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const IS_DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
let environmentSafelist = [];
if (IS_DEV) {
pattern: /.+/, // allow everything
module.exports = {
# Enova
- Leads a Ranger squad or Mini-Squad (4 person team within a Dedicated team.
- Interacting with PM & stakeholders, understanding business problems and requirements and articulating solutions.
- Understands the audience and packages the messaging accordingly.
- Leads development of presentations and complex documents to stakeholders.
- Aware of organizational issues that may affect the tone or content of communication.
- Builds and coordinates the development of high quality deliverables.
- Establishes project standards and applies best practices.
- Ensures tasks are QA/PM ready and of high quality.
import Component, { tracked } from '@glimmer/component';
function tryJsonParse(string) {
try {
return JSON.parse(string);
} catch (error) {
const realError = new Error(`${error.message}\nTried to parse: ${string}`);
throw realError;
EndangeredMassa / glimmer-elements.ts
Last active June 22, 2017 19:09
enhanced glimmer components, with some surface-level workarounds
// NOTE: modify this file from this commit on this PR:
import Application from '@glimmer/application';
function glimmerElementFactory(app: Application, componentName: string) {
function GlimmerElement() {
return Reflect.construct(HTMLElement, [], GlimmerElement);
EndangeredMassa /
Last active November 4, 2016 18:50
Custom CSS/JS for Sites

Custom CSS/JS for Sites

All sites use Styler to customize CSS and JS unless otherwise specified.

EndangeredMassa /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Comics to Investigate

Comics to Investigate

This is a list of comics that I want to look into. In general, I like super heroes, cyberpunk, fantasy, and sci-fi. As a focus, I prefer to gather many comics in the same universe rather than many comics about the same character across inconsistent universes.

Specifically, I'm not a huge fan of X-Men, Super Man, anything about "teens", or horror/zombies. I'll still consider recommendations for them, though.

EndangeredMassa /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Running an Ember.js Workshop

Running an Ember.js Workshop

  • have visualizations for describing how nested and sibling UI elements map to URLs
  • provide prework to attendess
  • provide a premade starter application to attendees
  • check in node_modules
EndangeredMassa / testing.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Estimating Over-determined Systems of Equations
An over-determined system of equations is one that has more equations than unknowns.
This can lead to unsolvable systems--where there is no one value for each unkown
that can satisfy all equations in the system.
When this happens, there are ways to estimate the value of each unkown
such that it is the best fit for the system. That is, it will make each equation
come the closest to being balanced.
I am trying to reproduce this operation to get the same result.