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Last active May 23, 2024 01:13
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Google Analytics 4 (with Measurement ID) in Hugo

Google Analytics 4 in Hugo

Blog post with slightly more detail can be found here. If you want to just get to it, read on.

I (very) recently decided to reimplement GA in my site, and found that existing implementation in Hugo was not compatible with GA4's new Measurement ID. This is an easy way to drop your Measurement ID into your site. I'm not going to go into how to sign up for GA.

This implementation requires that you create a site parameter for analytics, create a partial, and call the partial. I tweaked the names of the parameters and files so they didn't collide with the built-in hugo code.

Place the GoogleAnalyicsID (Measurement ID) in config.toml within [params].

# Google Analytics 4
googleAnalyticsID = "G-00000XXXXX"

Create the partial, analytics-gtag.html, and place it in /layouts/partials. Code below.

Call the partial just after the <head> tag in /layouts/_default/baseof.html.

  {{ if .Site.Params.GoogleAnalyticsID }}
  {{ partial "analytics-gtag.html" . }}
  {{ end }}

That's it. It appears that this will be fixed in gohugo shortly, but for now this is a serviceable workaround.

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src="{{ .Site.Params.GoogleAnalyticsID }}"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', '{{ .Site.Params.GoogleAnalyticsID }}');
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hello guys,do I need to set the sitemap for the google search console if I want to use the GA4 in hugo that host on the github?

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Sounds like there's an "internal template" for this now in hugo, IIUC?

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Thanks a lot! :) Much appreciated, it was easy to follow.

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mafendi commented May 9, 2023

Thanks a lot!
Sorry for bothering you, do you have maybe some working solution for Cookie Consent (for Hugo)?

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Sounds like there's an "internal template" for this now in hugo, IIUC?

Shouldn't this be used more than everybody creating their own?

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Thanks for the tutorial! In the more recent version of Hugo academic, there aren't layouts/partials or any file related to html... I added the internal template, and tweaked for Google Analytics ID in params.yaml but Google still doesn't receive any data. Could you have a look when you have time? Many thanks! Below is the default template for Hugo academic.

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