commented Aug 7, 2019

This is really helpful, but here's an improvement. In defaultTypeConverter, change the ArrayType case to

      case _: ArrayType => {
        val e = t match { case ArrayType(elementType, _) => elementType }

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zpappa commented Apr 26, 2020

Perhaps I did something wrong here, but was unable to get this working with the implicits statement
I had to explicitly pass it in as below, for anyone who had the same issue and received an identifier expected but 'implicit' found.

println(s2cc.schemaToCaseClass(schema, "MyclassName")(s2cc.implicits.defaultTypeConverter))

That said, super helpful, thanks!

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JituS commented Apr 13, 2021

Thanks for sharing this. As small enhancement could be, if there are nested StructType in a schema. I have tried incorporating that scenario below:


import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

class SchemaToCaseClassWriter(fileWriter: FileWriter) {
  type TypeConverter = DataType => String

  def write(schema: StructType, className: String): Unit = {
    run(schema, className)

  private def run(schema: StructType, className: String): Unit = {
    def genField(field: StructField): String = {
      val converter = defaultTypeConverter(
      val dataType = converter(field.dataType)
      field match {
        case x if x.nullable => s"  ${}:Option[$dataType]"
        case _ => s"  ${}:$dataType"

    val fieldsStr =",\n  ")
    val schemaClass =
      s"""case class $className (
         |  $fieldsStr

  private def defaultTypeConverter(colName: String): TypeConverter = {
    val converter: TypeConverter = {
      case _: ByteType => "Byte"
      case _: ShortType => "Short"
      case _: IntegerType => "Int"
      case _: LongType => "Long"
      case _: FloatType => "Float"
      case _: DoubleType => "Double"
      case _: DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
      case _: StringType => "String"
      case _: BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
      case _: BooleanType => "Boolean"
      case _: TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
      case _: DateType => "java.sql.Date"
      case t: ArrayType =>
        val e = t match {
          case ArrayType(elementType, _) => elementType
      case _: MapType => "scala.collection.Map"
      case t: StructType =>
        run(t, colName.capitalize)
      case _ => "String"

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Schema with nested structure is having a struct with the same name at different levels, then 2 class with the same name will be created. This will break the schema when used. I think we need to use package name to handle that . Any other alternatives ?

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How to use the resultant string as case class any example pls

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7873737376 commented Feb 8, 2024

/*we can use below code directly it will return string instead of writing into file we can get string in a variable */

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

class SchemaToCaseClassWriter {
type TypeConverter = DataType => String

def write(schema: StructType, className: String): String = {
run(schema, className)

private def run(schema: StructType, className: String): String = {
def genField(field: StructField): String = {
val converter = defaultTypeConverter(
val dataType = converter(field.dataType)
field match {
case x if x.nullable => s" ${}: Option[$dataType]"
case _ => s" ${}: $dataType"

val fieldsStr =",\n  ")
val schemaClass =
  s"""case class $className (
     |  $fieldsStr


private def defaultTypeConverter(colName: String): TypeConverter = {
val converter: TypeConverter = {
case _: ByteType => "Byte"
case _: ShortType => "Short"
case _: IntegerType => "Int"
case _: LongType => "Long"
case _: FloatType => "Float"
case _: DoubleType => "Double"
case _: DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
case _: StringType => "String"
case _: BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
case _: BooleanType => "Boolean"
case _: TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
case _: DateType => "java.sql.Date"
case t: ArrayType =>
val e = t match {
case ArrayType(elementType, _) => elementType
case _: MapType => "scala.collection.Map"
case t: StructType =>
run(t, colName.capitalize)
case _ => "String"

val writer = new SchemaToCaseClassWriter()
val schema = // Your StructType schema
val className = "MyClass"
val caseClassString = writer.write(schema, className)
println(caseClassString) // Output the generated case class string

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