These are my notes on instaling NixOS 16.03 on a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (4th generation) with an encrypted root file system using UEFI.
Most of this is scrambled from the following pages:
These are my notes on instaling NixOS 16.03 on a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (4th generation) with an encrypted root file system using UEFI.
Most of this is scrambled from the following pages:
I want to start off by saying that I strongly respect John De Goes and the decision he made. If you haven't already read his extensive post about what he did and why he did it, I highly recommend you take the time. His post is thorough and generally persuaded me to his way of thinking, which is not that the works of Moldbug should be accepted or ignored, but that we need to be inclusive of differing beliefs in a community, so long as the holder of those beliefs is willing to "leave them at the door". This is a strong, intellectually defensible and consistent position.
However, as the day has gone on, and I've discussed this issue at length with many members of the community. I have come to the conclusion that this is idealistic, and ultimately missing the point. And as strange as it seems, the point is not that there is a literal Neo Nazi who will be speaking at a well-regarded conference! The point is somehow bigger tha
After updating the configuration
nixos-rebuild switch
I had to restart the system for pulseaudio to load the bluetooth module.
pactl list
should show the bluetooth module.
As I'm not using a desktop-manager I've configured the device from the command line following ArchLinux instructions
// [info] Running p.Run | |
// List(Fish(Bob, Esq.,12), Kitty(Thor, Esq.,java.awt.Color[r=255,g=200,b=0])) | |
import java.awt.Color | |
package p { | |
trait Pet[A] { | |
def name(a: A): String | |
def renamed(a: A, newName: String): A | |
} |
scala> | |
scala> | |
scala> { | |
| def explode(p: Symbol): Stream[Symbol] = { | |
| val members = | |
| if (p.isClass) => sym.isJava || sym.isImplClass).flatMap(explode) | |
| else if (p.isPackage || p.isModule) explode(p.moduleClass) | |
| else Stream() |
import scala.util.Try | |
val nl = System.lineSeparator | |
def gliff(xs: String) = { | |
xs.stripMargin.split(nl).to[List] | |
} | |
val gliffs = | |
Map( |
(function() { | |
var ApplicationMenu, AtomApplication, AtomProtocolHandler, AtomWindow, AutoUpdateManager, BrowserWindow, EventEmitter, Menu, app, dialog, fs, ipc, net, os, path, shell, socketPath, url, _, | |
__slice = [].slice; | |
AtomWindow = require('./atom-window'); | |
//ApplicationMenu = require('./application-menu'); | |
AtomProtocolHandler = require('./atom-protocol-handler'); |
sealed trait Interact[A] | |
case class Ask(prompt: String) | |
extends Interact[String] | |
case class Tell(msg: String) | |
extends Interact[Unit] | |
trait Monad[M[_]] { | |
def pure[A](a: A): M[A] |
// FFmpeg settings for | |
// ============================= | |
// Trying to find the best settings for encoding videos as described here: | |
// | |
// Input file: MTS | |
// Video: H264, 1920x1080, 50fps | |
// Audio: A52 Audio (aka AC3), Stereo, 48kHz, 256kbps | |
ffmpeg -i input.mts -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -vpre hq -s hd720 -b 5000k -ab 320k -r 25 -g 25 -threads 0 output.mp4 |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <string> | |
#include <re2/re2.h> | |
#include <vector> | |
using namespace std; | |
void test_fullmatch(){ | |
string s,t; | |
string str("あぶらかたぶら"); |