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Juan Gaitán-Villamizar 0xjgv

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staaldraad /
Last active September 24, 2024 03:28
AWK to get details from /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/udp when netstat and lsof are not available
# Gawk version
# Remote
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($3,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")+1,4))}'
# Local
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($2,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")+1,4))}'
# No Gawk
# Local
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk 'function hextodec(str,ret,n,i,k,c){
const Apify = require('apify');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const requestPromise = require('request-promise');
// Utils functions to simplify the code
const { log } = console;
const pretty = object => JSON.stringify(object, null, 2);
// Get code line-by-line with cheerio into an Object
const arrayToObjectInContext = $ => (array, object = {}) => (
montanaflynn / pget.go
Last active October 21, 2023 06:12
Bounded Parallel Get Requests in Golang
package main
import (
// a struct to hold the result from each request including an index
gaearon / index.js
Last active January 5, 2022 18:45
Breaking out of Redux paradigm to isolate apps
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Subapp from './subapp/Root'
class BigApp extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Subapp />
<Subapp />
<Subapp />
javivelasco /
Last active October 2, 2022 16:36
Proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf 2015

I’m amazed by React and how it’s bringing happiness to our developer lives. I specially like the workflow that integrates Webpack + React + CSS Modules + Babel among other tools and preprocessors. That’s why Javier Jiménez and I are working together in a library called React Toolbox that we would like to show in a lightning talk at Reactive Conference.

The main idea is to create a set of React components implementing Material Design guidelines. There are already some libraries that solve a similar problem but our project is mostly focused on the workflow and best practices to create a tool everybody would want to use. Also, we are sticking to the design guidelines proposed by Google and embracing minimalism by generating the minimum possible amount of HTML and styles to get the best result. Our workflow includes among others:

  • Webpack.
  • ES6 with Babel
  • Unit t
juliohm1978 /
Last active October 1, 2024 14:27
Drains a Kubernetes node using "rollout restart" instead "kubectl drain". See comments for motiviation and usage.
if [[ "$NODE_NAME" == "" ]]; then
echo "
Drains a node from its Deployments/Stateful set pods.
matthewmueller /
Last active August 19, 2024 19:46
OSX for Hackers (Mavericks/Yosemite)
# OSX for Hackers (Mavericks/Yosemite)
# Source:
# Some things taken from here
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
paulallies / gist:0052fab554b14bbfa3ef
Last active August 3, 2024 16:45
Remove node_modules from git repo
#add 'node_modules' to .gitignore file
git rm -r --cached node_modules
git commit -m 'Remove the now ignored directory node_modules'
git push origin <branch-name>
JamesMGreene /
Last active September 30, 2024 10:04
`git flow` vs. `git`: A comparison of using `git flow` commands versus raw `git` commands.


gitflow git
git flow init git init
  git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"
  git checkout -b develop master

Connect to the remote repository

TylerFisher /
Last active September 30, 2024 14:39
Basic steps for hosting on Github

Hey there, apparently people are still using this Gist from 2013! It's out of date! Consult the Github docs.

Steps for Hosting a Website on GitHub

  1. Create a GitHub account on
  2. Download either [GitHub for Mac][1] or [GitHub for Windows][2], depending on your operating system. Open the app and log in using the account you just created.
  3. (On Mac): After you login, click advanced and make sure that your name and email are correct. Then, click "Install Command Line Tools", just in case you want to start using the command line later in life.
  4. Create a new repository in your GitHub application. Name it The name is very important. Note the folder that GitHub is saving the repository to. Make sure the "Push to GitHub?" box is checked.
  5. Move your website's files into the folder that GitHub just created when you made the repository. IMPORTANT: Your homepage HTML file must be called "index.html", and it must exist in the top-level