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import random
import copy
var = []
player = 1
import random
import copy
tamka-wa en ian alnanτamiso fił woyolτiłłon yanowoi, hi-wa wo ianθa opotana.
[ˈtãŋ̥kaˌwa ẽn ˈi.ãn alnãn̥ˈtʼãmizo fɨʟ wuˈjul̥tʼɨʟːõn yãˈnɒwu.i ˈχɨˌwa wu ˈ̥tʰa oˈbodãna]
tamka=wa en ian al-nanτami-so fił wojolτił-łon yano-woi hi=wa wo ian-θa opo-tana
a.long.time.ago=TOP REM.PST exist PERS-vagina-NDEF.SPEC 3SG Wuzi-DEF.SPEC of-Wei 3SG.RES=TOP PRS exist-not offspring-none
woyolτiłłon-wa wo nałhonχolem, wo łal yioliyoti χoyałłon: « pamatiłon-wa i memitilπi olnil κan-ten. »
[wuˈjul̥tʼɨʟõn wu naʟ̥ˈχɒ̃ŋ̥kʰɒlẽm wu ʟal jioˈlijudi ˈkʰajaʟːõn pãˈmadɨʟõˌnʷa i mẽˈmidil̥pʼi ˈolnil ˈkʼãn̥ˌtẽn]
wojolτił-łon=wa wo nałhonχo-lem wo łal yi-oli-yoti χojał-łon pa-mati-łon=wa i me~mitilπi olni-l κan=ten
Wuzi-DEF.SPEC=TOP PRS muscle-sick PRS speak PASS-obey Ke-DEF.SPEC DEM-person-DEF.NSPEC=TOP NEAR.FUT CAUS~marry with-4 2SG.IMP=ERG
Enłalen is discourse-configurational. This means that the roles of subject and object are far less important than in English, and that the roles of topic and focus are far more important. That said, the base word order is VSO, with prepositions and adjectives and adverbs that follow the nouns they modify.
Anything that isn't serving as a verb can be topicalized by moving it to the front of the sentence and following it with the clitic -wa. Noun phrases and adverbs of time are the most common constituents to fill this position. The topic can be omitted if it is obvious from context, such as when it is the same topic as the previous sentence.
Alignment is split-ergative: in an imperfective sentence, the alignment is nominative-accusative with the accusative object being marked with the clitic -no. In a perfective sentence, the alignment is ergative-absolutive with the ergative subject being marked with the clitic -ten. If the subject or object is topicalized, these clitics are not applied (sinc
in_the_past woman-SG-ABS [Úortvr-SG-ESS be_called-SG-3]=REL-SG-ABS Úoi-SG-ESS inhabit-ATP-SG-3 In the past, a woman called Úortvr lived in Úoi.
no-SG-ESS child-SG-ESS give_birth-ATP-SG-3 She had not given birth to any children
“1-weak+be-SG”, this-SG-ESS feel-ATP-SG-3 and Kar-SG-DAT [obey-ATP-SG-3]=REL-SG-DAT speak-SG-3: She felt weak and said to the obedient Kar:
“this-SG-ABS man-SG-ABS 1-SG-DAT marry-CAUS” “Make this man marry me!”
later, more weak+be+change_state-SG-3 and only this-SG-ESS say-ATP-SG-3: Later, she became even weaker and said only this:
“3-SG-ABS with 1-SG-INC bury!” “Bury him with me!”
after die-SG-3, ERG=3-Kar-SG>SG-ABS 3-SG-ESS 3-marry-ATP-CAUS-NPST-SG>SG-3 After her death, Kar married her to him
then Kar-SG-ABS say-NPST-SG-3: “more weak+be+change_sta
b n count demonstrative pronoun (this, that)
bañ v intr cont to speak, talk
bañdaut v tr mom to say
gag n count 1st person pronoun
ges v tr mom separate, split in twain, give birth
gind v cop stat to be (used with permanent states, nouns)
gida v cop cont to be (used with temporary states, locations)
gidat v cop mom to become
h adj no, none of
adzena countryside
amitzi girl
aundra (relative clause marker) that
Chyahal (proper noun - [ˈcçaxal], takes athematic declension)
čála old
či weak
Fadechyu (proper noun - [faˈdɛcçu], takes -u declension)
Foilesil (proper noun - [foɪˈlɛsil], takes athematic declension)
a @ b
äquivalent zu dot(a,b)
(reelles!) skalarprodukt zwischen zwei vektoren
komplexes skalarprodukt zwischen zwei vektoren


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