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Takaaki Seki SekiT

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SekiT / CTS.ts
Created December 25, 2023 12:16
Cyclic Tag System implementation in TypeScript type-level function
type Step<Input extends string, Program extends string[]> =
Program extends [infer ProgramHead extends string, ...infer ProgramTail]
? Input extends `0${infer Rest}`
? [Rest, [...ProgramTail, ProgramHead]]
: Input extends `1${infer Rest}`
? [`${Rest}${ProgramHead}`, [...ProgramTail, ProgramHead]]
: [Input, Program]
: [Input, []];
type StepN<Input extends string, Program extends string[], N extends number, Counter extends 0[] = []> =
import Data.Vect
infixl 1 =>=
interface Functor w => Comonad (w : Type -> Type) where
extract : w a -> a
(=>=) : (w a -> b) -> (w b -> c) -> (w a -> c)
f =>= g = g . extend f
SekiT / cts.js
Created March 3, 2023 01:30
Cyclic Tag System implementation
function*cts(S,d){for(i=0;d;d=d.slice(1)+['',S[i++%S.length]][d[0]])yield d}
// Example usage
let j=0; for(v of cts(["01", "10"], "11")){ console.log(v); if(++j>=10) break }
class Maybe {
constructor(isJust, value) {
this.isJust = isJust
if (isJust) {
this.value = value
static just(value) {
return new Maybe(true, value)
const genIterator = (iterable) =>
typeof iterable === 'function' ? iterable() : iterable[Symbol.iterator]()
class Stream {
constructor(iterable = []) {
this._iterable = iterable
this._iterator = genIterator(iterable)
next() { return }
import ZZ
%default total
integralDomainN : Not (m = Z) -> Not (n = Z) -> Not (m * n = Z)
integralDomainN mNotZ nNotZ mnEqZ {m = Z} = mNotZ Refl
integralDomainN mNotZ nNotZ mnEqZ {n = Z} = nNotZ Refl
integralDomainN mNotZ nNotZ mnEqZ {m = S a} {n = S b} = uninhabited mnEqZ
infixl 9 |>
SekiT / ZZ.idr
Last active February 23, 2021 03:25
module ZZ
import Data.Sign
%default total
%access public export
data Diff : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTByS : (d : Nat) -> Diff n (n + S d)
GTByS : (d : Nat) -> Diff (n + S d) n
module Main
import Data.Vect
infixr 5 .+.
data Schema
= SString
| SChar
| SInt
module NamelessLambda
%default total
%access public export
data Term: Type where
Var : Nat -> Term
Lambda : Term -> Term
Apply : Term -> Term -> Term
module Term
%default total
data Term : Type where
Zero : Term
True : Term
False : Term
Succ : Term -> Term
Pred : Term -> Term