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pudquick /
Last active May 17, 2024 04:24
Reproducible Builds for macOS

Reproducible Builds for macOS

There's a neat writeup I stumbled across recently titled "Reproducible codesigning on Apple Silicon" from Keith Smiley about some gotchas when it comes to compiling a binary in a way that's repeatable and always generates the exact same byte output (which would then checksum to the exact same hash) - even if compiled on a different Mac.

In applying the suggestions I found in the blog post, I found a few other corner cases that I just wanted to get documented more explicitly somewhere.

Tools Matter

Footnote 2 from that blog post is important:

phoe /
Last active February 22, 2024 23:50
Forever Stable Branch

Forever Stable Branch

Stable branch, I can see you in the stable branch
See you again, I see you again
In my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams

Morning light, I remember the morning li-i-i-i-ight
Outside my door (outside my door), I'll see you no more (see you no more)
In my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams

craig-m-unsw /
Last active February 21, 2024 10:08
Parallels (MacOS M1 host) Packer + Vagrant of Ubuntu 20.04 arm64. Installed with cloud-init and configured with Ansible.

parallels Packer (arm64)

A simple Packer + Vagrant install of Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) LTS server for arm64, to run from my M1 Mac on Parallels Pro (17.1). Currently on MacOS Monterey.

Packer will run the ansible playbook.yml before the machine is shutdown and exported.

The installation is automated by cloud-init (which reads user-data). The file meta-data just needs to be an empty text file (you need to create this - no blank files or folders allowed in gists).

sogaiu /
Last active April 22, 2021 08:21
notes on using libpython-clj with pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv

(copied from: clj-python/libpython-clj#2 (comment))

Relying on a version of python that is installed (here I don't mean using something like NixOS or Guix, but rather more a traditional arrangement) on one's system seems like asking for trouble -- e.g. the OS has its own priorities so who knows what will happen after an update, or perhaps one needs to test against different versions of python, etc.

pyenv + virtualenv seems like it might work for Linux/macos and IIUC there is a similar pyenv-win project so may be that's an option.

So along those lines...had some luck getting things to work with pyenv + virtualenv without miniconda.

Some digging turned up this text:

al45tair / gist:73be245ab87a66a885742b98be91ac14
Last active April 10, 2024 09:00
Files installed by Zoom for mac OS

The Zoom install package for macOS is mad. Rather than actually using the installer to install things, it does everything in the preinstall script. That's bonkers, and also means that the system won't have a list of the files it installed, because it's doing it using shell script.

The script appears to install two items, namely:

~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin

If the user opening the package isn't an administrator, it looks like it will install the app in the user's home folder instead. If they are an administrator, Zoom will delete the ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin from /Library if it's there, but it still installs to ~/Library.

It also adds Zoom to your Dock automatically, without asking.

cldwalker /
Last active June 19, 2024 04:24
GraalVM dive in Clojure at work


I looked into the state of GraalVM and Clojure and wrote some small work-related scripts.

GraalVM Build Tools

cyriux /
Last active October 3, 2019 19:01
Links of the talk Modeling Music for DDD Practitioner


Nix discourse

Is there much difference between using nix-shell and docker for local development?

You need to see a Docker image as a snapshot of a machine. It will stay like it is and thus anything you do with it will keep working. However, making changes to such an image is where nondeterminism seeps in. Docker images are built using shell commands, usually it contains commands like apt-get update, apt-get install ... or wget .... These fetch information from outside sources, but because the outside sources change over time will result in different files being fetched at different times. In addition, there are no checks that the files that are being fetched are actually the ones you intended to download for your Docker image. So, Docker images will stay the same, but building the Docker image will result in a different result


Frequently I want to use reductions only to quickly realize that I'm not interested in the successive values of the state.

A simple example is to imagine one wants to increment a number represented by a sequence of its binary digits:

(inc '()) is (1)
(inc '(1)) is (0 1) ; yes the list is inversed, the lowest significant bit is the first item
(inc '(0 1)) is (1 1)