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Last active November 18, 2024 05:09
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// imgLib -> Image package from
import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;
import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
Future<List<int>> convertImagetoPng(CameraImage image) async {
try {
imglib.Image img;
if ( == ImageFormatGroup.yuv420) {
img = _convertYUV420(image);
} else if ( == ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888) {
img = _convertBGRA8888(image);
imglib.PngEncoder pngEncoder = new imglib.PngEncoder();
// Convert to png
List<int> png = pngEncoder.encodeImage(img);
return png;
} catch (e) {
print(">>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR:" + e.toString());
return null;
// CameraImage BGRA8888 -> PNG
// Color
imglib.Image _convertBGRA8888(CameraImage image) {
return imglib.Image.fromBytes(
format: imglib.Format.bgra,
// CameraImage YUV420_888 -> PNG -> Image (compresion:0, filter: none)
// Black
imglib.Image _convertYUV420(CameraImage image) {
var img = imglib.Image(image.width, image.height); // Create Image buffer
Plane plane = image.planes[0];
const int shift = (0xFF << 24);
// Fill image buffer with plane[0] from YUV420_888
for (int x = 0; x < image.width; x++) {
for (int planeOffset = 0;
planeOffset < image.height * image.width;
planeOffset += image.width) {
final pixelColor = plane.bytes[planeOffset + x];
// color: 0x FF FF FF FF
// A B G R
// Calculate pixel color
var newVal = shift | (pixelColor << 16) | (pixelColor << 8) | pixelColor;[planeOffset + x] = newVal;
return img;
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alexcohn commented Jun 3, 2023

@rraayy you can see how this can be efficiently done with ffi on medium. The sample code is available at

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rraayy commented Jun 4, 2023

@rraayy you can see how this can be efficiently done with ffi on medium. The sample code is available at

Thanks so much @alexcohn , I will try it with ffi!

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federico-amura-kenility I think on Android you should use convertYUV420ToImage. I modify my class after update Image lib, please try this code.

This works on Android, thank you very much.

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owjoh commented Jun 16, 2023

@rraayy Any luck converting NV21 to Image? I'm having the same difficulties. The NV21 formatted CameraImage object only has one plane.

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@owjoh here @camsim99 claims that the issue with NV21 for Motorola and Xiaomi has been fixed in a recent CameraX implementation.

Alternatively, convertImage function could be tuned to handle single-plane images, but I don't know their actual layout.

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prkhrv commented Aug 30, 2023

can anyone help me with yuv420 to RGB conversion on iOS ?

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prkhrv commented Aug 30, 2023

About a few days of struggling with the CamerImage to Image conversion, I managed to improve the method to include paddnig on different devices. I tested on several devices, checking the conversion at different camera resolutions. And I think it works.

imglib.Image convertYUV420ToImage(CameraImage cameraImage) {
    final imageWidth = cameraImage.width;
    final imageHeight = cameraImage.height;

    final yBuffer = cameraImage.planes[0].bytes;
    final uBuffer = cameraImage.planes[1].bytes;
    final vBuffer = cameraImage.planes[2].bytes;

    final int yRowStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerRow;
    final int yPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerPixel!;

    final int uvRowStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
    final int uvPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerPixel!;

    final image = imglib.Image(imageWidth, imageHeight);

    for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight; h++) {
      int uvh = (h / 2).floor();

      for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth; w++) {
        int uvw = (w / 2).floor();

        final yIndex = (h * yRowStride) + (w * yPixelStride);

        // Y plane should have positive values belonging to [0...255]
        final int y = yBuffer[yIndex];

        // U/V Values are subsampled i.e. each pixel in U/V chanel in a
        // YUV_420 image act as chroma value for 4 neighbouring pixels
        final int uvIndex = (uvh * uvRowStride) + (uvw * uvPixelStride);

        // U/V values ideally fall under [-0.5, 0.5] range. To fit them into
        // [0, 255] range they are scaled up and centered to 128.
        // Operation below brings U/V values to [-128, 127].
        final int u = uBuffer[uvIndex];
        final int v = vBuffer[uvIndex];

        // Compute RGB values per formula above.
        int r = (y + v * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round();
        int g = (y - u * 46549 / 131072 + 44 - v * 93604 / 131072 + 91).round();
        int b = (y + u * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round();

        r = r.clamp(0, 255);
        g = g.clamp(0, 255);
        b = b.clamp(0, 255);

        // Use 255 for alpha value, no transparency. ARGB values are
        // positioned in each byte of a single 4 byte integer
        final int argbIndex = h * imageWidth + w;[argbIndex] = 0xff000000 |
            ((b << 16) & 0xff0000) |
            ((g << 8) & 0xff00) |
            (r & 0xff);

    return image;

Does this work for iOS ?

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rraayy commented Aug 31, 2023

Hi @prkhrv,
Please take a look at nv21 to Image
In my project, the solution is work for me.

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min23asdw commented Feb 24, 2024

i fix it with use image.setPixelRgb it got valid image
imglib.Image convertYUV420ToImage(CameraImage cameraImage) {
final imageWidth = cameraImage.width;
final imageHeight = cameraImage.height;

final yBuffer = cameraImage.planes[0].bytes;
final uBuffer = cameraImage.planes[1].bytes;
final vBuffer = cameraImage.planes[2].bytes;

final int yRowStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerRow;
final int yPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerPixel!;

final int uvRowStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
final int uvPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerPixel!;

final image = imglib.Image(width: imageWidth, height: imageHeight);

for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight; h++) {
  int uvh = (h / 2).floor();

  for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth; w++) {
    int uvw = (w / 2).floor();

    final yIndex = (h * yRowStride) + (w * yPixelStride);

    // Y plane should have positive values belonging to [0...255]
    final int y = yBuffer[yIndex];

    // U/V Values are subsampled i.e. each pixel in U/V chanel in a
    // YUV_420 image act as chroma value for 4 neighbouring pixels
    final int uvIndex = (uvh * uvRowStride) + (uvw * uvPixelStride);

    // U/V values ideally fall under [-0.5, 0.5] range. To fit them into
    // [0, 255] range they are scaled up and centered to 128.
    // Operation below brings U/V values to [-128, 127].
    final int u = uBuffer[uvIndex];
    final int v = vBuffer[uvIndex];

    // Compute RGB values per formula above.
    int r = (y + v * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round();
    int g = (y - u * 46549 / 131072 + 44 - v * 93604 / 131072 + 91).round();
    int b = (y + u * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round();

    r = r.clamp(0, 255);
    g = g.clamp(0, 255);
    b = b.clamp(0, 255);

    // Use 255 for alpha value, no transparency.
    image.setPixelRgb(w, h, r, g, b);

return image;

but it still rotate the image by 270 degrees
you can fix it by rotate but i don't know how to to i just rotate in python backend !

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imglib.Image _convertYUV420(CameraImage image) {
  var img = imglib.Image(image.width, image.height); // Create Image buffer

  final int width = image.width;
  final int height = image.height;
  final int uvRowStride = image.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
  final int uvPixelStride = image.planes[1].bytesPerPixel;
  const shift = (0xFF << 24);

  for(int x=0; x < width; x++) {
    for(int y=0; y < height; y++) {
      final int uvIndex = uvPixelStride * (x/2).floor() + uvRowStride*(y/2).floor();
      final int index = y * width + x;

      final yp = image.planes[0].bytes[index];
      final up = image.planes[1].bytes[uvIndex];
      final vp = image.planes[2].bytes[uvIndex];
      // Calculate pixel color
      int r = (yp + vp * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round().clamp(0, 255);
      int g = (yp - up * 46549 / 131072 + 44 -vp * 93604 / 131072 + 91).round().clamp(0, 255);
      int b = (yp + up * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round().clamp(0, 255);     
      // color: 0x FF  FF  FF  FF 
      //           A   B   G   R[index] = shift | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;

  return img;

@sikandernoori this way, it can be converted into color images, but it takes more than 1000ms to convert on a mobile phone with Snapdragon 870 CPU, and it will block the UI.

This works with 2 planes like the iPad camera does. But for me, "final int uvPixelStride = image.planes[1].bytesPerPixel;" is always null, so I cannot use this code. Any Idea what I can change if that is null?

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@KevinCCucumber what device are you working with?

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@KevinCCucumber what device are you working with?

@alexcohn I am using an ipad air 5th gen

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alexcohn commented Mar 28, 2024

@KevinCCucumber what does it report on ipad air 5th gen for image.planes[0].bytesPerPixel? image.planes[1].bytesPerRow?

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Hi, is there any update here ? The new version of image library is working differently

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min23asdw commented Jul 30, 2024

i fix it with use image.setPixelRgb it got valid image
It fast that can handle 20-40 pic per sec

 import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;

 imglib.Image convertYUV420ToImage(CameraImage cameraImage) {
  final imageWidth = cameraImage.width;
  final imageHeight = cameraImage.height;

  final yBuffer = cameraImage.planes[0].bytes;
  final uBuffer = cameraImage.planes[1].bytes;
  final vBuffer = cameraImage.planes[2].bytes;

  final int yRowStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerRow;
  final int yPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerPixel!;

  final int uvRowStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
  final int uvPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerPixel!;

  final image = imglib.Image(width: imageWidth, height: imageHeight);

  for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight; h++) {
    int uvh = (h / 2).floor();

    for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth; w++) {
      int uvw = (w / 2).floor();

      final yIndex = (h * yRowStride) + (w * yPixelStride);

      // Y plane should have positive values belonging to [0...255]
      final int y = yBuffer[yIndex];

      // U/V Values are subsampled i.e. each pixel in U/V chanel in a
      // YUV_420 image act as chroma value for 4 neighbouring pixels
      final int uvIndex = (uvh * uvRowStride) + (uvw * uvPixelStride);

      // U/V values ideally fall under [-0.5, 0.5] range. To fit them into
      // [0, 255] range they are scaled up and centered to 128.
      // Operation below brings U/V values to [-128, 127].
      final int u = uBuffer[uvIndex];
      final int v = vBuffer[uvIndex];

      // Compute RGB values per formula above.
      int r = (y + v * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round();
      int g = (y - u * 46549 / 131072 + 44 - v * 93604 / 131072 + 91).round();
      int b = (y + u * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round();

      r = r.clamp(0, 255);
      g = g.clamp(0, 255);
      b = b.clamp(0, 255);

      // Use 255 for alpha value, no transparency.
      image.setPixelRgb(w, h, r, g, b);

   return image;

but it still rotate the image by 270 degrees.
so you can fix it by rotate.
i don't know how to do so i just rotate in python backend !
but it work for me

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jmealo commented Aug 7, 2024

@min23asdw: Does this rotate the image properly for you?

import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;

imglib.Image convertYUV420ToImage(CameraImage cameraImage) {
  final imageWidth = cameraImage.width;
  final imageHeight = cameraImage.height;

  final yBuffer = cameraImage.planes[0].bytes;
  final uBuffer = cameraImage.planes[1].bytes;
  final vBuffer = cameraImage.planes[2].bytes;

  final int yRowStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerRow;
  final int yPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[0].bytesPerPixel!;

  final int uvRowStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
  final int uvPixelStride = cameraImage.planes[1].bytesPerPixel!;

  // Create the image with swapped width and height to account for rotation
  final image = imglib.Image(width: imageHeight, height: imageWidth);

  for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight; h++) {
    int uvh = (h / 2).floor();

    for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth; w++) {
      int uvw = (w / 2).floor();

      final yIndex = (h * yRowStride) + (w * yPixelStride);

      final int y = yBuffer[yIndex];

      final int uvIndex = (uvh * uvRowStride) + (uvw * uvPixelStride);

      final int u = uBuffer[uvIndex];
      final int v = vBuffer[uvIndex];

      int r = (y + v * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round();
      int g = (y - u * 46549 / 131072 + 44 - v * 93604 / 131072 + 91).round();
      int b = (y + u * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round();

      r = r.clamp(0, 255);
      g = g.clamp(0, 255);
      b = b.clamp(0, 255);

      // Set the pixel with rotated coordinates
      image.setPixelRgb(imageHeight - h - 1, w, r, g, b);

  return image;

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