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klaftertief /
Last active April 2, 2024 20:17
An API search engine in Elm for Elm, proposal for a Lightning Talk at ReactiveConf 2016

An API search engine in Elm for Elm

Elm is a statically typed functional language that compiles to JavaScript. It's well-known for its developer experience: the compiler provides nice error messages, the package system enforces semantic versioning for all published packages and makes sure every exposed value or type has some documentation and type annotations.

# Anh Nguyen <>
# 2016-04-30
# MIT License
# This script takes in same-size images from a folder and make a crossfade video from the images using ffmpeg.
# Make sure you have ffmpeg installed before running.
# The output command looks something like the below, but for as many images as you have in the folder.
chriseppstein / 0_selector_hacks.scss
Created September 14, 2011 04:27
This gist demonstrates some uses of the new sass feature: Passing content blocks to mixins.
@mixin ie6 { * html & { @content } }
#logo {
background-image: url("/images/logo.png");
@include ie6 { background-image: url("/images/logo.gif"); }
narrowtux / repo_stream.ex
Created October 9, 2017 09:18
Module for Ecto and GenStage to work together when you want to use in conjunction with a GenStage subscriber or a Flow.
defmodule RepoStream do
defmodule Producer do
use GenStage
defstruct [:demand, :pid]
def start_link() do
GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, self())
brendo /
Created April 4, 2011 11:06
Symphony Events: A Detailed Look

Forms have been an integral part of any interactive site since the dawn of time, they promote interactivity and are usually the most common way users interact with a site. It's commonplace that when a form is submitted, the website will take 'action' and do something with the data and then provide a user with the result. Symphony provides this logic layer via Events.

This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how Events work in Symphony (if not, this may be a good introduction) and are semi comfortable writing some PHP code. I'll be showing you some of the lesser known features of Symphony Events, including event priority, event chaining and a brief demonstration of how to write a custom Event. The difficulty level progresses as we go through, but with any luck you'll be able to learn a thing or two :)

Getting Started

The Scenario

Our client requires a form that allows a user to submit some details about their new car purchase. Th

jbeda / 01 Install Unison Linux
Last active September 8, 2023 07:47
Unison install
# linux
sudo apt-get -y install inotify-tools ocaml-nox build-essential
curl -L${UNISON_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar zxv -C /tmp
cd /tmp/unison-${UNISON_VERSION}
sed -i -e 's/GLIBC_SUPPORT_INOTIFY 0/GLIBC_SUPPORT_INOTIFY 1/' src/fsmonitor/linux/inotify_stubs.c
make UISTYLE=text NATIVE=true STATIC=true
cp src/unison src/unison-fsmonitor ~/bin
# You should modify your path to include ~/bin
cohawk /
Last active May 16, 2023 06:59
CockroachDB fork of the postgrex adapter - Elixir Ecto caveats

Over the weekend I spun up a new Elixir :ecto, "2.2.7" project that I was able to get working with CockroachDB and this adapter fork - with some caveats I wanted to share to help others.

  1. Only the root user can create databases This requires you configure the Ecto.Adapters.Postgres username as root or else the mix ecto.create command will always fail. You can go back and change your configured username to something else after the database has been created, or create your database and user permissions using cockroach sql and skip the mix ecto.create command.

  2. Configuring Ecto primary_key ID to be created by CockroachDB By default when configuring your Ecto.Schema using autogenerate: false it appears either CockroachDB, Ecto or the Postrex adapter (I did not investigate this) uses the BIGINT unique_rowid() function as the default value for IDs

@primary_key {:id, :id, autogenerate:
nathanhornby / master.xsl
Last active July 11, 2022 20:06
An HTML5 master utility template for SymphonyCMS (XSLT).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;</xsl:text>!DOCTYPE html<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&gt;</xsl:text>
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[
<!--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8"> <![endif]-->
magnetikonline /
Last active December 22, 2021 17:13
Using Dnsmasq with Ubuntu 16.04LTS/14.04LTS/12.04LTS for virtual machine web application testing.

Using Dnsmasq with Ubuntu for VM web application testing

When running virtual machines under a Linux host system for testing web apps in various browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer), I found it rather tedious having to continually tweak the hosts file within each VM for the purpose of adding entries pointing back to the host machine's development web server address.

Instead the steps below will setup Dnsmasq on a Ubuntu 16.04LTS, 14.04LTS or 12.04LTS host machine for the purpose of serving both it's own DNS queries and that of virtual machine guests. Dnsmasq will parse the /etc/hosts file on your host machine where we will keep a single set of DNS entires to our test web application(s).

owainlewis / Example.hs
Last active June 1, 2020 20:30
Haskell HTTP GET request example
module Example () where
import Network.HTTP
-- Non HTTPS
-- 1. Perform a basic HTTP get request and return the body
get :: String -> IO String
get url = simpleHTTP (getRequest url) >>= getResponseBody