Save JeffPaine/3145490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import json | |
import requests | |
# Authentication for user filing issue (must have read/write access to | |
# repository to add issue to) | |
# The repository to add this issue to | |
def make_github_issue(title, body=None, assignee=None, milestone=None, labels=None): | |
'''Create an issue on github.com using the given parameters.''' | |
# Our url to create issues via POST | |
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/issues' % (REPO_OWNER, REPO_NAME) | |
# Create an authenticated session to create the issue | |
session = requests.session(auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) | |
# Create our issue | |
issue = {'title': title, | |
'body': body, | |
'assignee': assignee, | |
'milestone': milestone, | |
'labels': labels} | |
# Add the issue to our repository | |
r = session.post(url, json.dumps(issue)) | |
if r.status_code == 201: | |
print 'Successfully created Issue "%s"' % title | |
else: | |
print 'Could not create Issue "%s"' % title | |
print 'Response:', r.content | |
make_github_issue('Issue Title', 'Body text', 'assigned_user', 3, ['bug']) |
Using bulk import of issues, you may cause tons of notifications as well as ban from GitHub. Use new API described at https://gist.github.com/jonmagic/5282384165e0f86ef105. Known limitation - you cannot assign more than one person to issue. New API supports issue timestamps.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Uses Python 2.7
import sys
import requests
import json
# Authentication for user filing issue (must have read/write access to
# repository to add issue to)
USERNAME = os.environ['GITHUB_USER']
TOKEN = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']
# The repository to add this issue to
REPO_NAME = 'reponame'
def make_github_issue(title, body=None, created_at=None, closed_at=None, updated_at=None, assignee=None, milestone=None, closed=None, labels=None):
# Create an issue on github.com using the given parameters
# Url to create issues via POST
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/import/issues' % (REPO_OWNER, REPO_NAME)
# Headers
headers = {
"Authorization": "token %s" % TOKEN,
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json"
# Create our issue
data = {'issue': {'title': title,
'body': body,
'created_at': created_at,
'closed_at': closed_at,
'updated_at': updated_at,
'assignee': assignee,
'milestone': milestone,
'closed': closed,
'labels': labels}}
payload = json.dumps(data)
# Add the issue to our repository
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 202:
print 'Successfully created Issue "%s"' % title
print 'Could not create Issue "%s"' % title
print 'Response:', response.content
title = 'Pretty title'
body = 'Beautiful body'
created_at = "2014-01-01T12:34:58Z"
closed_at = "2014-01-02T12:24:56Z"
updated_at = "2014-01-03T11:34:53Z"
assignee = 'username'
milestone = 1
closed = False
labels = [
"bug", "low", "energy"
make_github_issue(title, body, created_at, closed_at, updated_at, assignee, milestone, closed, labels)
in case someone still stumbles in this google high ranked code, there is an official github cli tool, still in beta but pretty: https://github.com/cli/cli/tree/v0.9.0
How do I get the bug ID shown immediately in the log when a bug is created? At the moment in the log, we can find "Successfully created Issue "%s"' % title". But how to see the newly created bug ID in the log?
Can we "update" issue title using github API? or modifying the above code?
If yes, then can I get an example snippet to do the same?
I tried using @rapekas way of posting issues but was having some trouble. I receive the 202 code which means that the request was successful but for some reason the issue does not show up when I check my account. Has anyone dealt with this?
@ADI10HERO, this is late but, you would need to change the URL to add the issue number and only add the values you want to update in the body. Also, it would be a patch instead of a post request. Docs for reference https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/issues#create-an-issue
REPO_OWNER = 'UserName'
REPO_NAME = 'RepoName'
ISSUE_NUMBER= 'IssueNumber'
AUTH_TOKEN= 'PersonalAccessToken'
def update_issue(ISSUE_NUMBER):
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/issues/%s' % (
# Create an authenticated session to create the issue
session = requests.Session()
# Create our issue and headers to authenticate/format
headers = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % AUTH_TOKEN,
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'}
# Put the values you want to modify
issue= {
'title': 'New issue'
# 'created_at': created_at,
# 'closed_at': closed_at,
# 'updated_at': updated_at,
# 'assignee': assignee,
# 'milestone': milestone,
# 'closed': closed
# Perform the change in your repository
r = session.patch(url, data=json.dumps(issue), headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
print('Successfully changed Issue #{0}: {1}'.format(
r.json().get("number"), r.json().get("title")))
print('Could not modify Issue #{0}'.format(ISSUE_NUMBER))
print('Response:', r.content)
Thanks a lot @DerBla
How can I create issue in private repository, please help me, thank you.
@tamim1992 not sure if you ever got the private repo working, but here is what I did:
import requests
import json
"molstar": {
"owner": "molstar",
"repo": "molstar",
"custom_repo": "molstar",
"release": "v3.32.0"
"indgio": {
"owner": "epam",
"repo": "indigo",
"custom_repo": "Indigo",
"release": "indigo-1.0.7"
"ketcher": {
"owner": "epam",
"repo": "ketcher",
"custom_repo": "Ketcher",
"release": "v2.7.2"
RELEASES_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases"
ISSUE_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues"
ISSUES_ADD_LABEL = "https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_id}"
TOKEN = "" # This is the PAT token
headers = {
"Authorization": f"token {TOKEN}",
"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json"
# Create an authenticated session to create the issue
session = requests.Session()
session = requests.Session()
session.auth = ("luna215", TOKEN)
def add_label_to_issue(custom_repo: str, issue_id: str):
labels = {
"labels": ["P0 - Critical"]
session.post(ISSUES_ADD_LABEL.format(owner=ORGANIZATION, repo=custom_repo, issue_id=issue_id), data=json.dumps(labels))
print(f"Labels added to issue {issue_id}")
def create_update_issue(latest_release: str, current_release: str, custom_repo: str):
"""Create an issue that describes to update the project"""
issue = {
"title": f"Update package to {latest_release}!",
"body": f"The package is currently using {current_release} and we need to update it to {latest_release}"
response = session.post(ISSUE_URL.format(owner=ORGANIZATION, repo=custom_repo), data=json.dumps(issue)).json()
issue_id = response["number"]
add_label_to_issue(custom_repo, issue_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for project_name, project_info in PROJECT_VERSIONS.items():
owner = project_info["owner"]
repo = project_info["repo"]
custom_repo = project_info["custom_repo"]
current_release = project_info["release"]
response = requests.get(RELEASES_URL.format(owner=owner, repo=repo))
data = response.json()
latest_release = data[0]["tag_name"]
if latest_release != current_release:
# TODO: check if issue exists to update project
print(f"{project_name} needs to be updated! {current_release} --> {latest_release}")
create_update_issue(latest_release, current_release, custom_repo)
I'll test this script this weekend, its got me thinking of ways to improve upon what you did.
- Creating a database of choices
- Add this code to my data_workbench when I do EDA.
Hi, Do you have an updated version of it? For example: session = requests.session(auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) is not working with an error: TypeError: session() takes no arguments (1 given)
I changed it to "session = requests.Session(auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) " and still it fails with an error: TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth'
any help is much appreciated.
try this bud, my latest gist post
format is changed on python3. This works for me.